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Thread: Member Questionnaire (Nunki)

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    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Default Member Questionnaire (Nunki)

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Love means different things under different circumstances to different people. Right now I want to say that to love someone is basically to care about them: to want them to experience those things which fulfill them and avoid those things which harm them. That means taking pleasure from a loved one's pleasure, and pain from a loved one's pain.

    A thing is probably beautiful to the extent that it a) demonstrates a balance of opposites (meaning there is nothing excessive or lacking in it) and b) does so on a broad scale: in other words, to the extent that it's complex. Whether a thing is beautiful or not depends partly on the object itself and partly on its context (psychological and physical). For this reason, a simple object might create a great impression of beauty and a complex one might do the opposite.

    What are your most important values?
    I reject morality in favor of doing whatever I like, which means, among other things, not provoking my conscience. As far as values in general go, the thing I most value is having a goal to work toward. A long-term goal is preferable to a short-term goal, because a long-term goal draws me along for a greater span of time and is more satisfying, when I achieve it, for my having waited. Aside from that, I greatly value freedom; the more freedom people have, the more capable humanity is of advancing.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I have no spiritual or religious beliefs, although I'm extremely open-minded toward any belief that can be expressed coherently, which rules out most theology. I hold no religious or spiritual beliefs because none of those beliefs ring true to me; they all seem like farfetched explanations for mysterious but ultimately mundane phenomena. And even if some of those explanations did happen to be true, such as the idea that something called a ghost emerges from a corpse, to the extent that the explanations for such things were worked out, such beliefs would stop seeming spiritual or religious; they would become more mundane facts of reality. Another reason I'm not spiritual or religious is probably because I feel very little of that awe toward the world and broader cosmos; the world is just a lump of rock to me, and so I feel no pressing need to invent explanations for it. And even if I did feel amazed by everything, none of it would seem to require an explanation. Ultimately, nothing requires an explanation: everything comes into the world unexplained, and everything can be left that way.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    Any oppressive regime deserves to be overthrown, and sometimes war is a means of doing that. I'm not really a fan of war--it seems like there should always be a more graceful and less destructive way to achieve the same good as war achieves--but I'm not exactly anti-war either. Really, I'm very iffy about war; this isn't a question I've bothered resolving for myself, and I feel no pressing need to do so.

    Power is the ability to affect things. Power is something that appeals a great deal to me, as well as to any reasonable person. The main ways I experience power are by rejecting rationality (I like to believe as many absurdities as possible, and enjoy contradicting myself), being unique, and by daydreaming about what I'd do if I were a god.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    If I have a long conversation, it's probably not going to stay too long on one subject. There's only so much you can say about one thing before you run out of material or start beating a dead horse. Common conversation topics for me, though, are philosophy, people's inner workings, gossip, and religion. My interests include those as well as reading, writing, listening to and composing music, general self-expression, and a few other things. I don't think there's any fundamental reason I like these things; a lot of them do tie into my goals in life, though, and so I do see them, in part, as means to ends.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I'm very focused on my appearance, but otherwise no, I'm not especially focused on my body. My body is kind of just there; and usually I prefer not to be made too aware of it. I like to lose myself in things, body and soul, not be reminded of myself. I am very health-conscious, though, even if simple consciousness is about as far as it goes. For example, I use baking soda as deodorant (it's effective), because regular deodorant has poisons in it. A health problem is about the worst thing I can think of, because when something goes wrong with your health, you can't walk away: you're locked up in a cage. All you can do is let nature run its course, and it can be a very unpleasant course.

    I'm not particularly interested in health and medicine as topics of conversation, but they're not the worst topics either. I don't like talking about most bodily functions and directly bodily methods of care, though; when people start talking about such things, I tend to feel disgusted; e.g. when I mentioned baking soda deodorant. This might be because I don't particularly like my body.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    I don't have daily chores. I let things pile up for days, until they're ready to be dealt with in one smooth motion. That saves time and effort. What do I think of things like washing the dishes? Such tasks can be a minor inconvenience or a way to kill time and let my mind drift freely. In general, I have no strong feelings toward daily chores.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.:
    Favorite Movies--Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Heavenly Creatures, Edward Scissorhands, American Beauty, V for Vendetta, Brazil (1985), The Nightmare Before Christmas

    Favorite Books--The Grapes of Wrath, Interview with the Vampire, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-glass, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Neverwhere, 1984, The Trial, The Gormenghast trilogy, Harry Potter series, Wuthering Heights, The Bonfire of the Vanities, The Fountainhead, Crime and Punishment, Being and Nothingness

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    The last time I cried was a long time ago while I was watching a video on Youtube of a girl chatting online a few hours before she took her life. I cried because I felt that she was an unappreciated, valuable human being, now lost forever, and because there was such a sharp contrast between her outward happiness and the sorrow inside her, the former emphasizing the latter. I also related to her, and this gave the video a cathartic dimension, as displays of one's own unhappiness generally have.

    If I'm smiling, it's usually to look friendly: a fake smile to make a good impression. Otherwise, I'm probably laughing at something, and my sense of humor is impossible to explain. It's largely normal, but also very weird, but not weird in any well-defined way. Surreal things often make me laugh. To me, Franz Kafka's The Trial is hilarious; I was astonished to see, at a museum, a representation of it that looked like a picture of hell.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    When there are not other people around; I'm very self-conscious in the presence of others (and yet I love being around people). When I'm immersed in a task like writing this answer. When I'm in an environment, such as a museum, whose beauty or other striking characteristics cause me to become absorbed.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    There are too many things I dislike about myself for me to put them in a comprehensive list. The worst thing about myself is a lack of motivation; I let good opportunities slip away, all the time, because I won't act until the moment seems ripe. Always I'm in the wrong mood or don't have enough energy; the moment is never ripe. Other people might say that a big weakness of mine is a lack of attentiveness, which gives me the appearance of having an absurdly bad short-term memory (probably not a false appearance). Shyness, of course; that's a huge fault of mine. I'm ridiculously self-conscious around most people, and, as a result, often will barely talk. I've been told that I'm hard-to-please, as well, and this is a fair criticism; I'm much too picky (I'm the person who stands before the side mirror of an automobile shifting strands of hair around for minutes on end).

