Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
I see...

You don't believe in promises, you don't listen to promises, but you vote based on them. Right..
Not really, but writing your legislator and making a petition is not bad, it takes a concerted effort over a long time to do this sort of thing. Maybe I'll make some silly political pictures or something.

Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
So, tell me how can you pressure candidates? Maybe if you post something nasty on your Facebook they will reconsider their doings. Or wait, vote for a lesser evil! That'll show 'em! Those strategies could work..
..but apparently you "don't live to" be satisfied by those politicians or get their promises through.
So.. how do I think? I kinda thought I was big on the non-aggression principle thing but maybe you know me better.

I think I'm about done here. Sorry for the derail.
I don't need to be nasty on facebook. I can vote, I can write and I can petition. I don't vote for the lesser evil, I don't vote for people I consider evil. I only vote for people I see as more good than bad, and everyone has bad things about them. I also won't vote for people who will outright promise to do thing 100% against what I believe.

Better to have someone give me empty promises then try to do exactly what I don't want.

I don't listen to promises, or believe in them, but promises give me a idea of what they might try and implement. See past the hot air and empty promises and see the real actions they might take. I try to see the underlying policy and issues they will bring forth and promote in the legislature or some other body of governance.

You want to cast my viewpoint into cheap slogans and a funny picture, it'll probably get you some cool points or what not, but a know nothing, do nothing, disenfranchising mentality is a stupid one to promote, no matter how much money you can make huckstering bitcoin or appealing to fear and despair.