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Thread: EnxP?

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    Question EnxP?

    I've filled out two questionnaires. Pls type me

    Personal concepts
    1. What is beauty? What is love?
    To is something that makes you feel awed, can change your view on things, or is impressive. Love is (a chemical reaction in the brain) liking someone, caring for someone, being devoted. I dunno.

    2. What are your most important values?
    Be nice to people and yourself: be selfless and caring. Be optimistic. Be knowledgeable. Push your limits on your knowledge and abilities.

    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I don't have any spiritual or religious beliefs.

    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I honestly thing war and militaries should be illegal. I don't think it will ever happen; but consider if every country in the world disarmed. Any argument would have to be fought humanely, with brains and logic instead of mindless killing. However, my limited knowledge of the human condition is that this will never happen, and war is an inherent part of humanity. I think war is a massive waste of time, effort, money and lives.

    Power to me? The hardest thing to control is yourself. Power is being true to yourself; not having addictions, being disciplined, maintaining a healthy mind and body. That's the only power I'll ever need. I have no desire to rule or control others.

    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Double standards, paradoxes, =stories, relationships, science. My interests are: reading, watching movies, video games, occasionally mountain biking. I love stories, games are fun, and mountain biking is liberating. It sets your mind free and it's fun.

    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Yes, definitely. I am focused on my body, as I like to be healthy. "Thy body is a temple" or s/t. I find it interesting to talk about different ways of eating, different ways of curing diseases, etc. I particularly like "going against the grain" as in, going against what is advised by big pharmaceutical companies.

    7. What do you think of daily chores?
    Boring! Some are necessary, some aren't. Most are boring.

    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    For some reason, I love most books and movies with bleak scenery or characters. Eg, Let The Right One In, Brokeback Mountain, Requiem For A Dream.

    My favourite books and movies are: Those three above, The Green Mile, Misery, Silver Linings Playbook, Borat, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and Donnie Darko.

    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    Recently, all I can think of that's made me cry is Brokeback Mountain. (spoilers, i guess?) I love everything about that film. I love the beauty and the bleakness of the scenery, especially at the end. And the fact that the characters went through life basically empty, until they had each other. Yet they sort of killed each other: spending as little time as they did together killed their spirit. They should have just moved in together, as jack said. That would have been a dangerous move, but better than the alternative. Ennis didn't take a chance, and was left with nothing. Twenty years of broken promises, lies and wasted emotion. It kinda got to me.

    A lot of things make me smile. I smile when I finally learn how to do something. I smile when I realise something. I smile when I better myself. I smile when my friends do. I smile at jokes.

    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I like all nature, really; I forests and woods the best. I love standing on top of hills and gazing down at the scenery. It feels like serenity. But I like all nature and cities, really. I hate the ocean, though. It irrationally scares me. I think it's the vastness of it.

    Evaluation & Behaviour
    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Apparently I can be cold. I can also be stubborn, and too argumentative. I dislike a lot of things about myself. I wish I were more skilled and intelligent.

    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Well, apparently I'm intelligent, and good at giving advice. They also say I'm funny. (I'm funnier in real life, even though that's a lame excuse for this humourless drivel I'm typing right now it's true!)

    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Mathematical ability. I feel like I have potential in maths and science, I just need to unlock it.

    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Now, I don't. But now I'm much more optimistic. A few months ago, I felt stuck in a rut of: School, home, weekend, school. Not much enjoyment. But now I feel like I can connect to others around me more easily. As a result, I couldn't think as clearly, and I felt enjoyment ebbing away. Everything seemed sort of grey and pointless. I just went through it, not losing optimism, and relishing the few enjoyable moments.

    People & Interactions
    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I like friendliness, open-mindedness, calmness, humour, intelligence, and understanding,. I dislike most things others dislike. (selfishness, narcissism, rudeness) if people are nice enough, I normally get along with them.

    16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Dude, I dunno, I'm 15. Romance is sweet and all, I guess? As is sex, as long as both are fine with it. In a partner I'd like someone funny, sweet, patient and caring.