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I'm an especially original person--I look at and do things my own way.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I would like to become more immersed in the outer world (going places, doing things, etc.), particularly the social world, being someone who enjoys people but lives in the middle of nowhere and is intensely shy.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.:
    Yes, all the time. I do the same thing pretty much every day, and I'd rather be doing something different. The chief thing that causes it is the fact that I'm very isolated from other people, who would present me with fresh opportunities to do things. I'm isolated from other people because I'm shy/self-conscious (mostly about my appearance/body; also afraid of my personality being unappealing: I have professionally diagnosed social anxiety disorder) and, possibly worse, can't drive. My reaction to it is to be very grouchy, albeit in a way that I don't express openly, because that isn't pleasant to be around. Also, to think of ways to correct the situation while hardly ever acting on them.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I tend to dislike characteristics associated with a phlegmatic temperament: slothfulness, low physical energy, lack of emotional expressiveness, disengagement, exaggerated go-with-the-flow-ness (I appreciate it when people are willing to go against the grain, as long as it's not spoiling what I would consider to be a positive interaction). Another thing that tends to put me off is someone who feels the need to be detached and logical about everything; I find that dry and stifling.

    For the things listed, it has to be mentioned that I can be guilty too. At times, I'm very detached, very slothful, etc. That's part of what makes it so unpleasant in other people; I recognize it in myself and want to get away from it, and here I am being exposed to more of it.

    As far as what qualities I like in other people, the answer is largely implicit in what I said.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Sex is extremely desirable and only worthwhile in the context of a relationship. I'm single, and entering a relationship is high up on my list of goals in life. I want that intense level of companionship. I do wonder, though, whether I'm suited for it. There's the whole hedgehog's dilemma thing: when two people get closer, they run the risk of pricking each other. And I've found that spending a lot of time around one person tends to cause one of us to start feeling irritated by the other's presence. And I can be very easily annoyed, at times; little things start to drive me nuts if I'm continually exposed to them. I think that's a surmountable issue, though.

    I want intelligence, drive, creativity, originality, and the opposite of the types of traits listed as qualities I most dislike in people. I imagine my ideal romantic partner either being a feisty, energetic sort of person with a quality of playfulness about them or someone who is quiet, sensitive, dreamy, and waiting to be claimed. Opposites, really.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I would try to equip the child to be his or her own person rather than the person they're told to be. To that end, I would be concerned about their physical well-being and their education.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    It's unlikely a good friend of mine would say something that really clashes with my beliefs, especially since I'm usually pretty accepting of other people's viewpoints. If they were a good friend of mine, I would stand a decent chance of saying nothing so as not to clash unnecessarily: a good friendship is more pleasant than announcing the fact that you're right. I do like to state my views in sometimes dogmatic tones, though, so I might voice my disagreement if I thought doing so wouldn't spoil the mood and negatively affect their view of me.

    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.:
    Society as a whole is almost meaningless to me. It's not something I have any direct contact with; it's just a vague abstraction. This has a lot to do with the fact that I'm a pretty unconventional person; there are not a lot of people who share my views and interests. So I feel a bit cut off from them, and have limited dealings with them. They border on being mere statistics to me; I can't make "society as a whole" vivid and real; I can only experience and care about the people who exist on a level that is, to me, concrete and personal.

    A prevalent social problem, today and throughout history, is moralism, which attempts to replace the pursuit of general welfare with a list of impersonal rules to be followed mindlessly.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    Friends aren't always chosen; sometimes you just end up with them. When I do choose to pursue a friendship with someone, I do so because that person seems like an individual who will be particularly beneficial to have in my life as a friend (which entails me being of benefit to them, because mutual benefit pleases me and is a large part of what friendship is). They are someone I have hopes of being able to do entertaining things with, and, usually, someone I have hopes of entering a relationship with (if you're going to put effort into something, you may as well put it into something with the highest chance of the highest payoff).

    I don't know how I would describe the way I behave around my friends. For one thing, the way I act around one friend differs from the way I act around another friend; and also, it varies with just one friend. Generally, I try to be pleasant and engaging. I avoid negative subjects and am always searching my mind for things to discuss, lest an awkward silence occur. I try to keep the energy level reasonably elevated.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Again, it varies. Usually I'm friendly and polite, in a very quiet sort of way. Occasionally I'm very stoic and impersonal.

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    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    No one wants to type me? Perhaps it would be helpful if I listed my tendencies on some of the Reinen dichotomies. Most of them I seem to be pretty balanced on (maybe this is because I don't understand them well enough). There are a few exceptions, though:

    Farsighted > Carefree

    Democratic < Aristocratic. I have a strong tendency to determine "what kind of person" someone is and to see people as exemplars of underlying personality archetypes.

    Actually, going by my understanding of the dichotomies, those are probably the only two that I have remotely clear tendencies on.

    With regard to the four cognitive styles, I'm probably: Dialectical Algorithmic > Holographical-Panoramic > Vortical-Synergetic > Causal-Determinist

  3. #3
    The Soul Happy-er JWC3's Avatar
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    What's your favorite museum?
    Easy Day

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    The qualities you apparently dislike in other people are the ones you ascribe to yourself, what is funneh. Anyway, could be Beta/Gamma. Not really 'sure' yet. Thanks for listing two films I get an instant death wish for myself whilst watching, though...
    Last edited by Absurd; 08-24-2013 at 10:53 PM.

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    LSE seems to be a distinct possibility.

  6. #6
    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    The qualities you apparently dislike in other people are the ones you ascribe to yourself, what is funneh. Anyway, could be Beta/Gamma. Not really 'sure' yet. Thanks for listing two films I get an instant death wish for myself whilst watching, though...
    It's so normal, though, for someone to be exactly what he hates. The only thing that makes me unusual in that area is the fact that I'm so obvious about it. And I hope that Edward Scissorhands isn't one of the movies you're talking about, because the main character is one of the characters I most relate to, and the movie was easily one of the most cathartic things I've ever experienced.

