Let's see if people agree with my reasons for LSE...

Proactive, bold, assertive, protector of meek boyfriend etc... sketchy but would mildly suggest Extraversion with Sensation.

Practical, good with solving problems, productive... suggests Logical... Le more likely than Li.
Has far greater trouble with relationship problems than work problems... believes she has a poor understanding of people but is proficient in tasks requiring problem-solving and applying information... Yup, Logical.

Wants to become a hospice nurse... Why? Why on earth would someone Extroverted and Logical (and believing herself to be Intuitive) want to do that a living? View on the merits of medicine center around encouraging relaxation, physical equilibrium, practical care etc. - Si ego, makes LIE especially and ILE very unlikely.

Conscientious and perfectionistic... rational type is more likely.

Such a perfectionist she'll spend ages on a particular task until it's done right... Ii Vulnerable lights up!

Her defence against Ii Vulnerable... she likes geeky activities such as magic the gathering and other things with imagination and magic.... just as likely to be Ie Mobilising, in fact probably moreso. Plenty of ESEs and LSEs partake in geek culture as a display of 2-dimensional Ie.

Issues... Messy house, lacking energy to clean regularly, seems very emotionally open in discussion. Intuitive, Introversion, Merry? One minute she says she cleans very well and the next she calls it sporadic and something she hasn't the energy to do. She could just be comfortable with sharing these aspects as she's had a long time to accept and get used to them. Also physical issues external to type can cause problems that get in the way of Ego block manifestation.. good example is an SLE friend with myalgic encephalomyelitis. Personality is full of the assertive (if blunt) energy characteristic of SLEs but is forced to limit his activities due to crippling fatigue after a few hours of being awake, sleeps most of the day. Such imposed behaviours are at great odds to his nature.

Also, if LSE Si would be Creative allowing Si activities to be less consistent.