    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    That they'd fall into depression, or do something that harms themselves/others, that they'd be brainwashed by media/religion/whatever.

    Ultimately, you can't do much about these things when they're someone else's decision. So I'd educate the child, tell them the pros/cons of everything, protect them when necessary, and let them make their own mind about things.

    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    If they just make a comment, inwardly I'll flare (best way to describe it) but outwardly I'll ask them to elaborate. If they cannot make good points, then I'll just ignore it. Otherwise, I'll take their view into consideration and research it further.

    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    Individuals are generally good and well-meaning, but some groups are awful. A social problem is obviously discrimination, eg sexism or racism.

    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    All my friends are intelligent. They're all interesting. They're also all progressive, open-minded and funny. They're pretty caring, too, though sometimes they can be a little ignorant, which is OK. I don't like to show my darker or more tender self around them; however, I encourage them to share their feelings, if needed.

    I love to make them laugh, or participate in jokes. I gain energy from enjoyable banter. However, I feel the need to add this: yesterday, I went out with my friends to the cinema. After, we went for a meal, and I was enjoying talking to them. Then I hit a mental wall, and I felt like I couldn't think or breathe properly. My interactions after that were becoming less and less enthusiastic, until I bid them farewell and I felt the blood flow properly, and I could think again. I felt a lot better after 30 minutes by myself, walking home, talking to no one. Yet I feel as if I look forward to interaction too much to be an introvert. But now that I'm thinking about it, when I'm surrounded by people constantly, I often look for places to breathe so I can sit and think. (This is probably common for most people, I just thought I'd add it)

    21. How do you behave around strangers?
    I try to be friendly and warm.
    Last edited by opeth98; 06-19-2013 at 03:36 PM.

  2. #2
    FoxOnStilts's Avatar
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    Not ENTp.

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post
    Not ENTp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    Possibly. Almost certainly Fi-user.

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    Holy fuck, I'm starting to really hate that questionnaire.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Narc View Post
    Holy fuck, I'm starting to really hate that questionnaire.
    Heh. Sorry...

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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post
    Possibly. Almost certainly Fi-user.
    I don't know a lot about psychology: if I was something else other than ENFP, what could it be?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narc View Post
    Holy fuck, I'm starting to really hate that questionnaire.
    That means I should ask people to answer it more as a standard. ^_^

  9. #9
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    I don't know a lot about psychology: if I was something else other than ENFP, what could it be?
    A couple of things. Socionics, MBTI, Enneragram, etc, are not psychology. Part of "pop psychology", yes, but not academic psychology. Second, as a heads-up, Socionics types are referred to by the traditional three-letter code (IEE, EII, SLE, etc) or the Western-developed four-letter code, which always leaves the last letter lowercase (ENFp, INFj, ESTp, etc). ENFP isn't a socionics type, and it's not the same as IEE, either. Better to treat them as two distinct systems. You may end up IEE in Socionics, or you may end up something completely different. You wouldn't be the first.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  10. #10


    You seem to express a LOT of clear opinions on things you haven't seen or experienced or invested a significant metal effort on comprehending. And I'm not sure what's behind them, competence, you know what you're talking about, or are they just decorative cardboard cutouts that you found elsewhere and are strutting. You also express your reactions to things a lot. How you felt, experienced and reacted to things. The way things make you feel presents obvious consequences on the real world around you, like if it makes you feel bad we should stop it, if it makes you feel good there should be more of it and so on.

    My impression is that you value and cherish social norms, accepted ways of behavior. Be innovative, be creative, don't be a bigot/racist and so on. I think you take them up as your own. And that you do this unconsciously. Or I think the stances and options you presented are cardboard cutouts you like for their aesthetic appeal to you, the way they make you feel, a mental equivalent of a new pair of earrings. I don't think you are able to mentally and abstractly delve deep into them with any confidence or competence but like to do so. But I could completely be wrong about this. Like I said, I just can't tell right now.

