Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
the examples of articles [in Russian] about the role of USA (and its big business which always has links with officials) in coming to power of ****** and his support then to organise WWII.
1_1, 2_1, 2, 3_1, 3_2, 4
I have been looking more into the Soviet perspective of things. I do think the National Socialist party was infiltrated and swayed by capitalistic entities in order to turn them against socialism/communism, which was very prevalent within Germany at the time. The National Socialist was originally very socialist (as the name obviously implies) before ****** joined the party and began changing it.

Actually a lot does start to make sense if you start viewing the Nazis and basically everything about their ideology as a capitalist endorsed movement to subvert socialism. In the Weimar years entire cities were taken over by socialist, so it would make sense for capitalist to support and endorse anything that would combat communism. First they tried convinced people that jews were the problem in order to funnel people's hatred away from capitalism in general and towards jews instead, who made good sacrificial lambs due to their peculiarities and alien culture. Next, the capitalist and businesses made concessions to working class to gain their support and tell them that the improves conditions were due to them kicking out jews. Lastly, that tried convinced people that the same jewish cabal that made their life miserable previously were the same people that were controlling the USSR, thus making them the enemy. It seems like it was all a very clever method for capitalist to turn the masses in Germany against communism.

It is an accepted fact that ****** joined the National Socialist party as a Weimar spy. Seeing the ways ****** changed party and ended up carrying out a purge against the original members of the party, you can't help but wonder if ****** retained his ties to whomever he was working for as spy, and how deep his connections with other entities such as the USA was.