    Gamma I'm kind of mixed on, because while I can look very Fe-devaluing--emotionally inexpressive, "hard to read," indifferent--I love being around people who are openly expressive and emotionally energetic, and dislike atmospheres where that sort of thing is discouraged. And I myself can be pretty expressive, too, under the right circumstances; i.e. being in a good mood, etc.

    Beta quadra people seem too awesome to be my brothers and sisters. I would want them to accept me, but I think they would consider me out of place.

    Quote Originally Posted by JWC3
    What's your favorite museum?
    My answer to this may not be the most indicative one, because I've only been to a pair of museums. But it would be the art museum I went to with a friend of mine, about a year ago (and I will point out that, in theory, I prefer an art museum to a science museum; I'm more fulfilled by the humanities--things with emotional richness or spiritual depth--than I am by information about the workings of the world. What exists in the physical universe is very arbitrary, while what is human is of the deepest significance possible.). I took particular pleasure in the things there that spoke of aristocracy--the golden spoons, the towering wardrobes covered in carved in angels, and all of that. I wish I had been born in a place filled with such things; a golden spoon with rubies set into the handle turns the act of eating into an act of immeasurable grace (I would still wolf everything down, though. That would be good for the aesthetic contrast.).

    Quote Originally Posted by Narc
    LSE seems to be a distinct possibility.
    Hmm. . . I have a feeling you're trying to press my buttons (will I react with outrage or will I calmly agree? Neither: I'm quietly amused), or maybe I just don't realize how LSE I've made myself look in this topic.

    . . . Actually, there is not a huge lot that seems outright wrong about me in the LSE profile on Wikisocion. But none of it rings much of a bell, either. I feel like I'm reading a typical horoscope entry; who wouldn't agree with half of these descriptors? Some of it really does seem decidedly wrong, though:

    As their innate understanding of personality is not very fine-tuned, they judge others' character more by their objective deeds than by their attitudes and motives, which can be hard for the LSE to discern.

    LSEs are often unable to control their emotions. When they are in a bad mood they can be very direct, sometimes even to the point of being verbally abrasive to loved ones and complete strangers.

    Many LSEs are conneisseurs of good food, good clothes, household products, and hygienic products.

    The comfort and convenience of things and living space is very important to LSEs. Living spaces need to be conducive to rest, work, or recreation. LSEs take it into their own hands to reorganize or redesign living spaces to make them more comfortable and convenient.

    LSEs try not to let themselves get carried away with any feelings.

    LSEs generally avoid talking about things that might or might not happen that don't depend on them, though they may think about these things to themselves. Discussions about what might or might not happen that are not based on provable facts distress them.

    LSEs approach relationships on their own terms, typically taking on the initiative to get to know the other person. LSEs' approach to dating typically follows traditional gender roles, as they feel uncertain when being too creative in initiating relationships.

    LSEs are typically unsure of their personal feelings about people and relationships, as well as unsure of their right to harbor personal sentiments in the first place. They need someone they can trust to recognize and substantiate their feelings from a psychological or spiritual standpoint. This helps them learn over time to recognize and trust their feelings more.
    Actually, now that I have this list in front of me, I've changed my mind: there really are a lot of problems here.

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    You say you identify with Dialectical-Algorithmic style thinking the most. This contains the types that are Dynamic, Process-oriented and Negativist, which are SEI, EIE, ILI and LSE. You say you're most likely Aristocratic and Farsighted. The way you write seems Te, but you care about things I don't, like people coming across as phlegmatic (so lazy, and so not highly demonstrative of emotion). Gives me a 'similar, but not quite' vibe.

    Based on that, I said LSE. The judgements you've made regarding the dichotomies may have been ill-informed (after all, you are filling out a Personality Cafe-esque questionnaire, which would indicate that you haven't dived too deeply in the theory and were hoping to have more experienced people do the legwork for you), but that's no real concern of mine. I just played around with the information you provided and the Magic 8-Ball spat out LSE. If you have a problem with it, keep investigating.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    It's so normal, though, for someone to be exactly what he hates. The only thing that makes me unusual in that area is the fact that I'm so obvious about it. And I hope that Edward Scissorhands isn't one of the movies you're talking about, because the main character is one of the characters I most relate to, and the movie was easily one of the most cathartic things I've ever experienced.

    Gamma I'm kind of mixed on, because while I can look very Fe-devaluing--emotionally inexpressive, "hard to read," indifferent--I love being around people who are openly expressive and emotionally energetic, and dislike atmospheres where that sort of thing is discouraged. And I myself can be pretty expressive, too, under the right circumstances; i.e. being in a good mood, etc.

    Beta quadra people seem too awesome to be my brothers and sisters. I would want them to accept me, but I think they would consider me out of place.

    My answer to this may not be the most indicative one, because I've only been to a pair of museums. But it would be the art museum I went to with a friend of mine, about a year ago (and I will point out that, in theory, I prefer an art museum to a science museum; I'm more fulfilled by the humanities--things with emotional richness or spiritual depth--than I am by information about the workings of the world. What exists in the physical universe is very arbitrary, while what is human is of the deepest significance possible.). I took particular pleasure in the things there that spoke of aristocracy--the golden spoons, the towering wardrobes covered in carved in angels, and all of that. I wish I had been born in a place filled with such things; a golden spoon with rubies set into the handle turns the act of eating into an act of immeasurable grace (I would still wolf everything down, though. That would be good for the aesthetic contrast.).

    Hmm. . . I have a feeling you're trying to press my buttons (will I react with outrage or will I calmly agree? Neither: I'm quietly amused), or maybe I just don't realize how LSE I've made myself look in this topic.

    . . . Actually, there is not a huge lot that seems outright wrong about me in the LSE profile on Wikisocion. But none of it rings much of a bell, either. I feel like I'm reading a typical horoscope entry; who wouldn't agree with half of these descriptors? Some of it really does seem decidedly wrong, though:

    Actually, now that I have this list in front of me, I've changed my mind: there really are a lot of problems here.
    These questions are the worse. Type yourself by the functions; the best source and clearest description is in my signature, the blogspot. Let me know what you think.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    It's so normal, though, for someone to be exactly what he hates.
    It's abnormal actually - it's like hating yourself for being human.