    My impression as of right now is ego and SEI specifically.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tropski Bolest View Post
    My impression is that you value and cherish social norms, accepted ways of behavior. Be innovative, be creative, don't be a bigot/racist and so on. I think you take them up as your own. And that you do this unconsciously.
    That's not necessarily Extroverted Ethics. Extroverted Ethics focuses on intensity of expression, inferring and adjusting their and others' current emotional state, and promoting something of a free atmosphere (one where people can have a good time and let fly without worrying about who might get offended). How exactly it manifests depends on whether it's blocked with Si or Ni, of course, but the definition I gave is a fairly basic (if simplistic) rundown.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    That's not necessarily Extroverted Ethics. Extroverted Ethics focuses on intensity of expression, inferring and adjusting their and others' current emotional state, and promoting something of a free atmosphere (one where people can have a good time and let fly without worrying about who might get offended). How exactly it manifests depends on whether it's blocked with Si or Ni, of course, but the definition I gave is a fairly basic (if simplistic) rundown.
    This part is my justification for in the ego:

    You also express your reactions to things a lot. How you felt, experienced and reacted to things. The way things make you feel presents obvious consequences on the real world around you, like if it makes you feel bad we should stop it, if it makes you feel good there should be more of it and so on.

    What you've quoted is me fishing for a reaction. That entire section is a slight "jab" if you will. It's meant to be a kind of a stereotype of an alpha SF. I'm curious as to how opeth98 will react to it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tropski Bolest View Post
    This part is my justification for in the ego:

    You also express your reactions to things a lot. How you felt, experienced and reacted to things. The way things make you feel presents obvious consequences on the real world around you, like if it makes you feel bad we should stop it, if it makes you feel good there should be more of it and so on.

    What you've quoted is me fishing for a reaction. That entire section is a slight "jab" if you will. It's meant to be a kind of a stereotype of an alpha SF. I'm curious as to how opeth98 will react to it.
    The first part of it sounded more like a description of MBTI ISFJ or ESFJ, but it otherwise looks like a very bad attempt at stereotype. How is trolling him/her (her?) in any way productive? If you're curious about something, you could just ask questions. I'm sure he/she is open to it.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  14. #14


    Well I was going for unconscious behavior (something similar to your response). Kind of like, if a person feels that they are threatened they will “put up their fists”, use their strong side without thinking. Resort to strengths. I want to see first how will she react to a proposed negative description of herself, adversely, contemplatively, apologetically and so on, and second if she does put up her fists I want to see what they look like. And I do plan on asking her things as well.

    Do you disapprove of this "method" of mine? Do you want me to not be that way? Because if you do I'll stop.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tropski Bolest View Post
    Well I was going for unconscious behavior (something similar to your response). Kind of like, if a person feels that they are threatened they will “put up their fists”, use their strong side without thinking. Resort to strengths. I want to see first how will she react to a proposed negative description of herself, adversely, contemplatively, apologetically and so on, and second if she does put up her fists I want to see what they look like. And I do plan on asking her things as well.
    We're not going to agree on this, but nice of you to explain, at least.

    Do you disapprove of this "method" of mine? Do you want me to not be that way? Because if you do I'll stop.
    *blinks* I'm surprised at your willingness to back down so easily. On the other hand, you could just be doing to me what you're doing to Opeth.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    ...Extroverted Ethics focuses on intensity of expression...
    That seems more particular to Beta's use of Fe. Whereas Alpha Fe is... different.

    As to the OP, XXFp probably
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    That seems more particular to Beta's use of Fe. Whereas Alpha Fe is... different.
    I thought that might be misunderstood. "Level of expression" might be a better way to put it.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    I'm surprised at your willingness to back down so easily. On the other hand, you could just be doing to me what you're doing to Opeth.

    Haha, fucking with your mind you mean? No, there are certain people I respect. It's kind of a sense of character I get from some people here. You're one of them. And I agree with you in that if I don't have to do it “the Gregory House way” I shouldn't. In fact, I now think I should've known better, and shouldn't have considered it appropriate. Even if it did seem like an effective method. I now feel bad actually. And I ask of opeth98 to ignore it.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    How is trolling him/her (her?) in any way productive? If you're curious about something, you could just ask questions. I'm sure he/she is open to it.

