Quote Originally Posted by Logos
Is that possibly typical of how an ESFj might react? And how would an INTj handle it differently? Would an INTj be more aware that you're not supposed to offer suggestions unless asked?

So...curious...what sort of INTj attempts are you talking about? What, as an INTj, do you know to do or say to make things better when dealing with an ESFj?
The ESFj I know would probably go along with it if I was convincing. Just like with all people, I prefer to be blunt and back my statements with sound reasoning.

You can have bricks, water, honey, diamonds, popsicles or brownies... but if she is wants cream, she will be dissapointed with everything else that isn't cream. Meaning that if she wants to hear "wow that was nice", anything less (or more, perhaps -- especially in regard to criticism), will probably not go over too well. But that is my experiential ethical logic that has been developed over time. You should probably as an F type, or even more so, an ESFj (or even her, if you can), how you should have reacted. Actually, if you ask her what went wrong, sincerely, then she may at least respect your effort to try to better the relation.

(by the by, that was major adaptation of a (shakespearean?) situation)
((All I remember is Wishbone playing the guy who had the ugly face and long nose, but wrote poety very well for this guy who was in love with a beatuy but had no game when it came to words. Eventually, no game guy was blown up by a cannon, and the girl finds out that the poetry was made by the ugly guy (WIshbone the dog's character), and then they got together, I think))
((("You give me water but I ask for cream" - something like that, she said.

So there you have it