Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
And you actually listened to his promises!
I don't listen to promises, I don't believe in promises either. But it's better than someone promising to fuck me over. ^_^ At least I can pressure someone to keep promises that they gave, even if it doesn't happen immediately. Someone that doesn't make the promise I have no way of pressuring them.

Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
Yeah, after he sends some more troops. PEACE IS WAR!
And yet, most troops are out... hrmmmm..

Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
What a bitch mentality! Democracy loves you. It's like you can choose which cock rapes your ass. How nice of them!
It's good that you are satisfied with promises. You ain't getting a lot more than that.
Thank you, but I must add that I couldn't do it without people like you.
I don't live to be satisfied or to get promises fulfilled, I think that's a stupid way to live. I simply do what I deem worthwhile and push my agenda, one step at a time. I don't need democracy but I prefer it to the totalitarian system that I come from, I like the freedom offered by the democratic first world and the wealth and prosperity that I encounter and is able to acquire. Despite all it's problems democratic society is the only sort of society I feel I will live in or would want to live in. I've seen the other side, people I know suppressed imprisoned and hurt. The west has a good thing, this democracy thing, but it's something that works for people that want it and can steward it properly.

Unfortunately, you don't seem to be that sort of person yet, I don't know how you will turn out, but I hope you learn something, maybe get past the juvenile propaganda worthy of despots but maybe that's not your goal.

Well I'm glad you're able to express your views without suppression and I'm allowed to express mine without suppression, given that in many places my defense and preference for democracy would involve me being tortured or killed and many other brutalities, maybe by someone who thinks like you.

I don't like cocks up my ass, you might. I do like taking people out to dinner for mutual companionship, conversation and discussion. I like that, that sort of mutual exchange of information that is quite pleasant and wonderful sometimes, and other times a bit painful and confrontational. Still it's something I like to have and something I like to have with the people who are supposed to govern this nation. But I'm pretty old now and I only like to take some people to dinner, and other people don't get the invite.