    "Believing you understand your motivations and desires, your likes and dislikes, is called the Introspection Illusion. You believe you know yourself, and why you are the way you are. You believe this knowledge tells you how you will act in all future situations. Research shows otherwise.

    Time after time, experiments show introspection is not the act of tapping into your innermost mental constructs, but is instead a fabrication, a construction, a fiction. You look at what you did, or how you felt, and you make up some sort of explanation which you can reasonably believe. If you have to tell others, you make up an explanation they can believe too."

  20. #20


    i don't know what blackened your soul a long time ago ,OP,but may god have mercy on it for those questionnaires
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 06-10-2013 at 07:18 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by the16types View Post
    i don't know what blackened your soul a long time ago ,OP,but may god have mercy on it for those questionnaires
    The questionnaires were cobbled together at PerC.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  22. #22


    it's gettin serious then

  23. #23


    then u have the username what about the username

  24. #24


    That's fantastic.

    @Ryene Astraelis what if I'm not hurting the person? What if the only offended party is you the bystander? Is there something implicitly immoral in my actions then?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tropski Bolest View Post
    [MENTION=952872]Ryene Astraelis what if I'm not hurting the person? What if the only offended party is you the bystander? Is there something implicitly immoral in my actions then?
    Using @ before the username is easier when mentioning someone. Edit: You fixed it. Yay.

    It's possible that this person in particular may not react badly to it; I still consider it a bad practice in general. If you have seen how they react in a disagreement/argument, even a past one with you yourself, and you use that as information toward their type, that doesn't bother me. Intentionally trying to offend someone to get information about their type (or any information about them, really) is what I object to.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  26. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    Intentionally trying to offend someone to get information about their type (or any information about them, really) is what I object to.
    What about it do you consider bad? The manipulation, the disrespect, treating the person as an object, the premeditatedness of it, the control over another or something entirely different? I'm assuming your disagree with the Gregory House method, which would be pain now reward later, you'll thank me for this later? I'm trying to understand you as a person but this can be hard sometimes without coming off as a creep playing mind games.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post

    "Believing you understand your motivations and desires, your likes and dislikes, is called the Introspection Illusion. You believe you know yourself, and why you are the way you are. You believe this knowledge tells you how you will act in all future situations. Research shows otherwise.

    Time after time, experiments show introspection is not the act of tapping into your innermost mental constructs, but is instead a fabrication, a construction, a fiction. You look at what you did, or how you felt, and you make up some sort of explanation which you can reasonably believe. If you have to tell others, you make up an explanation they can believe too."
    The same applies to knowing others.

    We see but a portion of what is going on, and we fabricate an explanation/story for why the person did what they did, felt how they felt, said what they said, etc.

    And the typists on this forum then type the story they created about the person.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  28. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    We see but a portion of what is going on, and we fabricate an explanation/story for why the person did what they did, felt how they felt, said what they said, etc.

    And the typists on this forum then type the story they created about the person.
    This is precisely what I do! The problem is then to try to chip away at it in a relevant manner. Where I resort to tricks like trolling.

    EDIT: But you have to start somewhere. Kind of like building a model out of clay.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tropski Bolest View Post
    What about it do you consider bad? The manipulation, the disrespect, treating the person as an object, the premeditatedness of it, the control over another or something entirely different?
    Blatant attempt at manipulation, also disrespect. Its being premeditated ties into it as a whole.

    I'm assuming your disagree with the Gregory House method, which would be pain now reward later, you'll thank me for this later? I'm trying to understand you as a person but this can be hard sometimes without coming off as a creep playing mind games.
    Having not seen enough of House, I am unsure of whether that applies to the way he treats people as a whole or how he conducts medicinal treatment.

