Then while we were deciding where to go for dinner, I said that I didn't want to go to Place A because I hate that place and Friend B said oh, you do which means she heard me and a few minutes of discussion, Friend B turns to Friend C and talk about going to Place A, so then I got really grumpy like wtf, didn't you hear me?
I often find myself in situations where it seems as though no one is really listening to me, like I'm just some random voice in the background. Other people seem capable of airing their opinions in a fashion which leads others to listen, but I definately lack that talent. This weakness of mine really backfired on me in a certain class where the professor obviously seemed to have this attitude that if you're going to be respected in class you better brag about yourself and many of the students did just that. It was a counseling practicum class and going to the class discussions after the counseling sessions just made me want to puke the entire semester. I remember writing in my journal for instance that, even though it's ultimately the client who must decide whether a session is good or bad, for the sake of the class I should just brag about myself like I can do no wrong and she simply wrote "yes" in the margin. I couldn't believe it. Well, to make a long story short, near the end of the semester I unleashed all of my pent-up resentment at the professor judging my performance badly because I seemed unwilling to stand up for myself in the class. She made note of it on the final eval form. I hate her.