Quote Originally Posted by RedBeard View Post
I weave around people and quite enjoy it. Even when I'm walking with friends, I display this tendency, which I perceive to be an inherent "follower" kind of quality.
This is supposedly tied to irrational types (EP, IP temperament), whereas the rational ones plow forward

Quote Originally Posted by RedBeard View Post
Tool released an even more commercial sounding album: "Opiate", before their better known "Undertow" was released. They fleshed out their style from the ground up.

Thom Yorke seems to be a polarizing character in that he alienates fans; many fans "get" this proclivity and love him even more for it. Something about one of his newer music videos from "The King of Limbs" practically exudes a gloating sort of quality, like he knows just how "hype" he is and any foolish thing he might do will be interpreted as hot shit.
Opiate is just a 30-something minute EP, but yeah, I get what you mean, they definitely sounded a lot different starting out.

I think first and foremost, people seem to hate Thom's voice, it's the most common complaint. But Radiohead seems to be attacked a lot for being "pretentious", even by music fans that listen to stuff that would similarly be considered "pretentious". I think as far as the music fans are concerned, it's just that Radiohead might be considered overrepresented amongst alternative music fans, so there's this inclination to cut them down, it's a bit of a shame, they're quite an enjoyable band if you give them a chance. I can't really comment on how they handle the hype, because I'm n

Quote Originally Posted by RedBeard View Post
I initially went with IEI because I'm confident that I'm an INFP in the Meyer's Brigg's system (IEI is the typical, if not just logical corresponding type), and because the Socionics Ni/Fe descriptions resonate with me. I also considered IEE, but after learning that IEE's boast a serious demeanor with a playful interior, I decided against that. I tend to approach life tongue-in-cheek.
The Socionic functions are different to the MBTI ones, though I trust you've read up on them a bit before deciding. The general consensus seems to be that introvert types could go in either the judging or perceiving direction, depending on the person in a case by case basis.

It's hard to rely on profiles because some of them aren't translated well from Russian. There's also that whole "XXXxs are known for _____, but sometimes they will do the complete opposite!" rigmarole. There are moments of insight, but keep that in mind. Also, Forer's effect.

Quote Originally Posted by RedBeard View Post
I doubt you could if you tried. Time permits for only so much.
Welcome to Socionics.