    Something else that confuses me: unless you're a previous member with a new account, you've been here for about a month. I barely ever post here, excepting recently. How can you have gotten a grasp on my character in the first place?

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tropski Bolest View Post
    This is precisely what I do! The problem is then to try to chip away at it in a relevant manner. Where I resort to tricks like trolling.

    EDIT: But you have to start somewhere. Kind of like building a model out of clay.
    It's still the story you're creating about the person, not the actual person.

    The fullness of the story comes from a variety of ways of gathering info, as well as a variety of contexts. The person's own story about what they are perceiving and/or experiencing has more fullness of the implicit and involved aspects of their experience. Otherwise you as story creator are left to draw from your own implicit and involved aspects of your own experiences. This is where you, as story creator of someone else's mental/emotional/etc faculties are in the realm of projecting your own ideas in to fill in the blanks.

    Also, trolling or manipulating someone gets you information about how they respond when being trolled/manipulated at that moment.
    Just as asking them questions gets you information about what they consider important in that moment.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  31. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
    Something else that confuses me: unless you're a previous member with a new account, you've been here for about a month. I barely ever post here, excepting recently. How can you have gotten a grasp on my character in the first place?
    Yes, I frequented the forum previously. Though I think by 2008 I was long gone. Don't remember. I was around around the time the forum was created, 2004, 2005, 2006. I remember that the guy who created the forum didn't post at all and then it was deleted and there was this drama. Though I guess I visited it as late as 2008 as I have an impression of you, your user name. And I really don't know. Some people stand out to me. I honestly can't pinpoint anything conrete about your other then the way you express yourself. There is this firmness of your core I sense. You remind me of the user diana. I guess that could be it. I liked her as a person and respected her.

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    It's still the story you're creating about the person, not the actual person.

    The fullness of the story comes from a variety of ways of gathering info, as well as a variety of contexts. The person's own story about what they are perceiving and/or experiencing has more fullness of the implicit and involved aspects of their experience. Otherwise you as story creator are left to draw from your own implicit and involved aspects of your own experiences. This is where you, as story creator of someone else's mental/emotional/etc faculties are in the realm of projecting your own ideas in to fill in the blanks.
    What if I'm correct? What if I'm consistently correct? What if I am competent at it?

    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    Also, trolling or manipulating someone gets you information about how they respond when being trolled/manipulated at that moment.
    Just as asking them questions gets you information about what they consider important in that moment.
    I'm reminded of the joke when a grandpa is telling his grandchild, what do you get when you jerk off a horse, horse semen the child says, what do you get when you jerk off a dog, dog semen the child says, and what do you get when you jerk off a grandpa, grandpa semen the child says, and chocolate and chocolate, the grandpa say. You don't think any chocolate will "cum" my way?
    Last edited by Tropski Bolest; 06-10-2013 at 10:05 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tropski Bolest View Post
    Yes, I frequented the forum previously. Though I think by 2008 I was long gone. Don't remember. I was around around the time the forum was created, 2004, 2005, 2006. I remember that the guy who created the forum didn't post at all and then it was deleted and there was this drama. Though I guess I visited it as late as 2008 as I have an impression of you, your user name. And I really don't know. Some people stand out to me. I honestly can't pinpoint anything conrete about your other then the way you express yourself. There is this firmness of your core I sense. You remind me of the user diana. I guess that could be it. I liked her as a person and respected her.
    Ah. She was cool. Sadly, she left a long time ago.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  33. #33


    Well it's that what I wrote or

    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post

    "Believing you understand your motivations and desires, your likes and dislikes, is called the Introspection Illusion. You believe you know yourself, and why you are the way you are. You believe this knowledge tells you how you will act in all future situations. Research shows otherwise.

    Time after time, experiments show introspection is not the act of tapping into your innermost mental constructs, but is instead a fabrication, a construction, a fiction. You look at what you did, or how you felt, and you make up some sort of explanation which you can reasonably believe. If you have to tell others, you make up an explanation they can believe too."

  34. #34
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Definitely ENFP, on many counts!

