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Thread: I form an all-new quadra

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    Default I form an all-new quadra...

    I'm having a lot of difficulty in figuring out my type, indeed, I've expanded the possibilities rather than narrowing them. I'm fairly sure I'm within the group of INTp, INTj, ENTp, and ISTp (no particular order).

    I generally have a difficult time describing myself (I just tried, and didn't get very far), so just I'd much rather just respond to what you ask for.

    Some usual faces:

  2. #2
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    ISTP 100%
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  3. #3

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    VI is insufficient to form an accurate prediction.

    could you provide more information?

  4. #4

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    just saw above comment about how you don't want to describe yourself...

    i'll be more specific.

    if you could look at some descriptions of type and functions and simply highlight portions of them which seem to apply to you and portions which do not apply to you, this would probably lead somewhere.

    if you need a place for type descriptions, i actually think mcnew's site is a very useful resource, especially if you're not already very familiar with socionics.

  5. #5
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    you really need to clip that fingernail on your thumb. i'm not trying to be a jerk, but you could really hurt someone or yourself with that length.

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    From VI only: ISTp (Almost sure), if not, ENTp (Based on the third pic).

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    Default More info

    Using the spreadsheet from ...

    As a note, I've seen exhortations that extroverted/introverted in socionics does not have too much to do with sociability/shyness, so you may want to keep in mind that I'm rather shy (though not at 'time to hit the pharmacist' levels).
    Result: wrote:
    Dear Matt,

    according to the test, you balance between two types, Seeker
    (intuitive-logical extravert) and Critic (intuitive-logical
    introvert), see attachment. However, probability difference between
    them is so small that we recommend you to read descriptions of both
    these types.
    Another note: I don't have any problem concentrating on something I'm interested in for long times, even (almost) losing track of time, and much to the detriment of my sleep patterns.
    As for my nails, they're normally quite a bit longer, since my nails tend to be strong and can be useful for stuff (like opening software boxes ::slice:

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    Default ENTp

    Notes: The comments indicate agreement or disagreement (eg, yep = "that's like me"), and are placed after the sentence they refer to (some sentences may not have comments). Also, "Yes and No" means in Someways/Sometimes yes, and others no, while comma's separating "Yes", "No", etc indicate the phrases of that sentence in that order.


    explorative; light-hearted curiosity; optimistic; focused on interests; interested in ideas; usually upbeat; detached curiosity
    -- Largely.

    He is a genius at finding new opportunities and possibilities.
    -- Yep
    What he has completed always seems to him less important compared to the dawning perspectives which are irresistible and inexhaustible.
    -- It's done, time for the next thing!
    Scientists of this type tend to procrastinate with the publishing of the results of their research, thinking that the greatest discoveries are still ahead.
    -- "Procrastinate": oh yeah.
    He lives for the future; meanwhile being not acknowledged does not intimidate him.
    -- I'd like to be, but as long as the money comes in/what I want gets done, I don't care /too/ much.
    He chooses to do what is interesting rather than what is lucrative.
    -- Yes and no - Preferably, I'll do what's interesting AND lucrative.

    He needs to feel emotional enthusiasm and ardor, and thus needs permanent sensory and emotional "recharge".
    -- Maybe. I constantly have either music or TV on as a background,
    He is unable to supply it himself, so he depends a lot on his surrounding.
    -- Maybe. I seek an external source, but I don't depend on another person.
    If nobody feeds him with impressions and positive emotions (nobody can do it as well as his dual The Mediator) – he mopes about life, loses ability to work and taste for life.
    -- Nope, then I just do my own thing.
    To compensate for the absence of his dual he begins to mix with a lot of friends, becomes active in social projects, starts up clubs or scientific schools.
    -- Possibly, No, No, and No.

    He is a good organizer because he remarks potential possibilities in people and situations.
    -- Sure, I can organize quite well. Getting around to /doing/ it, well..
    If he is to wield power, he needs justification for it: why he must take that position, e.g. a critical situation that nobody else can deal with, assignment from the top.
    -- Well, I'm rather ambivalent about it. I don't really seek it, but I wouldn't mind having it.
    When he takes power, he begins to analyze the needs of his subordinates, tries to provide them with everything and only then makes the necessary demands on them.
    -- Kind of hard to do your job if you don't have what you need to do it.

