Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
Ok, I was thinking about NLP's meta-model regarding generalizations, distortions, and deletions. From what you described so far of the person involved, they might be making extensive use of these errors in thinking.

For a quick idea, here are some links. (These are from a quick search, I know nothing of the actual sites involved, just the specific page being linked.)

For a brief overview: http://www.expandyourworld.net/i+i-generalization.php

For ideas on questions to ask: http://sourcesofinsight.com/generali...nd-distortion/
(i actually liked that questions page and will be printing it off for further studying at a later time.)

For another way of understanding what's happening and questions to help: http://www.the-secret-of-mindpower-a...lisations.html

I actually think these might be of more use to you than socionics typing would. Particularly if you add in the motivational aspects of the enneatype.

However, asking these questions might be perceived as you attacking this person...which in a way you are..because you'd be asking questions that inevitably alter their current world view. This is stressful to the person answering them. So expect more of that negative behavior you described. However...there's a good chance that they will perceive it as punishment (the negative feelings of having to alter their world view one step at a time), and as such might eventually cut back how often they do what you described to you. This cutback won't change their world view, but it would give you a bit more peace.
Why that sounds awesome.