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Thread: INTjs on life

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    Default INTjs on life.

    I'd like to hear the thoughts and reflections of people like me. School, relationships, careers, colleges, the future, learning, life in general.
    Roboticist: Someone who conceptualizes, designs, builds, programs and experiments with robots.

  2. #2
    Logos's Avatar
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    You may want to try in the Alpha Quadra board where the INTjs generally keep themselves.
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Johari Box

  3. #3
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    The INTjs you'll find here are not necessarily INTjs.

    INTj is the default white-teenage-boy-type for a lot of people.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    The INTjs you'll find here are not necessarily INTjs.

    INTj is the default white-teenage-boy-type for a lot of people.
    Hmm, I never thought of that.

    Those punk bastard INTj immitators...


    You may want to try in the Alpha Quadra board where the INTjs generally keep themselves.
    so true


    I'd like to hear the thoughts and reflections of people like me. School, relationships, careers, colleges, the future, learning, life in general.
    (I was thinking about creating some sort of INTj forum or something....)

    Since I seem to be one of th emore.... talkative... of my bunch (at least here anyways), just ask a question and I will come up with a response. You can even designate if you would like a longer or shorter reponse, etc, if you like. I don't mind answering questions like this, sometimes.

    So fire away

  5. #5
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    The INTjs you'll find here are not necessarily INTjs.

    INTj is the default white-teenage-boy-type for a lot of people.
    The sad part is that you are probably right. It seems to be the option for white-teenage-boys who want to claim to be objective in their angst.
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Johari Box

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    School, relationships, careers, colleges, the future, learning, life in general
    I have a close INTJ friend. I'm not sure how he'd answer the question exactly but I'm sure he'd somehow relate it to his plan for world domination.

    Well he doesn't really want to dominate the world but design a system which runs the world that works. We just argue his little system is far too controlling and would alieniate a lot of its citizens....hard to tell him that though.

    I love have discussions with INTJs on society and human behavior.
    We manage to disagree on a lot of points but never in a threatening way.

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    Default Re: INTjs on life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mastermind
    I'd like to hear the thoughts and reflections of people like me. School, relationships, careers, colleges, the future, learning, life in general.
    School :- I was a top performer in school . Always comes in top whatever the exam may be . Entire my school days , I was known as a genius. Received many awards,recongnition ,scholorships etc.
    At the same time I was considered as a silent & shy guy. I was afraid of speaking to people & very timid.

    Relationships :- I consider myself as very bad in this area. I had issues with whomever I shared room with or whomever I had close relations with. I have a tendency to hold grudges & difficulty in forgiving.

    Still I am trying to learn how can I maintain satisfying relations. As of now I am following an advice from "UDP" -- Emotionally detach from others and play with strengths--
    I think I can only maintain relationships with psychological distance . I need lot of distance from other people .

    career :-I started working as a customer support engineer where I need to handle both sales & technical problem solving. Here I was good in handling technical problem solving part. But when it comes to
    customer handling & sales , I was too poor. I received many bad remarks from my boss because of this . After 4 years of my struggle , I decided to
    move to entire technical area. I have a good job in a top MNC . I think I chieved my professional goals till now .

    colleges :- I was in technical college (Diploma, Electronics). Here also I was a top performer. By this time I acquired somewhat people skills .

    The future :- I keep developing myself all the time . I am looking forward to climb coprporate ladder or I would like to start my own firm in future .

    learning:- I strongly believe I have a lot of strengths like intelligence,analytical skills etc .

    life in general :- Till I took MBTI test , I was thinking that something seriously wrong with me. Now I have started acceping myself as I am(at the age of 27)
    I am happy & contended now . I clearly know my strengths & weakness now . I decided to play with my strengths .

  8. #8
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    Default Re: INTjs on life.

    School: I was in magnet schools until college, I've been told that the only things I'm good at are studying and art. I had my group of friends; we were thought of as weird and were left alone. Actually the word commonly used for me was “intimidating”.

    Relationships: I have a group of friends in which the "newest" person became a part of it 11 years ago. I've known two of them since we were 2. In all my romantic relationships I usually was the person to do the dumping, I was just entirely uncomfortable being that close to someone and in general I think that I never really liked them as much as they liked me. My husband was different; he made me comfortable and kept me interested.

    College: I went to college for graphic design because I have a strong background in art but I knew that I wasn't going to make a living out of it. Schoolwork was a breeze.

    Career: I hate working. I hate being told by someone what to do and I've never gotten along with coworkers. This part of my life is a mess right now.

