Mmm yeah I like what the girl's got on

I think it's cool as hell when people from far away, with different sets of cultural baggage and all, end up picking up something and taking it in a whole new direction that it never would have went otherwise. Reggae happened because people in Jamaica had shitty radios that didn't pick up on the bass drum frequencies, so the people there ended up putting it where it made the most sense to them. On the three of the beat. Not the one. Ska happened because the radios chopped in and out, and staccato upstrokes on the guitar were the most accurate way people there found to replicate the sounds they heard. Three guys from the UK liked what they heard over there, passed it through their own minds and bodies, and came up with stuff like this:

Here's some slightly more obscure stuff I love the shit out of! All sorts of stuff probs ended up in the blender for the next one and I love what came out:

And here's what happens when ska and punk rock and lots of other awesome stuff goes over to Russia to be sent back into the world again as this: