Quote Originally Posted by Jimbean View Post

I think you are looking at government as a hypothetical system, rather than looking at the historical nature of government.

I think this leads to the next question of what direction of approach and political philosophy is either correct or optimal.
The historical nature of government is that it arises in some form and collapses in some form. There is no ideal or hypothetical, it either lives or it dies in the environment that it exists in. Governments are just social organism that live, achieves what it achieves and dies, no more no less. Correct and optimal is something for the historians to decide, and they generally don't agree on.

By even having the pretense to "correct" and "optimal" you're the one dealing in hypothetical. As a scientist, I deal in approximations, probability, measurement and analysis, beyond that I don't know what's correct and optimal, that's a shifting target.