Hello! I just joined this forum and it seems interesting so far. I'm not sure at all what my type is so I'll just describe myself.

I'm an apathetic person. I literally only feel things once a week. Even then, I'm always skimming the surface and I'm a bit out of touch with how I actually feel. It's kind of annoying.
I dislike social rules. When I was a preteen, everyone thought I was odd and awkward. Often times, people would play these subtle social games with me and I wasn't sure what was going on. I did conform for a while because I thought that would lead me to success and it probably would have but I think I would have been betraying myself if I gave in. I usually abandon most of those rules when interacting with others although I recognize that I have to conform to a degree in order to achieve. I try not to do it much.
I am a very goal-oriented person. I live life by a checklist of things to get done.
I've always prided myself on being practical. Everything I do has to have a purpose. Even when I was younger, I was very concerned with applying my knowledge, etc. I read gardening, interior decorating, and cook books for fun. I still do now actually.
I absolutely love reading. Knowledge is power after all.
I hate politics. Too much lying going on.
I don't care too much about being polite but I do care about being ethically consistent. I have a set of moral rules that I always have to abide by. They're based on how I feel because I feel like basing such a big part of me on how others feel would be inauthentic.
I'm somewhat of a reclusive loner but I really like talking to others. Even when I dislike someone, I still find them interesting and I love getting to know them. Nothing makes me happier throughout the day than having a good conversation with someone.
I'm probably extraverted though I could see myself as an introvert.
I'm really into grabbing opportunities right in front of me and making the most of them. I'm an opportunistic person.
I'm also somewhat of an attention whore. I know consistently achieving things is only part of being successful. Getting attention and putting on a performance is another part. I add bits of dramatic flair to what I do.
I actually really like fashion magazines, makeup, etc. I find it very fun to get into. It's interesting how different you come off with just a bit of eyeliner and a different hairstyle.
I love control, both inner and outer. Everything in my life is structured.
I know exactly what I want to accomplish overall in my life. I don't believing in living for the present because everything adds up in the end. I want to get my desired results out of life.
I'm not too good at getting along with others. My friendships start off great but end fast. I don't really end up wallowing though because I know I can always make new friends.
I want to be an entrepreneur in a few years There's nothing more thrilling than creating business plans and utilizing resources for maximum efficiency. I grew up quite poor and I was kind of angry as a teen for not being able to afford a proper wardrobe but after a while, I learned to look at as a challenge. I decided to buy the cheapest but best quality clothes I could buy that would last for a long time. I also chose to buy basics that would match.
I'm an artist. I love to submerge myself in my feelings and use those feelings to create intense art. I find it interesting and fun.