    Future: I don't see very good things on the horizon

    Learning: I feel lost if I don't have some sort of learning project going. When something catches my fancy, I'll learn about it until I'm satisfied. I could spend minutes or years on it; it just depends.

    That’s all I can think of right now.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  9. #9
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    school: My grades in school always going up and down. When i set out a goal to do well, i can do well, when my attention is in somewhere else. i do poorly. but after high school, i was struggling acadamically, i always getting the lowest limit. Do do all the summer school. I graduated with a software engineering degree.

    Relationship: It is a mess. I never have a real relationship. I had a few blind dates, but they never solidify. I feel uncomfortable infront of people when i dont now my role.

    Career: I just graduated for a year. so not much to say. I had 3 jobs since then, none of them were making me happy. I felt i knew everything and wanted to move on with new challenge.

    Future: I dont think i am a good team worker. However,, i believe i am a good director, I just need a first office to carry out my plan and deal with the subordinary. I wanted to open my own company and so i can be in control. I am a person who never happy with anything other peple do except it is done by myself.

    Learning: i love learning intersting thing, psychology, philosophy, economic, anything that involves anylisis.

    Travel: I heard alot of people around me want to travel to places like europe and china, to see the beautiful street, great scalture, and great wall, and river. But too me, that dont impress me much. I have no intersted to see anything like that, those places bore me. I can see those things on tv. I much rather go to suth america and enjoy the sun, sand and the blue ocean.

  10. #10
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    School: I'm a horrible student with a lackadaisacal wprk ethic, whom merely passes by means of exceptional test scores and essentially "forged" homework. Socially, whilst I'm not the social butterfly, I have my group of friends whom basically cohere from the wrecks of our previous social travels. And, though I am part of such a close-knit group, I often feel alienated from them---and everyone else---due to my particular odditities which no one cares to share; it doesn't bother me too much though.

    Relationships: I'm not terribly talented at forging nor tempering relationships, and always end up cold-shouldering even the closest friends after-a-while; they degenerate from my general, detrimental, sense of apathy and the second party being offended and/or hurt by it. This is a quality which I am trying to change, though I find it difficult to invigorate myself to activity and am struggling with growth in this area.

    Careers: I'm 17 and don't have much of a career.

    College: No collegial experience.

    Future: Being the blithely traversing optimist, I tend to view the future with a hopeful eye and disregard possible shortcomings of it by either blowing them off or detaching myself from their significance, with the latter trait, I believe, being the prime source of my aforementioned sordidly apathy.

    Learning: I'm a voracious learner and pursue a sufficient understanding of all that I come across; behaving otherwise leaves me unsatisfied and ruffled, as if I was somehow participating in some sort of intellectual moral degeneracy; I feel bad if I'm not learning.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

  11. #11


    Damn you with your avater, though, MS.

    That's still gross

  12. #12

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    Default musings

    Well... school, I always did well in. I'm actually in the process of getting my third college degree (I don't care much about the degree, but I need it to qualify for a career change). I've always worked fairly hard, remember things easily, and just have grasped most concepts well enough to make it through the school thing pretty well.

    Relationships are so much fun.... at 28, I'm on my 4th boyfriend. I guess that's a little low. I had only dated once before I met my first boyfriend when I was 21. My last ex was an ESTP and I was never sure about the relationship, but he always talked me into staying with him. My current (new) boyfriend is an INTj like me and the similarities are so refreshing. There isn't the messy misunderstandings just to converse. That's not to say we're exactly alike, but it is very nice not to have someone who's prying into my mind constantly. For a pair of introverts, it's been very intense & we've spent so much time together - it's never been like this with anyone else I've dated. Usually I get to the point where I need my space much more quickly.

    Career: big changes there. I work as a pilot at the moment, but I'm in school for air traffic control. Most pilots are introverts, but the male pilot group not my favorite group of people. Flying usually takes care of my need to see/do new things, but the lifestyle sucks, which is why I'm working on the career change.

    The future... well, I just wish it were here. I'm stuck in a boring flying job just so I can have the schedule to get to finish school. I can't wait to do something else that challenges me. I'm a little scared about how that future is going to resolve itself; I'm the one to have my future planned out 40 years in advance, and right now I don't know whether my winter will be hot or cold, where I'll be living in 5 months. I'm fairly optimistic, though. I think I'm going in the right direction, even if I'm not happy with everything right now.

