I went over it again a little and filled in some things, but this might be a premature baby of an idea.

However, reading it again also made me change the title with this possibility: It is probable that what I am talking about is the same for every leading function, and maybe what I am refering to really is a sort of 'leading function awareness'. What I described would be the case for .

But I wonder how it would be so for other functions - how they change when you become aware of what you are doing and the natural tendancies of those functions, or perhaps even the process of becoming aware of those functions.

Note: when I mean 'awareness', I do not mean simply looking up the description on website and coming to an understanding about what this or that function means, and what it does, and how it works, etc. I mean the more personal, more in depth awareness of how your leading function has affected your life/actions/thoughts/ etc.. I could see this being just a matter of self awareness, but I am not quite sure yet.

If that still doesn't make any sense, don't worry about it. I'll come back to it soon enough.