    His dependence on the emotional ambiance of others produces an effect of extreme compliance in minor and routine things.
    -- Um...depends on what you consider minor and routine, but it's not /extreme/ compliance.
    Having freed himself thus from having to pay attention to such unpleasant things, he switches for his favorite activity – figuring out the essence of things and phenomena.
    -- Yep.
    He does not differentiate people into “us” and “them”, tries to be equally polite to everybody.
    -- Unless they annoy me, or I'm just not in the mood, in which case I pretty much drop any semblance of caring whatsoever.

    He believes that all people in their essence are kind and love one another.
    -- Not that naive, but the essence (not the particulars) of it are my standard assumption when I meet a person.
    Therefore he looks funny enough when the situation requires initiative in expressing feelings – they are not his line at all.
    -- Indeed.

    Critical situations pep him up as much as good others’ emotions.
    -- Seems that way.
    The more emotions and panic there is around him, the more active and assertive he becomes.
    -- Yep, though I may also just detach or go off and do something else, depending on the situation (e.g., I know nothing's going to come of it one way or another).
    It is impossible to intimidate him – an attempt to do so produces just the opposite outcome.
    -- Yep.
    He willingly takes responsibility in critical situations; however, in peaceful and quiet conditions he starts to doubt his right to occupy a responsible position, gets frustrated by the competition and leaves
    -- I'm a problem solver - if there's no problems or such, I'd rather leave the routine stuff to someone else.

    He likes familiarity in communication, however, does not show initiative in this, but awaits it from others.
    -- Yes.

    Individuals of the Inventive personality type are highly competitive in pursuit of success and prestige. They want very much to be outstanding in some way, to gain recognition, even fame and glory.
    -- Yes.
    They develop highly idealized images of themselves with which they identify and which they love. The person is his idealized self and seems to adore it.
    -- No, very self-critical.
    Persons of the Inventive type are energetic, but phlegmatic in temperament. "They can be quiet, rather private, subdued in demeanor, and have artistic interests and aesthetic sensibilities."
    -- Yes.
    Individuals of the Inventive type have a tendency to behave in such a way as to attract attention. They can be subtle show-offs, but show-offs nonetheless.
    -- No, definitely do not try to attract attention to myself. Subtle show-off sounds about right, though.
    Openness to culture. The Inventive person has unusual thought processes, values intellectual matters, and judges in unconventional terms. He or she is aesthetically reactive and has a wide range of interests.
    -- Yes.
    "Intelligence will typically be emphasized in their self-images and social dealings." They put great stock in their ideas and demand that others do likewise.
    -- Yes to the first part, but I don't care too much about how others value my ideas as long as it doesn't hinder my ability to work on them. Dismissing the POSSIBILITY of me having a good idea, for whatever reason, is another thing.
    The faith of those of the Inventive type is in their ability to improvise something, and they display an unusual talent for rising to the expediency of a situation. Their focus is on competent excellence in performance.
    -- Yes, Yes, and Kind of.
    The Inventive type maintains an independent view and is the most reluctant of all the types to do things in a particular manner just because that is the way things always have been done. They are inventors and innovators.
    -- Definitely.
    They are mentally bright and quick-witted. For those of the Inventive type to be taken in, to be manipulated by another, is humiliating; this offends their joy in being masters of the art of oneupmanship.
    -- Pretty much yes.
    Self-consciousness Persons of the Inventive type look to others for approval. They are very conscious of how others treat them and highly sensitive to criticism and negative evaluation.
    -- Yes and no, but more yes (though I don't look to others for approval).


