I will be channeling Pirate agenda propaganda in this thread and you are free to do the same.

So what is the Pirate Agenda?

Civil rights

Live and let live! Do whatever you want as long as you don't restrict the freedoms of others!

Reform of copyright and patent law

Sharing is caring and I would download a car if I could! We won't allow the entertainment industry to lobby for policing the internet. Instead of just giving freedom of speech we can offer freedom of information. The entertainment industry has to keep up with the progress, adapt or die.

Information privacy

We don't need the Big Brother to eavesdrop on us. Just because you don't want to be listened doesn't mean that you are a criminal or a terrorist. The state that listens to dissenters is a terrorist lurking on it's citizens and the breeding grounds for tyranny.


Let's make public sector public. We don't need laws passed behind closed doors. Let's turn the table and start listening on the people who pretend to be for our benefit.

Freedom of information and network

Closing down sites that might have illegal material on them is a move that is only made by those who don't understand the nature of internet or who really want to bring forth the police state. How would we even know when something is illegally censored? Censorship sucks because **** *** **** ***** *****.

Here's the founder of the first Pirate Party (in Sweden), political evangelist Rick Falkvinge introducing his message of protest: