I spotted this link in one other thread...I believe it was Gilligan who posted it. Please do this test and say what you got...

I got this:

Type 5 8/8
Type 1 5/8
Type 6 5/8
Type 9 5/8
Type 7 4/8
Type 3 4/8
Type 4 2/8
Type 8 2/8
Type 2 1/8

So I'm a definite 5. I don't have a clear subtype though. 5w1, 5w6, 5w9 perhaps. I am definately not type 2, 4, 8.

Here is summary:

Type One
The Reformer

Type Two
The Helper

Type Three
The Achiever

Type Four
The Individualist

Type Five
The Investigator

Type Six
The Loyalist

Type Seven
The Enthusiast

Type Eight
The Challenger

Type Nine
The Peacemaker

So that makes me an Investigator with some Reformer, Loyalist and Peacemaker in me. I'm not much of a Helper, Individualist or Challenger.

P.S. Don't bitch about enneagram Just test yourself! If you know another thread related to this please post a link!