This thread is for sharing cat recipes. Here's one I found today:


1 skinned and washed cat, cut into pieces
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 cube of beef bouillon
1 clove of garlic
1 bottle of Guinness stout

Cover and soak cat parts in salt water for 12 hours. Drain water and rinse the cat pieces, then marinate them in beer for 6 hours. Drain and place in crock pot. Peel and chop garlic, then dissolve bouillon cube in one cup of boiling water. Mix both with canned soup before pouring over the cat. If you start to slow cook your cat in the morning you'll have finely cooked feline in time for supper.

Alternately, if a crock pot is unavailable a conventional oven can be used. Place the cat in an uncovered casserole dish and cover it with the mixture of canned soup, bouillon, and garlic. Bake at 375F for 1.5 hours.