    "Identical" with me, except you are younger - I have a 17 year old son!

  35. #35
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    It takes an ENFp to answer all those Q's of that kind, and an ENFp to comment on them. So here it goes. (I thought you might want some more specific confirmation on why I think you are ENFp):

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    To is something that makes you feel awed, can change your view on things, or is impressive. Love is (a chemical reaction in the brain) liking someone, caring for someone, being devoted....
    First thing you said is how it makes you feel. Fi. Also on love, a feeling, as "being"and ENFps are more into "being"than "doing".

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ... values?...Be nice to people and yourself: be selfless and caring. Be optimistic. Be knowledgeable. Push your limits on your knowledge and abilities.
    Ethics and learning - very NeFi

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...Power to me? The hardest thing to control is yourself. Power is being true to yourself; not having addictions, being disciplined, maintaining a healthy mind and body. That's the only power I'll ever need. I have no desire to rule or control others.
    focus on working on yourself sounds ENFp to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ... interests? ...Double standards, paradoxes, =stories, relationships, science. My interests are: reading, watching movies, video games, occasionally mountain biking. I love stories, games are fun, and mountain biking is liberating. It sets your mind free and it's fun.
    also sounds NeFi, including titles you picked. I see ENFps preferring biking and hiking and skating and dance - all individual sports vs. team.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ... Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic?...Yes, definitely. I am focused on my body, as I like to be healthy. "Thy body is a temple" or s/t. I find it interesting to talk about different ways of eating, different ways of curing diseases, etc. I particularly like "going against the grain" as in, going against what is advised by big pharmaceutical companies.
    Me too. will keep your mind busy. My latest fascinating alternative health discovery is - amazing new paradigm. You will never be afraid of cancer again.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ....What do you think of daily chores?...Boring! Some are necessary, some aren't. Most are boring.
    We ENFps agree on this. But someday your SLI Dual will see your haplessness in this area and will be happy to jump in there for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...Recently, all I can think of that's made me cry is Brokeback Mountain. (spoilers, i guess?) I love everything about that film. I love the beauty and the bleakness of the scenery, especially at the end. And the fact that the characters went through life basically empty, until they had each other. Yet they sort of killed each other: spending as little time as they did together killed their spirit. They should have just moved in together, as jack said. That would have been a dangerous move, but better than the alternative. Ennis didn't take a chance, and was left with nothing. Twenty years of broken promises, lies and wasted emotion. It kinda got to me.
    I have not seen this, figuring it was propaganda and didn't want to bite. But it does sound like good story an ENFp woudl be interested in. Yes, we like beauty, so the beautiful scenery, yes, and we like in depth people stories that get at motivation. And we are deeply moved at such things.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...A lot of things make me smile. I smile when I finally learn how to do something. I smile when I realise something. I smile when I better myself. I smile when my friends do. I smile at jokes.
    Smile has always been one of the things about me people commented on.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...I like all nature, really; I forests and woods the best. I love standing on top of hills and gazing down at the scenery. It feels like serenity. But I like all nature and cities, really. I hate the ocean, though. It irrationally scares me. I think it's the vastness of it.
    Interesting! I wonder what other ENFps think? I have always loved, loved loved a calm lake in the mountain forests best of all. While I appreciate the ocean, I don't long for it like the former. Its not what relates to my soul.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ....Apparently I can be cold. I can also be stubborn, and too argumentative.
    I think because ENFps need to process their own feelings alone. Since you currently have a lot of social group identity, You likely have strong ESFJs in it, as they thrive in group life, and they have lots of Fe, not so strong in you since your Fi is so strong, and they may be critical of you reacting silently to something they react boldly to.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ... I dislike a lot of things about myself.
    Aww. Celebrate that you are beautifully and wonderfully made! And remember as you love and accept yourself more and more, at the same time you will love and accept others more and more. And I know that matters to you!

