Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
Can you point out the part of my posts that had "Se" in them? I want to know what I said that made you think ESTP.
Sure. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.

Some quotes:

Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
I hate scheming cowards and enjoy talking with likeminded outspoken people who stick up for themselves and like a good challenge.
Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
I hate having to repeat myself. I am 6'4" and frequently use my height to indimidate certain people in a subtle way.

Also CS's point about intelligence being confused with intuitiveness is a good one.

Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
The ESTP does not sound anything like me. I am definitely an absentminded intuitive type person, not the composed warrior that is the ESTP.
I think that may just be a stereotype that doesn't apply. I know several "absent-minded" Se types.

Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
Note my response below (it was a natural reaction).

The above quote may not apply it just kind of strikes me that way.

Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
While this is a bit more subjective I have heard many similar comments from ESxPs but also ENxPs. The ENxPs however often do not mention it while the ESxPs always seem to.

It's not the content but the image focus.

Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
This seems to be a recurring thing with you. You seem to get angry a lot and have outbursts of wrath heh. Correct me if I am wrong.

A lot of stuff you said in this thread. In reference to the first post it's the focus not content again.

The stuff you think about tends to involve aggression too.

Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
A lot of your humor seems to be "physical."

Your problems with ISFJs could just be bad supervision relations.

But like you said you could just have an overdeveloped Se role function. Since you seem to resist the idea so much I will accept your diagnosis as you know yourself better than I do but I do like to play devil's advocate