
I do not like ESFps at all

I do not like certain aspects of situations, like a martial arts class that I am involve in. I am okay with practicing forms alone, but certain situations where there is lots of contact at close range are very uncomfortable.

I prefer a warm / friendly / exciting environ, as opposed to one of great challenge or dangerousness. (thinking of something form the "INTj or INTp article)

I'm rather pure: anti-drug, etc

Possibly aspirations for revolution / thinking that the majority of people are 'wrong' in what or how they do things.


*Sometimes I forget to eat meals
*Sometimes I think in such a way that I am rather detached from my body
I am rather "weird" and unique.
I'm curious how you perceive the conflict with ESFps. How do you see them? Don't you at least sometimes think that they're exciting and fun at least in certain situations?

As to the other things you mention...I wonder if other people here see them as not compatible with INTp also, because I certainly identify with all the things I left in the quote, even though I like to wing things and not have to follow a plan. In particular, I think I may have read that article about INTps and dangerousness (was it on www.socionics.com)?

I wonder if the INTps here actually like dangerous environments, close-contact sports, etc. My observation is that none of the four IN types are very much into to such things (compared to E or S types), at least when it comes to real-life participation (as opposed to fantasy).

For the INTps here....What do you think of these things? Can you see yourself identifying with some of the things UDP lists?