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Thread: Levels of Ti || Awareness of leading function

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    Default Levels of Ti || Awareness of leading function

    - there seems to be different stages of Ti, speaking from experience. Maybe this has to do with the development of other functions or other aspects of maturity, but either way....

    There seems to be a clear cut differentiation between one phase and another in terms of

    • Stage A is more a sort of flurry, where it ended up so that everyone outside of me really was wrong. It is a very conceited state, actually, but when you as a dominant are in it, you cannot understand that you are in it, because you are 'right'. It is almost an overconfidence in "your logic", and when critic comes along, there must be something wrong or superflouous about that critic (I am thinkin of Jung's Ti description in his "P. Types".)

      Anyhow: This, from a current Alpha Q thread, sparked this thread:
      At the end of the novel both the Chief and Noboru decide that Ryuji must be "saved" in a fashion which only an INTj could concoct
      . I haven't read the material refered to by the quote, but I have a pretty good idea of what the nature of it is, as I have 'been there' myself, in some ways. If remains completely detached and secular and completely subjective to the individual, then it can be very corruptive or even doomed, despite the best intentions of "saving", even. ANd we all know that, unless it wants to be, won't be proven wrong or even accept criticism.

      Stage B involves some of that essence (meaning that the feeling of a superior subjective logic still lingers).... but there is something more - being aware of the tendancies I pointed out for Stage A. This 'awareness' can make all the difference it seems. Stage B may just be an expanded perspective or a more 'positive' paradigm shift, but there seems to be something completely different about Stage A and Stage B

    One good example for me is when I am around an ISTj, who is very much stuck in Stage A. She is good natured, but viscious in her logic, and doesn't seem to be aware of her tendancies. If she were of another sect of her religion, she'd be a fundementalist terrorist for sure, or at least something to that effect. Meaning, that she had no awareness of her tendancies, or how worked, or how she opperated. There is little or no way that I could discuss something like Socionics with her because it would come to close to running interference with here already established and ultra-refined thought dogma.

    I wonder....... (Instantaneous INTj Intuitor Connection Alert) ((hmm... IIICA)
    Is this sort of the same thing that ESFjs go through - in terms of accepting the cultural standards of of the society around them - but in an inverted way?
    To expand upon what I am saying: Is the development of for an INTj related to the development of for an ESFj - as in, ESFj accepts cultural norms and adopts them, where as INTj rejects cultural faults and seeks to right them?
    But even futher... is the nature of having a reference point for j-rational types easily off-centered due to the nature of creating a reference point--- and if so, how important it is to be able to revise or update these standpoints over time.

    (Hmm, I don't know if that helped. If it doesn't make any sense, I'll come back to it tomorrow and work it out more. I just thought of that now.)


    Now I am not sure how this (the main jist of thie post) fits into socionics if at all - though I did mention the possible development of other functions as a link. But I am usually interested in how different levels of awareness/self awareness impact things anways, even how one uses their functions. This 'thing', though, this different levels and layers.... it seems very apparent to me, though, when I come across people. I wanted to highlight this also because I think Ti can be very, very dangerous if it is not ... taken care of, so to say. It could easily become a poisoned dragon, so to say.

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    I went over it again a little and filled in some things, but this might be a premature baby of an idea.

    However, reading it again also made me change the title with this possibility: It is probable that what I am talking about is the same for every leading function, and maybe what I am refering to really is a sort of 'leading function awareness'. What I described would be the case for .

    But I wonder how it would be so for other functions - how they change when you become aware of what you are doing and the natural tendancies of those functions, or perhaps even the process of becoming aware of those functions.

    Note: when I mean 'awareness', I do not mean simply looking up the description on website and coming to an understanding about what this or that function means, and what it does, and how it works, etc. I mean the more personal, more in depth awareness of how your leading function has affected your life/actions/thoughts/ etc.. I could see this being just a matter of self awareness, but I am not quite sure yet.

    If that still doesn't make any sense, don't worry about it. I'll come back to it soon enough.
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    It made sense to me. Stage A is more of a child-like stage. In the beginning, one is more apt to act more extreme I think. Stage B is more of an adult-like stage, where awareness can take some of the rashness and poison out of Stage A.

    I think, though, that in moments of excitability (either good or bad) people revert back to Stage A.
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    Quote Originally Posted by oyburger
    It made sense to me. Stage A is more of a child-like stage. In the beginning, one is more apt to act more extreme I think. Stage B is more of an adult-like stage, where awareness can take some of the rashness and poison out of Stage A.

    I think, though, that in moments of excitability (either good or bad) people revert back to Stage A.

    Yes, I agree on both parts. Revertinng back to Stage A as you pyut it would make fine sense, as not only do people become much more solidly "their type" under stress, but anyone under an instantaneaous situation will react to their more core levels. Over time those can be modified if chosen such, but even still, you still have tendancies.
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    Yes, I've been working on not reverting so much. Its difficult and sometimes I become complacent
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    Quote Originally Posted by oyburger
    Yes, I've been working on not reverting so much. Its difficult and sometimes I become complacent
    Mmm, I know what you mean.

    I wonder if this has any connection to what Pedro was talking about in another thread (in regard to complacency)
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    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
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    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
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    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    However, in defending his principles The Analyst demonstrates outstanding inflexibility. One can break his impertinence only by influencing his softness, which he hides under a mask of haughtiness, but only in the sphere of relations and not ideas or principles.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
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    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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