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Thread: Professional possibilities of the types

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    Default Professional possibilities of the types


    Interesting article from the book "Socionics for all"

    Professional possibilities of the types

    IEI, Esenin:
    Most suitable occupation for IEI - any humanitarian activity. This can be occupation music, literature, iskustvovedeniye, excursion and iskustvovedcheskaya work, work in the printed organs, journalism, conducting television and radio transmissions, interview and so forth sometimes are encountered the representatives of this psycho-type, successfully working in the field of mathematics. However, it is necessary to remember that for IEI is contrasted any production and khozyaysvennaya activity.

    OR, Balzac:
    Abilities OR find to themselves use everywhere, where strategic forecast is required. This can be and policy, and the sphere of finances, and military science. The representatives of this psycho-type can successfully realize themselves also in the scientific work, frequently they are the foresighted leaders of large military subdivisions, who determine the promising directivity of the development of their enterprise (laboratory, institute, university...). Them can interest both the technical sciences and natural-science directions, philosophy, skill.

    SEI, the Dumases:
    Most suitable sphere of activity for SEI - sphere of services in the widest sense of this concept. Among the people of this psycho-type to meet and splendid artists, musicians, artists; also successfully they work in medicine, are occupied by teaching activity. Especially well many instructors OF SEI succeed themselves in realizing their possibilities in the region of design, simulation of clothing, cookery.

    SLI, Gaben:
    Most suitable kind of occupations for SLI - any practical activity. It a master of its matter, loves to work independently in the small association. It is not approached the leading activity; but if it occurs in the role of chief, it acts quietly, without the pressure. A good sensation of physical state (its and surrounding people) can soak to it in the work of physician, is not alien SLI occupations by sport, it is more frequent - by individual forms. Among them are encountered the people of skill - artists, musicians, artists. Frequently SLI - excellent instructors.

    EII, Dostoyevsky:
    In the best way abilities EII can be realized in the region of spiritual knowledge, religion, enlightenment. People of this psycho-type can be also successful teachers, special thrust many EII is tested to psychology. Are encountered takzheEiI in the sphere of skill; however, rarely this is actor's activity, it is difficult to come out as it before the large audience; this teaching in the region of the humanities, skill is faster.

    ESI, Dreiser:
    ESI - innate worker of social sphere. It wonderfully realizes its abilities in medicine, in the care of weak and feeble, in any economic activity. It, as a rule, loves animals, agricultural work, finds to themselves worthy place, also, in the numbers of army, the teacher and the educator of young people, who knows how to create good living conditions for their under wardship. Here he does not vomit in chiefs, but rather he attempts to ensure durable rear.

    LEAHS, Robesp'er:
    LEAHS it possesses all data for the research analytical work. The skill to find general laws governing the phenomena of the surrounding peace, to create their clear teoritecheskoye description - all these qualities find their use in any scientific laboratory. The ability to be dismantled at the intricate and complex questions, to see problem as a whole and clear to present understood makes LEAH with a good instructor and methodologist. Among LEAH are encountered the people of skill, most frequently - musicians, who prefer serious music.

    LSI, Maxim:
    LSI is irreplaceable everywhere, where the clear, strict observance of instructions, rules, technological norms is required. It - the ideal worker, for example, in the pharmaceutical industry, whom sopsoben to in the best way appear itself, where the errors are not admitted. Excellent worker on the conveyor, in the publishing activity. Among LSI there are many mathematicians, programmers, dispatchers, clerks. Frequently people of this type draws service in the army, clear army structure with the through subordination and the standards of responsibility commands them.

    Iee, Huxley:
    Because of the nontriviality of thinking the representatives Iee can realize well themselves in the scientific work, with the ease proposing the unexpected result for the problem. However, tedious labor and a strict analysis - not for them. Because of the skill to be reconstructed, to foresee new possibilities, this person is irreplaceable in the owner's activity, in the organization of the new matter, in the advertisement, in journalism..., in a word, where in the first place - ardor, curiosity to entire new, the skill to establish contacts. Some representatives Iee successfully work as psychologists.

    ILE, The Don Quixote:
    Most vividly are manifested abilities ILE in the scientific work, in basic research. To the representatives of this psycho-type as no one other, it is possible to become the initiators of new directions in the science on the basis of synthesis, it would seem, distant field of knowledges. Some representatives OF ILE can also successfully work in the sphere of business, commerce, it is more frequent in the carrying out of intellectual production, for example in book publishing.

    See, Napoleon:
    For the people of this psycho-type most suitable are the professions, in which is necessary the contact with the people at all levels. This and political activity, and service into the army (without fail in as possible more high rank), this and jurisprudence, artistic activity, the teaching both in the school and in VUZ - Institute of Higher Education, the work of secretary. It would be desirable to warn people of this psycho-type against the selection of scientific activity, especially in the region of theoretical disciplines.

    SLE, Zhukov:
    SLE - excellent organizer. No matter by what it not was occupied: by science, by skill, by medicine - he sooner or later becomes leader. Depending on its intrinsic level, it can prove to be both in the chapter of small subdivision and entire state. It also easily realizes its abilities on the military service, in the reconnaissance. Obviously, boytsovskiye qualities SLE will find their use, also, in the sport.

    Eie, Hamlet:
    Is most effective the application of abilities Eie in those regions of the activity, where it is necessary to be absorbed in audience. This, first of all, theatrical are stages. Eie also excellent teacher, artistichnyy and inspired, many people of this psycho-type draws also policy - possibility to govern the emotions of the crowds of people over the areas. Frequently Eie possesses literary gift, musicality, love for the painting, the depictive skill, the dances. A good sensation of the internal peace of man leads some Eie into the field of psychology.

    ESE, Hugo:
    Most to fully realize strong sides ESE can in the sphere of services. Work with the people greatly pleases itself by them: to explain, soak, to osovetovat', politely to answer all, now and then not very correct demands of clients - here is the incomplete enumeration of merits ESE as the workers of service. In the sphere of business by them most succeed the matters, connected with the adjusting of communication, by the formulation of production and by advertisement. Are encountered among the representatives OF ESE also doctors, the teacher, excellent artists.

    LIE, the jack:
    The skill to feel the least changes in the situation, fast response, initiative, practicalness in combination with the creative vein make it good predprenimatelem, by manager. It is capable to effectively organize the matter, which especially for it succeeds well in the unstable situation. LIE easily find their place in any research association - excellent eksperementator, innovator, inventor. Love for romantic and to wanderings leads many representatives OF LIE to the occupations with geology, by speleology, to polar or underwater studies, in the profession of testers (aircraft, spacecraft...). Successfully they can realize their abilities also in military science and law-enforcement agencies, it is more frequent - in the operational work. The ability to introduce the element of game into the activity assigns on them children, they frequently occur by the dear educators.

    LSE, Shtirlits:
    Best anything LSE can realize its possibilities in any practical activity, it is capable to organize well production, to arrange the output of product of high quality, to be skillful administrator. However, to it in this case are important the overall stability of situation, the predictability of the course of events. Very successfully LSE manages the military service, frequently - excellent officer. His abilities can find a use in the organs of law, jurisprudence. Willingly deal the representatives OF LSE with professional sport, especially - by command forms.

    I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.


  2. #2
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Interesting stuff. Ive read through some of it, including my type, Ill read all of it later.

    There are some Russian words which i dont understand though. Like "iskustvovedcheskaya".
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    iskustvovedcheskaya - art expert

    I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.


  4. #4
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Ok thanks

    Could you also tell me what " iskustvovedeniye" means? Those are the only two Russian words I came aross as far as I remember. :wink:
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