Quote Originally Posted by psevdonim View Post
Hi, what made you conclude that from my words?
From what I understand of what you said, you are saying that every aspect of socionics is a model that attempts to approximate certain things about real people in the real world. It is entirely disconnected from reality like how a window has nothing to do with the view from it, even through it can be used to structure it, show certain patterns. Or reality does not obey the rules of socionics. Did I misinterpret you?

Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
That definition wouldn't just apply to socionics though, but I think that's what it wants to be about, which is my point that until there's reproducable evidence, socionics might describe nothing and it is after all a useful philisophical tool for people to apply to situations in life as a factor which might help them personally, along with some other things.
Do you think one could construct an entirely empirical kind of socionics?