Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
The tactic that worked for me with this ESI was to appear very unnaproachable, sort of like a wild animal. Also, I acted cold towards her. At one point I changed the tactic and became warmer towards her for about a day or so, then ignored her again. Before I had noticed, she had fallen for me.
I do a variation of this myself, not purposefully but their unresponsiveness makes it obvious to back off and wait for them to reciprocate something. Seems naturally, somehow I never doubt myself........she will or she won't. I go bold and back off. Been outright rejected sometimes, but small changes can be seen in them after you give them space. Can't be "in the face" of these girls, got to let them choose you kind of. They can be very unapproachable and have a hard exterior, but you can see them soften and become unsure of themselves ever so slightly and you have made an impression on them........sort of can tell they are thinking about you by the new way they are acting around you. I can see the gears turning in their heads and tell they are very self aware around me suddenly. They are vulnerable and you can tell. I leave them alone and let them make initiatives. Don't crowd them. Has to be their idea.
I ignore them hard........they understand this, this is there baseline behavior around others. Strangely you gain some trust by not continuing to push their boundaries. They begin to think about you because they feel safe because you gave them space and freedom and you haven't done anything except ignore them right back. Show them you don't give your heart away quickly, as they never do. So cautious they are, but when they decide (after you let them be) they will go after you.