For those unfamiliar with quantum mechanics I'd suggest reading up on how "observation" and "wave function collapse" works, or at least have a look at schrodinger's cat.

Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison that kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other.
Basically the idea is that observing the cat will change the state of the cat from being simultaneously alive/dead to being one or the other. It largely has to do with how an observer effects the state of something, the act of observation causes a collapse of something to a particular state.

I'm wondering if self-observation of type effects one's personality through building up self-fulfilling prophecies, that in a way mirror this observation and collapse in quantum mechanics. Originally a person is merely in an undetermined state but on self-observation that they are a particular type this alters the state of their consciousness and sets in motion a process of confirmation bias which proceeds up until a critical point of cognitive dissonance and conflicting observation which then places someone else into another state.

This of course may sound like I'm trying to say personality or identity doesn't exist, but I think this is beside the point, as a person's essence or being is still there and unique. Overtime the state of a person changes as a result of observation and interference from other entities but inevitably, while that state changes it takes a very unique trajectory or path in life that is separate from others.

Also the idea of quantum entanglement:

Quantum entanglement is a form of quantum superposition. When a measurement is made and it causes one member of such a pair to take on a definite value (e.g., clockwise spin), the other member of this entangled pair will at any subsequent time[6] be found to have taken the appropriately correlated value (e.g., counterclockwise spin)
I think this applies to intertype relations. Since people are in a world full of other entities, their identity is impacted and entangled with the identities of others. When someone modifies their personality, the entangled pair modifies their own. If you run across someone you dislike, you resolve to be different or something similar. If you find someone endearing you try to modify yourself to gain their acceptance, approval, appreciation. This is all going on meanwhile people observe themselves and each others and make determinations of what state they wish to be in.

I'm interested to here your thoughts on this-- I won't play baby sitter but please I ask that you keep discussion civil and constructive as this is something I'm interested in. I studied 3 semesters of quantum mechanics in university and I personally think when you apply certain aspects of it to the understanding of something like socionics there can be some powerful insights to gain. Personally I find this view a lot more real and freeing than having my identity put into another cog, its capable of not only describing who I am, but why I became that way, how others effect me, and why sometimes I want to be something different. You can disagree just please I'd request some civility and a lack of ad hom attacks at my expense for proposing this view.

Thanks and let the games begin