    ENTps are methodically very abstract and thought driven, constantly seeking the pure potentialities of the unseen.
    -- Yes.
    They naturally see the big picture as others see it, while actively comparing their own beliefs without bias and consideration to their own personal belief.
    -- I try.
    It is not uncommon for an ENTp to think is his mind 'A man believes this, another believes that ... I see the potentialities of them both, so what is the real deal?' Often an ENTp may logically qualify these abstractions to make personal solutions to problems, though they actively avoid solving logical problems the same as others do.
    -- Yes, but I like logic problems.
    Since they avoid deriving known conclusions, their ideas maintain a unique and personal originality that other may not have considered.
    -- Kind of. I may derive a known conclusion (eg, mathematically) in order to better understand it.
    ENTps have little loyalty to personal belief and tend abandon old inferior beliefs for newer ones with better potentialities.
    -- Yep.

    Since they are creative and pensive people, ENTps can not function well in environments that demand their attention to strict schedules or have heavy expectations placed upon them.
    -- I can adapt to them, but they're not my preference, and I'm pretty sure I couldn't work well in an extreme example of one unless absolutely necessary.
    Structured environments frustrate them and routine demotivates them, causing them to break down from the stress and pressure.
    -- If high school was any example, yes.
    However, ENTps function well in environments by which they have been given a 'creative license' to move freely and to exercise their abilities to rationalize, appearing to procrastinate until the last moment to finish tasks.
    -- Yes.
    An ENTp does the best work in an unstructured free environment with few prohibitions or restrictions.
    -- Probably.

    ENTps can have little understanding of the limits of public, personal, and private space, and can irritate others with the way they habitually manage common everyday matters.
    -- Not really (I have a fair grasp of these spaces), and possibly.
    They can have limited ability to comprehend the amount of time to complete task, and can be generally irresponsible or late on occasion.
    -- My estimation of time in this regard is pretty good, and a lapse is generally not directly attributable to my grasp of time.
    They can also be very messy, and have a hard time taking care of themselves.
    -- Disorganized would be more appropriate, and it only APPEARS that way. I can take care of myself fairly well.
    They can become so distracted with every day matters, that they lose track of their health.
    -- No, unless sleep is included, in which case yes.
    An ENTp may appear to be in a hurry when he or she is not.
    -- Possibly - never really noticed whether I appear that way or not.

    Even though they are extroverts, ENTps may demonstrate a subtle tendency towards reservation.
    -- Or not so subtle..
    Those who have had problems establishing friendships may manifest a quiet nature and a lack of general outgoingness, one day appearing social and friendly only to be indifferent or avoidant the next.
    -- Yes, definately.
    Over a period of time specific social patterns may develop, appearing unfriendly and reserved to some and friendly and open to others.
    -- May be random. Latter more likely to friends, former more likely to strangers.
    With their sporadic nature, they may unwittingly convince others of a general dislike and social discontentment, even though it is not their intention.
    -- Not sure.
    Because of this, ENTps feel a need to receive positive emotions more than any other type, and often use their intuitive logic to concoct clever social schemes to gain required social attention; ENTps crave great emotional attention from others.
    -- No.

    ENTps do not readily follow social norms.
    -- Depends on the usefulness.
    They do not like to have their independence threatened by unnecessary rules, and they can appear expedient and out-of-place in a society that values any various forms of unnecessary subjugation.
    -- Probably
    While ENTps may have a healthy respect for rules when they are necessary as a guideline or are necessary and good for the well being of people, they do not readily tolerate intentional subjugation to any type of rule or method that they consider to be out-dated or harmful to the well-being of individuals.
    -- Yes.
    ENTps tend to look down on people who do so, considering them to be childish and lacking of confidence.
    -- Not exactly.

    ENTps are the intuitive protectors of society.
    -- Um...
    They do not want to see people being exploited out of ignorance or to see the unmerciful destruction of individuals for the gain of a chosen few.
    -- Yes.
    ENTps want everyone to be strong, independent, and able to stand on their own.
    -- Yes.
    They can use their intuitive understanding of situations and their ability to see the internal workings beyond smoke and mirrors, and to warn of danger.
    -- Might be more like a sense that there ARE smoke and mirrors going on.
    However, they can at times see danger where none really exist, which often causes people to not take them seriously.
    -- Yes, though not very often.
    But, ENTps really want the best for others, even in a world that does not really understand them or really cares to for that matter.
    -- Yes.

