Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
I'm glad we're on the same page. Why is it okay to shoot an unarmed teenager?
1) Zimmerman didn't know Martin's age. He was a stranger.
2) Zimmerman was being attacked and beaten up, and he didn't know whether the perpetrator was armed or not. In certain crime-ridden areas, it's common for people to be packing and to have gun-shot scars, and knife wounds. It's literally kill-or-be-killed.
3) Zimmerman called for help for almost a minute before taking action to use a weapon in self-defense, which is documented in 911 calls.
4) There were witnesses to the event.
5) He was acting in self-defense. He was not the aggressor.

There is a good amount of testimony to back up these beliefs.

So if a 17 year-old stranger attacks you, and they are stronger than you, and you fear for your life, you wouldn't shoot them to save your own life, because you think it is "wrong"? Taking a few classes does not constitute being able to beat up a much-more experienced street-fighter. If I take a few classes, maybe I can take on Mike Tyson.