    And I hope that Edward Scissorhands isn't one of the movies you're talking about, because the main character is one of the characters I most relate to, and the movie was easily one of the most cathartic things I've ever experienced.
    Well, at least you identify with a pretty emotionally laden character...

    Gamma I'm kind of mixed on, because while I can look very Fe-devaluing--emotionally inexpressive, "hard to read," indifferent--I love being around people who are openly expressive and emotionally energetic, and dislike atmospheres where that sort of thing is discouraged. And I myself can be pretty expressive, too, under the right circumstances; i.e. being in a good mood, etc.
    This sounds Fe-ish. I may be wrong though.

    Beta quadra people seem too awesome to be my brothers and sisters. I would want them to accept me, but I think they would consider me out of place.
    Brothers and sisters, heh.

    Hmm. . . I have a feeling you're trying to press my buttons (will I react with outrage or will I calmly agree? Neither: I'm quietly amused), or maybe I just don't realize how LSE I've made myself look in this topic.

    Actually, there is not a huge lot that seems outright wrong about me in the LSE profile on Wikisocion. But none of it rings much of a bell, either. I feel like I'm reading a typical horoscope entry; who wouldn't agree with half of these descriptors? Some of it really does seem decidedly wrong, though
    L U L. The problem is there 16 descriptions not 12 and a sociotype descriptions doesn't 'predict' your future...

    Anyway: try this on for size:


    I may have two in mind, but I would rather wait.

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    The Soul Happy-er JWC3's Avatar
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    Why did you fill out the questionnaire? Was it to actually get help figuring out your type? Personally, I fill them out for all sorts of reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with finding out my type.
    Easy Day

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    Quote Originally Posted by JWC3 View Post
    Why did you fill out the questionnaire? Was it to actually get help figuring out your type? Personally, I fill them out for all sorts of reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with finding out my type.
    It's like filling out the Airline Questionnaire actually...

  12. #12
    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narc
    You say you identify with Dialectical-Algorithmic style thinking the most. This contains the types that are Dynamic, Process-oriented and Negativist, which are SEI, EIE, ILI and LSE. You say you're most likely Aristocratic and Farsighted. The way you write seems Te, but you care about things I don't, like people coming across as phlegmatic (so lazy, and so not highly demonstrative of emotion). Gives me a 'similar, but not quite' vibe.

    Based on that, I said LSE. The judgements you've made regarding the dichotomies may have been ill-informed (after all, you are filling out a Personality Cafe-esque questionnaire, which would indicate that you haven't dived too deeply in the theory and were hoping to have more experienced people do the legwork for you), but that's no real concern of mine. I just played around with the information you provided and the Magic 8-Ball spat out LSE. If you have a problem with it, keep investigating.
    I can see why you would have concluded LSE, so my post wasn't really meant to criticize your judgment; if anything, it was a criticism of my own lack of thoroughness. Your point that my judgments about where I fall on the dichotomies may be ill-founded is a good one, I think, and one that I've been considering as a real possibility (I'm pretty confident about Dialectical-Algorithmic, though. Maybe that type of thought process in me is only a shallow expression of a more fundamental one, though.). My knowledge of socionics is very fuzzy in a lot of regards, partly because I seem to have an ambiguous personality in this theory.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa
    These questions are the worse. Type yourself by the functions; the best source and clearest description is in my signature, the blogspot. Let me know what you think.
    If I were to order those descriptions from the ones that come most naturally to me to the ones that come least naturally to me, I would probably do it this way: Ni ~ Ne > Ti > Fe > Si > Fi ~ Te > Se. This is a fairly loose ordering, because I'm not entirely sure what the right one would be. I don't know if this is the kind of answer you were looking for or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    It's abnormal actually - it's like hating yourself for being human.
    I don't know. I think I'm with Jung on this one. When you hate something in another person, you're hating a thing that you have an intimate, personal awareness of.

    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    Anyway: try this on for size:
    By a lucky coincidence, I've already taken this one several times. (I should point out, though, that I'm confused by the sliders in the picture section, so I only click on the pictures.) My results have been EIE, IEI and ILI. Generally, they indicate Beta NF (tailed by Delta NF) or Gamma NT (tailed by LII and LSI).

    My Enneagram results were fairly consistent with what I would have expected:
    Type 4 SP
    Type 6 SP
    Type 5 SO
    Type 1 SP
    Type 9 SP
    Type 3 SX
    Type 8 SX
    Type 7 SO
    Type 2 SP

    Quote Originally Posted by JCW3
    Why did you fill out the questionnaire? Was it to actually get help figuring out your type? Personally, I fill them out for all sorts of reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with finding out my type.
    The main reason I filled it out was because I genuinely wanted to know my type. That appeals to me because it gives me a good foundation for knowing other people's types and helps me to determine how well I might get along with them. I also thought it would be a good opportunity to practice self-expression and mix up my routine a little bit.

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    There are several points in your answers that could be indicative of an EIE. Do you have any qualms with this typing? You said you feel out of place in Beta - why so?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    I don't know. I think I'm with Jung on this one. When you hate something in another person, you're hating a thing that you have an intimate, personal awareness of.
    Utter bollocks. When Blacks hate Whites, they don't hate them due to being White themselves and Jung can kiss my arse.

    By a lucky coincidence, I've already taken this one several times. (I should point out, though, that I'm confused by the sliders in the picture section, so I only click on the pictures.)
    That's the reason I posted the original version, without pics. Anyway, I can't recall sliders being there - it's been a long time I took that test, so...

    My results have been EIE, IEI and ILI

    My Enneagram results were [...]
    Well, I thought you might be Beta or Gamma (socionics wise) at first and that enneagram test you took and E-type you got wasn't surprising, at least from the intro you produced here, I mean. Narc is/was schooled under Maritsa in secret school of Socionics in L.A. Guru/authority typings are a bit different than mine. Anyway, check IEI/EIE descriptions first and then the ILI one to 'cement' your pact with Socionics.

    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
    There are several points in your answers that could be indicative of an EIE. Do you have any qualms with this typing? You said you feel out of place in Beta - why so?
    They beat him. Nah.

