I'm always curious about it when people talk about conflicts with ESFj types. I don't think I've ever gotten to know any ESFj types that well, so that may be why I've never conflicted with them. But if the people I think of as ESFj are ESFj, I can't imagine how one would conflict with them.
I have written about this in another thread. My mother is without doubt an ESFj. I can't recall ever having any major conflict with her - but I still believe that we are conflictors. What finally convinced me was Rick's description of conflicting relations on his site, which captures pretty well the feeling I have when I meet ESFjs. It's like a kind of wall between us in conversations, an often uncomfortable feeling of not being able to get through to their way of thinking. We definitely live in "different worlds". Often we both become silent, because neither one of us seem to know what to say. I have experienced more than once that the ESFjs might become much less extraverted in my company, and if I sometimes try to brake the ice the conversation soon dies out. I get much more stimulation from ESFps.

I think that Zeia's description
It's as if I'm on a seperate form of logic than her, when I try to reason things out, it seems wrong to her. And when I make a point, it ends up hurting her feelings that I disagree with her. This heavily puts me over the edge because I want to finish debating but I'm cut off prematurely.
is good, especially the last sentence.