Squarepusher is plenty kinds of jazz, otherwise you'll have to eliminate Miles's entire electric period of the late 60s/early 70s and the jazz of numerous other innovators while you hug up to this finger-snapping sissy shit you favor, which is designed for uptight nerds who signal their free and breezy nature by wearing suits with their ties loosened. Squarepusher is a guy, probably LSI, who has blown multiple forms of music to pieces and not only reassembled them in his image but also embroidered and expanded upon them in a characteristic style that few could match in its complexity, with a level of ability as a bass guitarist as well as a producer that makes it frequently challenging to tell whether he's using real or synthesized instruments. Squarepusher's approach to jazz redefines and modernizes the idiom, which would shock your pussy-assed sensibilities less if you weren't so addicted to felching up audio laxatives like Kenny G.