Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleJim View Post
Then replace food with anything. You assuming that by doubling the value of money in circulation that you will actually change what people buy. This will only occur in the short term.
IJ, nothing says that redistribuiting the wealth in a completely homogeneous way will double the value of money in circulation. If that's your assumption, then surely everything you say makes (more) sense. But I don't see why it should hold, since it would imply 1) that all the wealth would be used for consumption; 2) that the propensity to consume of the bottom 50% in the "excess wealth" they would receive is fourfold the propensity to consume of those who currently hold that wealth.

FDG, have you ever considered changing your user title to 'Non-inflatory economist'?
I never claimed there would be no inflation, I simply argued against your assertion hat the price of everything will instantaneously double. Even if the state where to give a stipend of 100% their income to the bottom 50% bracket of the income distrubtion, prices would likely not double for standard goods, since people would not consume all their income.