    ENTps thrive not in any society that places high value upon any form of systematic consistency, and could be perceived with suspicion.
    -- Possibly.
    Because of their acute absentmindedness, an ENTp may unintentionally forget what he or she has done throughout the day or mistakenly leave tools and other items where he or she has worked.
    -- Very rare, long term; may happen extreme short term. I have a very good short term memory which may allow me to compensate well for this.
    This forgetting can happen anywhere from a matter of seconds to minutes.
    -- See above.
    When confronted, an ENTp may deny he or she has done something, even a few moments later and when there are witnesses to testify against this fact; generally, most people lack the empathy and insight to understand how anyone can humanly manage under such inconsistent and odd behavior.
    -- See above.
    However, those who have developed a good understanding of ENTps can testify to their faulty memory and forgive and accept them.
    -- See above.
    An ENTp is best left to live in a society that values their greater strengths over their lower flaws.
    -- Of course.

    Another cause of strife could result by the way in which an ENTp naturally realizes and relays information.
    If an ENTp fails to absorb all necessary hints and clues about his or her surroundings during a significantly potential or important event, his or her mind could unintentionally distort that information, causing the ENTp to perceive and relay information to others that may not have a complete bearing on reality.
    -- Not that I've noticed. (But then, I wouldn't, would I?)
    However, this is totally natural for an ENTp; their minds can play connect the dots.
    -- Yep.
    If a dot is missing, their subconscious fills it for them without telling.
    -- I think I'm usually aware of the filling in.
    However, they tend to often be right more than they are wrong.
    -- Possibly.
    Regardless of this, the casual observers may discern their own inborn divergent thinking abilities as blatantly dishonest and unreliable reasoning.
    Although, societies that are more accepting of ENTps tend to be more amazed with the ability than uncertain and condemning.
    But, this view is merely a matter of perception; honesty and dishonesty has nothing to do with a person's personality type.
    As people, ENTps can be just as honest or dishonest as any other person of any other type, just so long as they avoid misunderstanding societies upon which can do them any harm.

    ENTps are actually pretty positive people, who enjoy life greatly.
    -- Yes.
    Unless circumstances prove it necessary, they rarely find reason to think negatively about people.
    -- Yes.
    They seek to accept and to understand people for who they are inside.
    -- Sometimes.
    They do not like to condemn people for their personhood, and they can often be sought out by others for matter of practical solutions to common every day problems.
    -- Not sure what that means, and yes.
    People typically have respect for the intuitive understanding of ENTps towards them and appreciate their loyalty in personal matters.
    It is not like an ENTp to betray a friend in need.
    -- Yep.

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    Default INTp


    goofy; don’t reveal inner life; interested in processes; passive relaxedness; ironic attitude
    -- Yes.

    He possesses a powerful, intellectual imagination.
    -- Yes.
    If he did not have to warn other people about possible dangers (opportunities interest him less), he most possibly would feel himself redundant.
    -- Other way around - I'd feel less useful only working as a warning sign, though not much (mostly just less productive).

    He almost never expresses emotions and protects from them his family and friends.
    -- Not so much. I try to keep them hidden, but not for the purpose of protecting others.
    He sincerely believes that passions, too strong, will lead one to his doom.
    -- Not necessarily.

    He is convinced that living is impossible if one disregards the natural laws that regulate the world. One who ignores reality is heading for disaster.
    -- Not quite sure how to interpret this segment... "No, you will not fly if you jump off the cliff and flap real hard"?
    The Criticist believes that it is better to be somewhat too cynical then be a hypocrite.
    -- This seems a bit too much one-or-the-other.
    Hearing of a situation, he very soon thoroughly understands it and begins to tell to the bewildered interlocutor the details and aspects that the latter had overlooked.
    -- Didn't know a type could be associated with psychic phenomena like clairvoyance.

    "First and foremost, he is kind". In spite of all his “negativism”, he is really a very kindly person in nature.
    -- Yes.
    He likes strong people who know their way in life, who demand concessions:
    -- Generally, NO - I dislike pushy people and those who feel entitled.
    such people release him from the necessity to invent goals
    -- Hell no. I'll invent my own goals whether I have something else to do or not.
    while using methods invented by him (he is a master of inventing methods.)
    -- Maybe.
    He is capable of pouring a bucket of cold water out on the head of an enthusiast.
    -- Yes, though that doesn't mean I will.
    But on the other hand, he is likewise capable of easing one’s despair, when they are unlucky, when things go the wrong way, when destiny seems to be hostile…
    -- See above.

