Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
An ESFj would not react well to criticism at all, but would appreciate INTjs attempts
So ESFjs have trouble with constructive criticism then? That makes me remember something...

The one possible ESFj conflict situation I was in was when a person who might have been ESFj (clearly had Fe, had a sympathetic appearance and was good at making phone calls and working with customers, etc.) had a short story published. I was very interested and asked her if I could read it. She let me borrow it. I told her that I thought it was very good, but I had a few suggestions.

She absolutely chewed me out, saying that it was totally inappropriate for me to critique her story if she didn't ask for a critique.

Is that possibly typical of how an ESFj might react? And how would an INTj handle it differently? Would an INTj be more aware that you're not supposed to offer suggestions unless asked?

So...curious...what sort of INTj attempts are you talking about? What, as an INTj, do you know to do or say to make things better when dealing with an ESFj?
This does not sound like any FeSi I've ever known. Most FeSi's that I've ran into love constructive criticism toward what their doing in an effort to make it better... This back attack sounds much like what an Se type would do if offended by something. Probably you're mixing FeSi's up with SeFi's

Anyhow, I've always felt that INTJs (if not INTjs...) are much better at knowing all these rules one's supposed to know.
Wrong. Just simply wrong. INTj's are horrible at picking any social rule that I know of. Their just oblivious to other people's notions until afterwards.