Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
Perhaps there is some pent-up racism and fear that he is black. But I think, to consider that the sole reason, would be by and large misleading. People care about their rights and don't want them taken away, regardless of the irrelevant color of the skin of the person taking them away.
I'm not happy with my rights taken away either but a lot people didn't seem to care much about it in the past. In the politicized climate, I'm quite skeptical of many individuals. I was against the Patriot act when it was enacted and still against it, but I don't think a majority of Americans are against it.

Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
But I am glad you pointed those situations out. It's somehow relaxing to know that despite how screwed-up our country was in the past, it bounced back. It gives me hope that we can bounce back from the mess we're in now. I know you've mentioned you're pro-US real estate before, hkkmr. From this post I take it you're still bullish on the US economy long-term. Is this correct? Or just on real estate, and still bullish on China?
I see America as having the most fertile land and resource rich country in the world, this is indeed a land of plenty. I'm always in the long term bullish on US and China as these two places are the most fertile and resource rich places in the world. However my idea of long term is beyond my lifetime and multi-generational, in my lifetime, I think that America will be economically strong but stagnate politically. I do feel optimistic that the problems in the US will be solved without the kind of brutality(althrough it will still be bad for many people) that has characterized the past.