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    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal
    There are several points in your answers that could be indicative of an EIE. Do you have any qualms with this typing? You said you feel out of place in Beta - why so?
    There are a few points in the Wikisocion article for EIE that sound inaccurate about me, but, overall, the description does fit me tolerably well. My main qualms are a) when I'm trying to figure out my Reinen dichotomies, I generally end up with EIE as my least likely Beta type (this could be attributed to a lack of understanding, though), b) I'm not nearly as emotionally demonstrative as this article says EIEs are, c) I'm skeptical that Ti is something I need someone to provide me with (Se, Te, and Fe seem much more plausible as activities I could use some assistance with), and d) I doubt I'm an extravert, because I'm usually very introverted in the normal sense of the word and I'm certainly less focused on external reality than I am on my thoughts.

    I think that most Betas would find me boring, because I'm generally quiet, inexpressive, and lacking animation. But then again, that's exactly the kind of person I tend to find boring.

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    I can't really fathom how you were able to take a Reinin based test, score EIE and IEI, and then ILI, to write after that you don't end up EIE going off Reinin, which is your "least likely Beta type" - you're the second person on this forum who argues the same way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    Utter bollocks. When Blacks hate Whites, they don't hate them due to being White themselves and Jung can kiss my arse.
    I disagree (blacks aren't literally whites, of course, at least not most of the time, but they can be whites in an abstract, psychological sense). But you're refreshingly direct, at least. : P

    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    That's the reason I posted the original version, without pics. Anyway, I can't recall sliders being there - it's been a long time I took that test, so...
    Oh. . . . Well, I got the same results with the original one (I took it a few times before, as well), so it makes no real difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    Well, I thought you might be Beta or Gamma (socionics wise) at first and that enneagram test you took and E-type you got wasn't surprising, at least from the intro you produced here, I mean. Narc is/was schooled under Maritsa in secret school of Socionics in L.A. Guru/authority typings are a bit different than mine. Anyway, check IEI/EIE descriptions first and then the ILI one to 'cement' your pact with Socionics.
    I've read those three profiles an embarrassingly large number of times. They're all a bit hit and miss, but they're among the profiles that describe me best, with LII being another one worthy of mention.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    I can't really fathom how you were able to take a Reinin based test, score EIE and IEI, and then ILI, to write after that you don't end up EIE going off Reinin, which is your "least likely Beta type" - you're the second person on this forum who argues the same way.
    I can't either. That's part of the reason I made this topic. To make matters even more bizarre, if I go by Reinen, ILI looks like a good contender for my least likely Gamma type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    I disagree (blacks aren't literally whites, of course, at least not most of the time, but they can be whites in an abstract, psychological sense).

    I've read those three profiles an embarrassingly large number of times. They're all a bit hit and miss, but they're among the profiles that describe me best, with LII being another one worthy of mention.
    1. You score EIE, IEI, and ILI,

    2. Descriptions are fine as you say,

    3. You ponder LII.

    Clearly I'm missing something here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    I can't either. That's part of the reason I made this topic. To make matters even more bizarre, if I go by Reinen, ILI looks like a good contender for my least likely Gamma type.
    You 'used Reinin' taking that test I linked, it's Reinin based dichotomy test and you scored EIE, IEI, and ILI and you tell me that if you go by Reinin EIE and ILI do not qualify.

    Communication gap here. Which way are you going ?

    I'm skeptical of tests at times, especially people taking them...

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    @Nunki Did you by chance happen to exaggerate that self expression? What I mean is do you talk to people about eating with golden spoons in everyday life? I only ask because a lot of your responses seem incredibly constructed to me. Not that they don't represent you by any means, it's just hard for me to get an idea of anything.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWC3
    Did you by chance happen to exaggerate that self expression? What I mean is do you talk to people about eating with golden spoons in everyday life? I only ask because a lot of your responses seem incredibly constructed to me. Not that they don't represent you by any means, it's just hard for me to get an idea of anything.
    They are pretty constructed, and that's an accurate reflection of how I am in real life. I'm very perfectionistic, and as a result can sound a bit . . . calculated and unnatural when I express myself. Yes, I do talk to people about such things as eating with golden spoons in everyday life. Not that literally, but similarly weird things that are, as you say, exaggerated. I don't like to be boring--there are few things worse than being boring--so I go overboard instead. And I can't get a good handle on myself either. Sometimes I do make it a little harder for other people, though, in order to make myself seem more deep and mysterious than I really am, and to build up some suspense. But I'm not doing that in this topic. If I were, it would be very self-defeating of me. And I don't do it a whole lot in general; usually, I try to be genuine, which has the effect of making me very false. No, that doesn't mean you can't place any stock in what I've said in this topic, because I'm not trying to be genuine right now; right now I'm trying to categorize myself on the basis of some concrete behaviors, and genuineness isn't even a consideration.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    There are a few points in the Wikisocion article for EIE that sound inaccurate about me, but, overall, the description does fit me tolerably well. My main qualms are a) when I'm trying to figure out my Reinen dichotomies, I generally end up with EIE as my least likely Beta type (this could be attributed to a lack of understanding, though), b) I'm not nearly as emotionally demonstrative as this article says EIEs are, c) I'm skeptical that Ti is something I need someone to provide me with (Se, Te, and Fe seem much more plausible as activities I could use some assistance with), and d) I doubt I'm an extravert, because I'm usually very introverted in the normal sense of the word and I'm certainly less focused on external reality than I am on my thoughts.

    I think that most Betas would find me boring, because I'm generally quiet, inexpressive, and lacking animation. But then again, that's exactly the kind of person I tend to find boring.
    Yeah, you fit into the serious dichotomy very neatly. I would say though that LSE is a very good call; what do you think about that type?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Socionics E/I has a lot to do with the particular function to which it is attached; it's not general like MBTI; Te for example is an extravert who would sometimes seem like an introvert, but is extravert in the way that the person approaches a task. Visualize (which is not exactly introversion but rather organization), organize, prepare and act upon a task in the external world. And, or, whichever, watch a person's behavior, judge it according to what stands out for you "at least you're being direct" "you are being direct!" this is observing a behavior.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post

    Gamma I'm kind of mixed on, because while I can look very Fe-devaluing--emotionally inexpressive, "hard to read," indifferent--I love being around people who are openly expressive and emotionally energetic, and dislike atmospheres where that sort of thing is discouraged. And I myself can be pretty expressive, too, under the right circumstances; i.e. being in a good mood, etc.
    Yeah that would put you in emotivist dichotomy

    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post

    Hmm. . . I have a feeling you're trying to press my buttons (will I react with outrage or will I calmly agree? Neither: I'm quietly amused), or maybe I just don't realize how LSE I've made myself look in this topic.