    I have the same tight group of female friends that I've had for years and I usually don't care much about the peripheral acquaintances. I have a hard time networking because of that, although I've taught myself to remember people and be more polite to those outside of the inner circle. It does pay off eventually, even though it's not in my nature to care.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: musings

    Quote Originally Posted by galadriel
    it's been very intense & we've spent so much time together - it's never been like this with anyone else I've dated. Usually I get to the point where I need my space much more quickly.
    This is the way it was when I first met my husband, I could spend days and days with him and not get sick of him. After 9 years that's a little different now, but before I met him I usualy broke off relationships after a couple of months. That stage where the newness is wearing off is when I start to feel awkward and I feel like I'm drowning in their company. So far this hasn't happened with my husband.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  14. #14
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    school: currently in 17th grade, where no one recieves grades. however, my undergrad gpa fluctuated between 3.2 and 3.75, depending on interest level. work ethic was mediocre.

    relationships: had 6-7 "relationships" that lasted 3-5 weeks each. found an isfj that refuses to give up, and am currently in a 4 month relationship.

    career: holding a 9-5 is pretty easy. i work in private security while working on my research. its a sweet gig. i can think/write about stuff while people think i am doing my job.

    future: probably will not get credit for my research until well after my death, if at all. more than likely write a handful of inconsequential books and raise kids in the suburbs. i may take some cues from the entj's and make a load of money in business.

    travel: will definitely travel a fair amount, as i have travelled out of the country more than most united states citizens. i plan on wearing out my passport.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
    travel: will definitely travel a fair amount, as i have travelled out of the country more than most united states citizens. i plan on wearing out my passport.
    Me too, where have you been? I went to a few places during high school because of grades. I haven't been able to lately due to lack of funds. I really miss it though.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

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    mexico, canada, and alaska may not count, but i've been there. been all around the u.s., and am currently in the u.k.. i havent made it to the continent yet as i went to ireland a few months back, but i am planning on italy in september. i have been thinking of this awesome around the world flight that is cheap when considering all the stops that it makes, and the time spent at each destination is variable. will have to save a bit for that one though...
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

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    Ahhh I'm jealous! I haven't been to many places around the U.S, mostly just puttering around western Europe. My list of "gotta see" destinations is a mile long.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  18. #18
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    yeah, i like to travel, but really got the bug when i met this estp from down under that would go from beach resort, to ski resort, back to beach resort throughout the seasons and around the world. she didn't have a dime, but would just apply to resorts she found online that would give her accomodation, money, and a visa for manual, no skilled jobs. she had been everywhere, n. africa, europe, s.e. asia, americas...
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
    yeah, i like to travel, but really got the bug when i met this estp from down under that would go from beach resort, to ski resort, back to beach resort throughout the seasons and around the world. she didn't have a dime, but would just apply to resorts she found online that would give her accomodation, money, and a visa for manual, no skilled jobs. she had been everywhere, n. africa, europe, s.e. asia, americas...
    fuck! that sounds like the life to live. for like, 2-3 years
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
    yeah, i like to travel, but really got the bug when i met this estp from down under that would go from beach resort, to ski resort, back to beach resort throughout the seasons and around the world. she didn't have a dime, but would just apply to resorts she found online that would give her accomodation, money, and a visa for manual, no skilled jobs. she had been everywhere, n. africa, europe, s.e. asia, americas...
    fuck! that sounds like the life to live. for like, 2-3 years
    Yeah it would be fun for awhile...
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

  21. #21
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    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
    yeah, i like to travel, but really got the bug when i met this estp from down under that would go from beach resort, to ski resort, back to beach resort throughout the seasons and around the world. she didn't have a dime, but would just apply to resorts she found online that would give her accomodation, money, and a visa for manual, no skilled jobs. she had been everywhere, n. africa, europe, s.e. asia, americas...
    how did she do this again?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
    yeah, i like to travel, but really got the bug when i met this estp from down under that would go from beach resort, to ski resort, back to beach resort throughout the seasons and around the world. she didn't have a dime, but would just apply to resorts she found online that would give her accomodation, money, and a visa for manual, no skilled jobs. she had been everywhere, n. africa, europe, s.e. asia, americas...
    how did she do this again?
    surf the net. for instance, here the resort is giving info on the visa etc.... people from australia, south america and canada work at amost all of the ski resorts around the world. the estp i knew also apllied to resorts during the summer time in tropical/hot locations. or here: you can work on a cruise ship. the estp would just apply to as many positions as she could find in the area she wanted to go, and took her pick of her best options when they accepted her, turning down a handful of accepted applications.
    that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.

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