Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
Let's say I'm an American and I wanted to vote for:
-a person who isn't affiliated with Skulls And Bones, the secret society in the second round of 2004 US presidential election
-a president who will not bomb brown people
-a president who will leave us the fuck alone
-a president who will not bailout the banks
who should I vote for?
I voted for Obama 2008 and 2012, better than voting for Romney or Mccain.

I don't need everything perfect either. Contrary to popular belief, a President can't stop a war he didn't start with a wave of his hand and some hocus-pocus. And congress can block his way to repealing things like Guantanamo.

I don't demonize a individual because of the failing of the system nor do I demonize them because they are simply someone I don't agree with them. I voted Obama because of decisions like Sotomayor, universal health care, the promise to eventually end the wars(which is happening), and the promise to try and close Guantanamo, which is being blocked by congress. I see some progress on these issues and it's better than what would have happened with the alternative. The rest, I never had any illusions it was going to work out in the first place. I take the small victories where I can.

If Obama fails this go around, there's going to be another election and another group of people put in charge and another set of promises and goals and I will see who is going to promote my issues and who is going to be against that. And you do this until you don't or the unity is irrevocably broken or you are broken. I never had any illusions of the politicians fulfilling a fraction of the promises they say, but I do judge people on the attempt, their overall goals and other such traits.

I can't tell you who you can vote for, that's your individual choice, you can vote for no one, but I'm sick of not being represented even in a few of my interests.

The fact remains that you engage in propaganda, trying to tell people what to do, how to vote or not vote, to sway them into your side with your own set of lies and misrepresentations. You make for a pretty good politician. You're a liar, a propagandist, someone more than willing to use emotional appeals and simplifications to get what you want from people.

I don't really believe in good or evil, but voting has always been about picking the individuals that best represent me, and it's worked out quite a bit better than picking the one that doesn't represent me.

There is good and bad in everything, I don't pretend there isn't, I don't choose just the lesser evil, but also the greater good, and although you might disagree, it's my prerogative.