    . . . Actually, there is not a huge lot that seems outright wrong about me in the LSE profile on Wikisocion. But none of it rings much of a bell, either. I feel like I'm reading a typical horoscope entry; who wouldn't agree with half of these descriptors? Some of it really does seem decidedly wrong, though:

    Ok one thing about LSE is that because they are unable to alight certain logic for internal consistency, they miss the very same thing that they read that aligns with what they say; for instance, you quoted a part of an LSE description that doesn't ring true to you ("As their innate understanding of personality is not very fine-tuned, they judge others' character more by their objective deeds than by their attitudes and motives, which can be hard for the LSE to discern."), but you may observe how in the above you do the very same thing which you said you don't see yourself doing in the way that you judge Absurd's post. Is what I'm saying make any sense?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    EDIT: Some of this was responded to while I was I writing this and doing other things, so the first part of the response is a bit outdated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa
    Yeah, you fit into the serious dichotomy very neatly. I would say though that LSE is a very good call; what do you think about that type?
    The Wikisocion article gave me the impression that it wasn't the best fit. . . . These are some of the things that didn't seem to fit me about LSE:

    As their innate understanding of personality is not very fine-tuned, they judge others' character more by their objective deeds than by their attitudes and motives, which can be hard for the LSE to discern.

    LSEs are often unable to control their emotions. When they are in a bad mood they can be very direct, sometimes even to the point of being verbally abrasive to loved ones and complete strangers.

    Many LSEs are conneisseurs of good food, good clothes, household products, and hygienic products.

    The comfort and convenience of things and living space is very important to LSEs. Living spaces need to be conducive to rest, work, or recreation. LSEs take it into their own hands to reorganize or redesign living spaces to make them more comfortable and convenient.

    LSEs try not to let themselves get carried away with any feelings.

    LSEs generally avoid talking about things that might or might not happen that don't depend on them, though they may think about these things to themselves. Discussions about what might or might not happen that are not based on provable facts distress them.

    LSEs approach relationships on their own terms, typically taking on the initiative to get to know the other person. LSEs' approach to dating typically follows traditional gender roles, as they feel uncertain when being too creative in initiating relationships.

    LSEs are typically unsure of their personal feelings about people and relationships, as well as unsure of their right to harbor personal sentiments in the first place. They need someone they can trust to recognize and substantiate their feelings from a psychological or spiritual standpoint. This helps them learn over time to recognize and trust their feelings more.
    It would be a very out-of-left-field typing for me; I'm not really seeing anything that points to it. But I won't completely dismiss it as a possibility yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    You 'used Reinin' taking that test I linked, it's Reinin based dichotomy test and you scored EIE, IEI, and ILI and you tell me that if you go by Reinin EIE and ILI do not qualify.

    Communication gap here. Which way are you going ?

    I'm skeptical of tests at times, especially people taking them...
    Yes . . . I thought that that test was probably going largely off of the Reinen dichotomies. Well, when I sit down and read the Reinen dichotomies and try to decide where I fall on them, going by the descriptions on Wikisocion, generally I end up with a different picture than that test paints. LII and IEI are the types that appear to fit my dichotomies the best, and ILI and EIE look very unlikely (but I'm very uncertain about my self-assessments when it comes to almost all of the dichotomies, so that doesn't necessary mean much). In this case, I would tend to place more stock in my personal test using Wikisocion than I would in the online test. The online test has some wonkiness in it, in my opinion; it gives me starkly different results (none of the same types are suggested) depending on whether it decides I'm Logical or Ethical.
    Last edited by Nunki; 08-25-2013 at 11:24 PM.

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    hum, ok I can see ILI now but not EIE.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa
    Socionics E/I has a lot to do with the particular function to which it is attached; it's not general like MBTI; Te for example is an extravert who would sometimes seem like an introvert, but is extravert in the way that the person approaches a task. Visualize (which is not exactly introversion but rather organization), organize, prepare and act upon a task in the external world. And, or, whichever, watch a person's behavior, judge it according to what stands out for you "at least you're being direct" "you are being direct!" this is observing a behavior.
    Yes, hence my caution about assuming that because I look introverted by normal standards I'm an introvert in socionics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa
    Yeah that would put you in emotivist dichotomy
    I definitely agree that emotivist seems likely. If no one has any objections, I think we'll call that one settled . . . at least for now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa
    Ok one thing about LSE is that because they are unable to alight certain logic for internal consistency, they miss the very same thing that they read that aligns with what they say; for instance, you quoted a part of an LSE description that doesn't ring true to you ("As their innate understanding of personality is not very fine-tuned, they judge others' character more by their objective deeds than by their attitudes and motives, which can be hard for the LSE to discern."), but you may observe how in the above you do the very same thing which you said you don't see yourself doing in the way that you judge Absurd's post. Is what I'm saying make any sense?
    I understand what you're getting at, but I'm not sure that my lack of ability to judge the motives of a stranger on an internet forum, a stranger who had only written a few sentences, is very indicative of my ability to judge the motives of people in general. A large part of judging motive comes down to body language and prior history, which was, of course, entirely absent in that case. And to me, what I said seems to indicate the opposite: that I'm motive-aware, since I was focusing on why the person did what they did, what their purpose was. I wasn't so concerned about what had actually taken place, except that it was something for me to react to and use as a very small window into Absurd's intentions (also, I was being slightly facetious).

    I'm still open to the possibility of LSE, but right now I'm leaning much more in other directions.