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?...Well, apparently I'm intelligent, and good at giving advice. They also say I'm funny....
    Intelligent - Ne, and advice-giving is an ENFp thing. We have unique insights and want to help.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ... In what areas of your life would you like help?...Mathematical ability. I feel like I have potential in maths and science, I just need to unlock it.
    Find out who people say is a real good math teacher for next year's math and ask your guidance counselor to get you in that class - for the reason you just gave! Good teachers make all the difference especially for our weak subjects.

    [Re: sex: "patient and caring": marry an ISTp someday and you will get that just right for you. ]

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ... If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?...That they'd fall into depression, or do something that harms themselves/others, that they'd be brainwashed by media/religion/whatever.
    Similar to my concerns for my son. I ask God's continuing help at least once a week at Mass that my son's faith be protected as he is immersed in our anti-religious culture. I get small signs now and again that God has that, so I am glad.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...Ultimately, you can't do much about these things when they're someone else's decision. So I'd educate the child, tell them the pros/cons of everything, protect them when necessary, and let them make their own mind about things.
    Sounds reasonable and very ENFp - the latter especially since we ENFp's value personal freedom. [God does, too! He designed us that way...]

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?]If they just make a comment, inwardly I'll flare (best way to describe it)
    Great description - because you are Fi, not Fe - you NEED to take in your emotional reaction quietly. Our ideas mean a lot to us ENFps and insulting them hurts, so you would have a big Fi reaction to this.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...but outwardly I'll ask them to elaborate. If they cannot make good points, then I'll just ignore it. Otherwise, I'll take their view into consideration and research it further.
    Because outwardly, or Extrovertly, you are intuitive - thoughts and ideas. Ne. So you are truly open to their ideas. If they are clearly bad ones, you likely will ignore because that's freedom-loving ENFp, allowing others to maintain view you think are unreasonable yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...Individuals are generally good and well-meaning, but some groups are awful. A social problem is obviously discrimination, eg sexism or racism.
    We ENFps are choosy about what kinds of groups we join.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...All my friends are intelligent. They're all interesting. They're also all progressive, open-minded and funny. They're pretty caring, too, though sometimes they can be a little ignorant, which is OK. I don't like to show my darker or more tender self around them; however, I encourage them to share their feelings, if needed.
    Ne appreciates intelligence and interesting-ness in friends, and Fi makes us more open to invite others to share their feelings than for us to share ours. We will share them if asked, but first we prefer to process them ourselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...Much prefer the first image. I love the length of the beach, the cool, calming colours, particularly the waters and the sky. I could imagine myself walking along it, lost in thought. Or just lie back, and take all of the scenery in. It reminds me of serenity.
    Could not see the pictures but if the other one wasn't calming nature I also woudl pick this.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ... I guess...I like to make people laugh. I like to laugh. I'm sarcastic. I'm good at troubleshooting. I like to debate. I could talk for hours on one particular subject. I'm often Devil's Advocate
    Making people laugh part of people loving, and ENFp quality. The troubleshooting, long talk on a subject, debating all sound like NE of ENFp.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ... I'd like to be extremely intelligent.... I'd like to be kind and empathetic but not too emotional.
    Except for the "extremely" part this describes an ENFp

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...I wouldn't like to be closed-minded, or ignorant. Those traits don't make for a progressive world.
    This does not describe any ENFps I know...

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...Also, I hate it when people think they're above everyone. So, I wouldn't like to be like that.
    Have you heard the list of "7 things God hates"? It starts with "A proud look"...

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...People describe me as: funny, smart, kind. Clumsy.
    Ah! Clumsy. And ENFp trait. Late in high school and all through college I took a lot of dance classes to overcome this, to create the physical awareness I knew I lacked. Dance classes (other things too) really work to take ourselves out of our mind and into the awareness of our physical self. It really works, as long as you keep it up. Stop and we slip back into our head...

