Hey all!

I'm curious to know- does your career energize or drain you? Does it affect you and your significant other?

In my previous career, I was writing IT manuals at home all day by myself, where minutes felt like an eternity! It was AWFUL for an ENFx like me that lives and breathes for other people. I've since left that and started teaching music, which injects energy back into my life, and allows for me to use metaphors about dinosaurs and lasers when talking to kids. But it's part time, which leaves me alone for a good portion of the day.

My husband is as Introverted as they come, but as a dentist, he deals with people all day (when he'd much rather just focus on the teeth). He's EXHAUSTED when he gets home and needs quiet/alone time, which will always be a source of disappointment and frustration for me, as I want nothing more than together time and affection at the end of the day.

Knowledge about types has been a huge help in understanding our differences and needs. We've managed to keep a sense of humor about ourselves and social requirements, but we are who we are.

What's your experience?