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    Well I applaud your ambition but putting yourself into a box makes it a lot harder for people to take you out and put you in the correct box. If you want others to categorize you, i.e. help you figure out your type, it's best to leave the categorization to them and just try to be genuine. If you have problems with this in practice, the easiest way to force yourself into genuineness is to reply to questions and assertions in this thread with video responses that are not preplanned or thought out before you hit the record button.
    Easy Day

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa
    hum, ok I can see ILI now but not EIE.
    Function-wise, ILI makes a lot more sense to me than LSE. The profile does have some issues, though; I feel it comes close to describing me well, but that there are some jarringly wrong notes:

    ILIs often predict inevitable disasters. This type of fatalism is fueled by their ability to see the negative in anything, which has its roots in the ILI's general dislike of expressing or reinforcing positive emotions. For an ILI, it may be easier to predict pessimistic results in order to avoid unpleasant emotional reactions.

    In groups the ILI will often question the validity of the information exchanged. [I do this silently but not openly, as doing it openly is a good way to irritate everyone.] Likewise, many ILIs will use a mocking and aggressive tone if they believe that the information being presented is incorrect or absurd.

    ILIs often do not acquire knowledge with any clear purpose other than to further their own understanding. When ILIs do use their knowledge for specific purposes, such knowledge is not usually considered a means to an end.

    Some do not understand the importance of social connections and choose to ignore the area of emotional involvement with others altogether, instead delving into virtual reality, mystical introspection, or private study. Others trudge through the social landscape without truly understanding the art of socialization, ignoring politeness and not caring about offending others. ILIs may view people who constantly try to make others happy as foolishly involving themselves in a completely pointless exercise.

    Additionally, they prefer to use their imagination to solve real-world issues, like those regarding economics, politics, or the development of modern society.
    These are the things in the profile that seemed blatantly wrong about me. Overall, the profile is much, much more like me than LSE; I'm not sold on it, though, largely because an ILI has Fe Polr, which I strongly doubt is the case for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JWC3
    Well I applaud your ambition but putting yourself into a box makes it a lot harder for people to take you out and put you in the correct box. If you want others to categorize you, i.e. help you figure out your type, it's best to leave the categorization to them and just try to be genuine. If you have problems with this in practice, the easiest way to force yourself into genuineness is to reply to questions and assertions in this thread with video responses that are not preplanned or thought out before you hit the record button.
    All right, I shall refrain from trying to put myself into the categories, and just point out which suggestions fit me and which ones don't.

    I'm not having any trouble being genuine in this thread. Maybe it seems like I am because I'm saying things that most people wouldn't in ways that most people wouldn't. That's part of what comes naturally to me.

    The video suggestion is a very good one. There's no better way to get a sense of who someone is than to see them in spontaneous action. I'll stick to writing things down, though, because me on video is not a pretty scenario.

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    I encourage the uglier scenario of course but I apologize. I must've misread your previous post. Your response "genuineness is the least of my concerns." Made me think you were unconcerned with being genuinely yourself, but perhaps you meant that you are so unabashedly you that there is no need to consider it in your train of thought. Either way a video or so is a great start.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWC3
    I encourage the uglier scenario of course but I apologize. I must've misread your previous post. Your response "genuineness is the least of my concerns." Made me think you were unconcerned with being genuinely yourself, but perhaps you meant that you are so unabashedly you that there is no need to consider it in your train of thought. Either way a video or so is a great start.
    Yes, "unabashedly me," etc. is basically what I meant by that comment.

    The last time I made a video of myself and showed it to someone, they told me that I was creepy and looked like I was in an abnormal state of mind (it was a video of me talking about my experiences in high school, except I couldn't think of anything to say but that high school was dramatic, and so I mostly just sat there looking around). So, while I once again say that it's a good suggestion, I'm not going to be doing it, especially because I wouldn't want anyone to overhear me, and there's someone else in this house.

    So, people, don't stop making suggestions, waiting for a video to arrive. We're just about there, I think. Just a little more, and I'll have a solid typing, I'm sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Yes, hence my caution about assuming that because I look introverted by normal standards I'm an introvert in socionics.

    I definitely agree that emotivist seems likely. If no one has any objections, I think we'll call that one settled . . . at least for now.

    I understand what you're getting at, but I'm not sure that my lack of ability to judge the motives of a stranger on an internet forum, a stranger who had only written a few sentences, is very indicative of my ability to judge the motives of people in general. A large part of judging motive comes down to body language and prior history, which was, of course, entirely absent in that case. And to me, what I said seems to indicate the opposite: that I'm motive-aware, since I was focusing on why the person did what they did, what their purpose was. I wasn't so concerned about what had actually taken place, except that it was something for me to react to and use as a very small window into Absurd's intentions (also, I was being slightly facetious).

    I'm still open to the possibility of LSE, but right now I'm leaning much more in other directions.
    ok, the motives (a reason for doing something, esp. one that is hidden or not obvious)

    intentions is what LSE has incapability of judging (a thing intended; an aim or plan)

    It's one thing to observe one's actions with regards to what they are doing and predict what they could be doing but not being able to figure out what they meant by that or what the intentions of the individual are can cause an LSE to backfire at people inadvertently.

    Take my LSE cousin, "he did this!" and me "yes, but he didn't mean to hurt you, he was just stating an observation from his experience" And, being a negativist type and noticing what's not there they are likely to notice the absence of a positive comment, hence don't thrive well in atmosphere where positive interaction is lacking with regards to them. If they are joking around and making fun of other things they can have emotional fun indefinitely.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa
    ok, the motives (a reason for doing something, esp. one that is hidden or not obvious)

    intentions is what LSE has incapability of judging (a thing intended; an aim or plan)

    It's one thing to observe one's actions with regards to what they are doing and predict what they could be doing but not being able to figure out what they meant by that or what the intentions of the individual are can cause an LSE to backfire at people inadvertently.