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...Important values...happiness. Growing and improving as a person. Wisdom. Open-mindedness. Humour. Kindness. Understanding. Thoughtful.
    Fi values we ENFps value.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...I adapt. Always do. Might not like it for a few days, but I always tell myself that it gets easier.... I get frustrated about things I can't change, but then it gradually goes to acceptance when I realise that I'm wasting my energy being frustrated.
    Sounds like my ways/thinking.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ... my Dad was diagnosed with cancer. I jumped to the worst conclusions. I cried for like, four hours (?) alone in my room. The next day at school I was on the brink of tears but kept my face emotionless, and I didn't go and sit in the playground with the other kids. I sat in the classroom by myself...I handled it, though. I never told my parents that I was struggling. At home, I was optimistic. I tried to be optimistic. But when it became too much, I would hide in books, and only cry if I had to.
    Because you had huge feelings, and needed to process them alone. ENFp's Fi. I hope your Dad s well now!

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...If social norms and traditions are non-degenerative, then fine, go ahead. I have a problem with social norms and values etc that are outdated and put people into boxes. I hate gender roles. I hate how people are viewed; not as an individual, but as traits.
    Sounds like a lot of Ne convictions...

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...Authority can suck, and the people who have it can suck, but at the end of the day, I guess we do need it. I'd like to change it, and I often think of ways that I could.
    I have similar views on authority

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...I'd be terrified of living in a world like Orwell's 1984. Where freedom is taken away, and were we're told what to think and how to act. This fear doesn't manifest in my thoughts and actions; I don't let it.
    I agree!

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...I desire happiness.
    You will likely really enjoy the little documentary "Happy" on Netflix.

    Quote Originally Posted by opeth98 View Post
    ...And to be successful in what I choose to do. I want to be the best at guitar, painting, writing. I like these activities, so naturally I want to be good at them. I want to add in my own input, too. See if I can make something great.
    We ENFps like expressive arts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tropski Bolest View Post
    What if I'm correct? What if I'm consistently correct? What if I am competent at it?
    My point was only that the link that you said was great, about people not knowing themselves well, with some of the reasons why, applies to knowing others as well. It's all the same mechanism, with same flaws. Though I believe knowing others comes with even more flaws due to having more limited info about the other person. We can use the same process to learn about ourselves that we use to learn about others. But we have access to more info about ourselves than we do about the other person. 24/7/365 info of ourselves vs for example, 6, or 79 posts of another person. Who are you likely to have a clearer or more accurate picture/story of?

    This is why I wouldn't so easily dismiss what a person says about themselves.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    @opeth98 sorry for ruining your thread

    to op:

    I think you value Si/Ne and not Se/Ni. I also think that you're either an Alpha ethical or a Delta ethical if i had to guess now i'd say SEI but i think ESE, IEE and EII are also possible.

    Some questions:
    -How do you learn practical and how do you learn academical stuff?
    -In what kind of group situations do you like to be in?

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    You are very wise.

    "Power to me? The hardest thing to control is yourself. Power is being true to yourself; not having addictions, being disciplined, maintaining a healthy mind and body. That's the only power I'll ever need. I have no desire to rule or control others."

    Yes. "Having control over others gives you power. But having control over yourself... that is The Way." Xena Warrior princess quote.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daft21 View Post
    @opeth98 sorry for ruining your thread

    to op:

    I think you value Si/Ne and not Se/Ni. I also think that you're either an Alpha ethical or a Delta ethical if i had to guess now i'd say SEI but i think ESE, IEE and EII are also possible.

    Some questions:
    -How do you learn practical and how do you learn academical stuff?
    -In what kind of group situations do you like to be in?
    I haven't logged in a for a few kinda blew up o.O

    To answer your questions:
    I think I learn better academically than practically. I was always pretty bad at woodwork, etc. And I could never really fix a puncture on my bike.
    However, academically...well, I can't say I always listen in school, but things can 'click' with me if I'm reading about them. More so when someone's explaining something practical to me. If I'm learning with my hands, it has to be at my pace, otherwise I get nervous and mess things up.

    As for group situations: I like most group situations. Obviously, I'll prefer being with my friends in a comfortable situation; however, I could still enjoy being with strangers in a stressful experience. I just have to be in the right mood. Too much group stuff (that isn't with my friends) I just want to go and be by myself.

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