With some people, it doesn't matter what you do - they will dislike you for their own reasons. You can't let it get you down. You could save 10,000 innocent puppies, and they'd still see malignant intent behind it. You could do nothing and try to ignore them, and they will still dislike you. You could try to apologize, you could save the world 10,000 times and find the cure for cancer- in their heart, you will always be ROTTEN. So I'm sorry but loving yourself = always way better then asking others to love you. But for your own sanity, we need to find love and belonging somewhere. If not at your own house, then an internet family, if not that- then friends at school. But we all need love.

When shitty things happen to us by other people, I think we have a choice. "Do I let this victimize me?" or "Do I let this become yet another reason to raise my selfconfidence even more?" Although sometimes it's natural to feel the burn when insulted, I think the key is letting it go , feeling the pain and moving the fuck on. Other people's dirt isn't so hard to take, dear. Even if it's our own family.