Quote Originally Posted by Saberstorm View Post
That is still possible for an EIE. But most EIEs I know tend towards being ambitious, in a big sort of way. They have a "hidden agenda" to become wealthy; it is a part of having a highly valued but subconscious "Extraverted Sensing." They are really quite similar to LIEs. LIEs are stereotyped as the typical corporate executive type.

The EIEs I know are very idealistic, and it is through their idealism that their subconscious mind works its magic. If they are a teacher, they will want to become the school super-attendant, or a professor at a major university. Both are very well paid jobs. They will seek out the most glorious aspect of teaching, something that gets them into Time magazine. If they are a preacher, they might want a huge church.

There are subtypes of the EIE that could be more subdued. I do not recommend looking into subtypes right now, but the "normalizing" and "harmonizing" types are not quite as grandly ambitious.

I am a very ambitious person and I do tend to have somewhat of a hidden agenda to be very successful. I have always strived to be the best at what I do and I sometimes get upset when I see other people being more successful than me. I am most upset when other people become more succesful than me, even though I have put more effort in than they have. I get really annoyed when people take the easy way out and it actually pays off for them. I go back and forth on my ambitions and competitiveness though. I'm a little embarassed to admit that I have this competitive/ambitious streak in me and at other times I find myself being very motivated by the prospects of being "the best".

I don't want to be a superintendent or college professor, but I have had visions of how amazing it would be to win "Teacher of the Year" in the future someday. I absolutely have the ambition to want to be in school administration and I'm not satisfied with staying still and not progressing through life. I sometimes think about moving my way up to be the director of a preschool or a department head or something like that but the only problem is that administrators are more removed from the students than I think I want to be. The preschool director where I work rarely gets to interact with the kids because she is handling administrative tasks. That isn't what I want to be doing. College professors focus mostly on researching their field of study instead of teaching which is not what I want to be doing either. I have no desire to be far removed and off in my ivory tower somewhere. I like to be apart of things, not on the outside looking in.

I don't know if this has anything to do with EIE or IEE but I just wanted to respond to your post.