Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa
hum, ok I can see ILI now but not EIE.
Function-wise, ILI makes a lot more sense to me than LSE. The profile does have some issues, though; I feel it comes close to describing me well, but that there are some jarringly wrong notes:

ILIs often predict inevitable disasters. This type of fatalism is fueled by their ability to see the negative in anything, which has its roots in the ILI's general dislike of expressing or reinforcing positive emotions. For an ILI, it may be easier to predict pessimistic results in order to avoid unpleasant emotional reactions.

In groups the ILI will often question the validity of the information exchanged. [I do this silently but not openly, as doing it openly is a good way to irritate everyone.] Likewise, many ILIs will use a mocking and aggressive tone if they believe that the information being presented is incorrect or absurd.

ILIs often do not acquire knowledge with any clear purpose other than to further their own understanding. When ILIs do use their knowledge for specific purposes, such knowledge is not usually considered a means to an end.

Some do not understand the importance of social connections and choose to ignore the area of emotional involvement with others altogether, instead delving into virtual reality, mystical introspection, or private study. Others trudge through the social landscape without truly understanding the art of socialization, ignoring politeness and not caring about offending others. ILIs may view people who constantly try to make others happy as foolishly involving themselves in a completely pointless exercise.

Additionally, they prefer to use their imagination to solve real-world issues, like those regarding economics, politics, or the development of modern society.
These are the things in the profile that seemed blatantly wrong about me. Overall, the profile is much, much more like me than LSE; I'm not sold on it, though, largely because an ILI has Fe Polr, which I strongly doubt is the case for me.