Quote Originally Posted by sssonyyy View Post
Should LSEs just never be parents, or what? I had a tough time with all the issues mentioned by dinki and lemontrees. When I'm away from my parents though, I really do appreciate everything they've done, but it never reaches a point where I can just forgive all the insensitivity, the lack of attention given to me developing my own identity.

It seems like it should be obvious that LSE is making terrible mistakes that their children will not be able to forgive when they behave like that, and I like to think that I'd make a much better parent.
*shrugs* My father seems to be LSE. He's also ESTJ and possibly E1. Allowing other people to have their opinions is something he has to work on (that and being less religious, as he takes it to an unnecessary extreme). He's the sort who will push and push because he just knows he's right and that you'll be better off if you realize what he's trying to tell you, regardless of whether it's exasperating you or not. Then he wonders why people can't stand him. He has his good points, to be sure. He works his ass off to make sure we have the things we need, both at work and around the house. And he does mean well. I've said it before, but I really think his overcompensation could be related to his own shitty childhood, like he's so determined not to screw us up that he goes overboard. I think I dislike him less than I used to, but I still prefer him in small doses and at a distance; otherwise, it gets explosive. He's definitely left me with a complex or two. >_> My mother's an Alpha. I'll write about that later.