    Take my LSE cousin, "he did this!" and me "yes, but he didn't mean to hurt you, he was just stating an observation from his experience" And, being a negativist type and noticing what's not there they are likely to notice the absence of a positive comment, hence don't thrive well in atmosphere where positive interaction is lacking with regards to them. If they are joking around and making fun of other things they can have emotional fun indefinitely.
    Whether I'm bad at judging people's intentions or not is debatable. I don't think I am, but there are people who would disagree with me, and I can respect that. I do have to point out, though, that there are people of every single type who have trouble judging others' intentions. A person's life experiences, emotional intelligence, and psychological health probably have as much to do with it as anything about them that is encapsulated in their socionics type.

    If I'm not good at judging people's intentions, I'm at least focused on doing it. It's really one of my most defining traits: I'm focused on why people do what they do, and, by extension, what they intend to accomplish with their actions or lack thereof. It's something that comes naturally to me. People will often mention that they don't understand why a person did something, and I will almost immediately have a strong impression of what the person's intentions were. "Why do people do this?" I love being asked that kind of question; it's fun to think about, extremely enriching, and it's a territory where I'm at home.

    I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by backfiring at people inadvertently. It doesn't really sound like something I relate to, though. I generally get along perfectly fine with anyone I actually like, which is most people. And in the rare cases where things do go badly with someone I like and I think they're at fault, I still go to lengths to keep the sailing smooth; I don't do anything fiery except under very bad circumstances, the like of which are almost unheard of. It's often a different story if I don't particularly like someone, but in that case any negative impact I have is deliberate and justified in my mind by much more than what I think the person's intentions are.

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    What prompted you to make that last video you mention?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    LII and IEI are the types that appear to fit my dichotomies the best, and ILI and EIE look very unlikely (but I'm very uncertain about my self-assessments when it comes to almost all of the dichotomies, so that doesn't necessary mean much). In this case, I would tend to place more stock in my personal test using Wikisocion than I would in the online test. The online test has some wonkiness in it, in my opinion; it gives me starkly different results (none of the same types are suggested) depending on whether it decides I'm Logical or Ethical.
    LII/IEI are common mistypes on this forum I found. And that test usually lumps me fine. No Fe/Ti quadras present, and it gives you different score each time due to you picking different sets each time. Reinin is black and white Ti construction that places you in a "maze" with only two ways crossing each other until you reach one exit. Like I wrote before, seems like you're choosing every direction at the same time.

    In other words, you're omitting every single stop (red) light at the crossing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JWC3
    What prompted you to make that last video you mention?
    I made the video as a way to get someone I was chatting with online better acquainted with me. It seemed preferable to meeting them in person right away.

    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    LII/IEI are common mistypes on this forum I found. And that test usually lumps me fine. No Fe/Ti quadras present, and it gives you different score each time due to you picking different sets each time. Reinin is black and white Ti construction that places you in a "maze" with only two ways crossing each other until you reach one exit. Like I wrote before, seems like you're choosing every direction at the same time.

    In other words, you're omitting every single stop (red) light at the crossing.
    The test that you linked me to is at least consistent about one thing: that I'm an Ni-ego. So far, though, people in this thread have been fixated on typing me as someone who, besides not being one of the personality types whose profile sounds the most like me (I'm open to the possibility that this may be due to a lack of self-awareness, but people have so far not been making a good case for that), doesn't even value Ni, let alone have it in his ego.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    The test that you linked me to is at least consistent about one thing: that I'm an Ni-ego. So far, though, people in this thread have been fixated on typing me as someone who, besides not being one of the personality types whose profile sounds the most like me (I'm open to the possibility that this may be due to a lack of self-awareness, but people have so far not been making a good case for that), doesn't even value Ni, let alone have it in his ego.
    Don't end up some Alpha while you're at it...

    And people are going to type you from your intro, which is pretty, let's say already painting some kind of picture and that's the reason you actually got some of the types you got. Anyhow, if Ni isn't in your ego, what is?


    No offence but you make it sound as if you already know what you hid in your ego and get twitchy when people sing something else. Spill it, then...

    Quite technical intro, although few lines here and there negate themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    Don't end up some Alpha while you're at it...

    And people are going to type you from your intro, which is pretty, let's say already painting some kind of picture and that's the reason you actually got some of the types you got. Anyhow, if Ni isn't in your ego, what is?


    No offence but you make it sound as if you already know what hid in your ego and asking people to tell you.
    Well, the test you sent me is indicating there's some Ni in my ego, and LII is the only Alpha that ever comes up as a remote possibility, so I don't think there's too much risk of Alpha. . . . Which apparently is a good thing? I don't know. I have an acquaintance who had me watching 30 Rock, which is basically Alpha incarnate (with touches of Gamma--or is it Delta?--here and there), and I thought it was pretty decent, if not necessarily the kind of mentality or environment that I relate to.

    I have some ideas about what I have in my ego, but I don't want to say too much about that, because it would cause people to focus on what I think I am instead of what I actually look like. Hmm. But I will say that I don't really relate to MBTI Ne. I'm definitely Ni > Ne in that system. I'm not sure if that says anything much about my socionics type, though; I realize that the two systems don't necessarily translate into each other in any clear way, in spite of their deceptive similarities. But this might be informative like my Enneagram test results were.

    I'm not being at all artsy with these posts right now. This is me at about my driest, so this might be a good eye-opener for everyone? Or maybe it's the worst possible thing. *shrugs*

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Well, the test you sent me is indicating there's some Ni in my ego, and LII is the only Alpha that ever comes up as a remote possibility, so I don't think there's too much risk of Alpha. . . . Which apparently is a good thing? I don't know. I have an acquaintance who had me watching 30 Rock, which is basically Alpha incarnate (with touches of Gamma--or is it Delta?--here and there), and I thought it was pretty decent, if not necessarily the kind of mentality or environment that I relate to.

    I have some ideas about what I have in my ego, but I don't want to say too much about that, because it would cause people to focus on what I think I am instead of what I actually look like.
    I have no idea how "you look like". LUL.

    Hmm. But I will say that I don't really relate to MBTI Ne. I'm definitely Ni > Ne in that system.
    This is Socionics not MBTI. This is Europe not L.A. Anyway, seeing you're speaking zyztemz already, what is your MBTI curse?

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    The Soul Happy-er JWC3's Avatar
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    If you disregard reinin what do you think of the various quadra descriptions?
    Easy Day

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