Quote Originally Posted by jonkopa View Post
Hello, I have LIE preferences and am looking for ways to develop myself. How would I develop my intuition and sensing?
Short answer, increase your experiences and understandings.

For example, for developing sensing, increase your amount of physically oriented pursuits. I'm not talking exercise, I am talking working with concrete physical objects. Pay attention to the items you are using, how they do what they do, how they interact with each other, etc. Add in some research about a particular activity, either through internet, youtube, library, or better yet someone who actively does that activity regularly. This way you will come to develop some rules and norms for that particular activity. (Increases the 1D experience to 2D rules/norms.) Continue by adding in new activities related to the previous activities. As you gain further awareness and understanding of the rules/norms in a variety of situations/activities, you'll start seeing how you can step away from the rules/norms, and/or recognize when the rules can be broken, and why they were broken in that particular situation. (Increases 2D rules/norms to 3D situational.) Add in more and more situations, and/or take the activities back to when primitive man would have been doing them with primitive tools, and gradually experience step by step and learn why the modifications occurred, how those modifications helped, and what new problems those modifications created, and how the activity was further modified to overcome or adapt to those changes. Also, look for external influences each step of the way. But don't expect a clear "I now have 4D Sx" kind of thing, because it is still an ever growing process.

The problem with this is that you'll be spending so much time and energy working on the new stuff that you'll be at risk of lagging behind on what you already have brain pathways for.

So, back to the short answer: increase your experiences. This will allow you to use your current and natural methods, while gradually gaining different experiences from which to draw from.

New experiences also provides other knowledge from which to draw from as needed, and increases your options/choices for related situations/contexts.