    Individuals with the Solitary personality style have small need of companionship and are most comfortable alone.
    -- Yes and no. I'm quite comfortable alone, but not a hermit.
    They are self-contained and do not require interaction with others in order to enjoy their experiences or to get on in life.
    -- Yes.
    Solitary men and women are even-tempered, calm, dispassionate, unsentimental, and unflappable.
    -- Yes and no.
    They display an apparent indifference to pain and pleasure.
    -- Yes and No.
    They are unswayed by either praise or criticism and can confidently come to terms with their own behavior.
    -- Not unswayed - I'll take it under advisement, but that doesn't mean I'll attach all that much significance to it.


    “A red breasted robin in a cage puts all the world in a rage.” Though William Blake may not have been thinking of an INTp as he wrote the line quoted it makes a charming metaphor for this type.
    -- Um, OK.
    Though the INTp may break down intellectual and social barriers odds are he will feel like he never took flight.
    -- Maybe.
    He is an effective artist of the world, always looking for ways that he might change it to better heed his needs.
    -- Yes.
    He is an intellectual dreamer so lost in his own world that when shaken from his mind me may at first appear lost and distant.
    -- Sometimes.

    An eloquent and effective speaker, he can make the most mundane things seem quite amazing with his extravagant verbal skills.
    -- Yes.
    The INTp is very often fluent in several languages and may have even made up his own as a child.
    -- Not yet, but working on it (danged procrastinating).
    He is very mathematically inclined due to his ability to understand structure and patterns.
    -- Yes.
    The INTp shows an intense interest in religion and is more often than not delving into his studies of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and any other religion ancient or modern that strikes his interest.
    -- Yes, though perhaps not so often as this would imply.
    He shows a mish mash of beliefs and usually does not commit to one religion or the other.
    -- Yes.

    Socially he is charming and charismatic.
    -- Not really.
    When feeling sociable he will approach others with child like enthusiasm and a sardonic wit.
    -- Yes.
    However when not feeling social he is aloof and temperamental.
    -- Yes.
    The INTp puts up barriers and will rarely let them down.
    -- Yes, though the chance of letting them down increases as closeness increases (excluding family, who I prefer to keep at a distance).
    He is very guarded and worried that people are judging him because he himself is constantly quietly observing humans.
    -- Yes.
    The INTp is very skeptical about love, and though he wants more than anything to love, when he does he thinks himself foolish and quickly backs out of the relationship.
    -- Yes (but hopeful), Yes, and haven't had the opportunity to find out.
    As a rule he keeps a distance between himself and his friends.
    -- To a degree.
    One of his biggest fears is to rely on someone emotionally.
    -- Yes.

    The INTp is self-confident to a fault.
    -- Maybe and no.
    He loves a debate not only to prove his point to the person he is sparing with but also to confirm his own beliefs.
    -- Yes.
    The study of human behavior is very important to him.
    -- Yes.
    He can be blunt and insensitive to others simply to see their reaction.
    -- Yes.
    He can also be a kind sensitive listener, though he does not like to give advise due to his fear of doing more harm than good.
    -- Yes, and depends.
    He is calm, restrained and often unreadable.
    -- I try.

    Perfect chaos is the only way to describe the choice living conditions for the INTp.
    -- Yes.
    He will leave the laundry and dishes undone, but the small important things to him are kept in perfect order.
    -- Yes.
    It is not uncommon for him to alphabetize and categorize his movie and book collections.
    -- Or CD//MP3/Ogg Vorbis collection..
    The INTp will collect and study odd things such as, fossils, rocks, and old photographs.
    -- Yes, though not exactly.
    Things that most people might find boring are quite fascinating and important to him.
    -- Sometimes.
    He is bothered if he finds such small important things out of order and prone to fly into a rage if they are touched by one other than himself.
    -- Bothered, yes; rage would need something quite drastic.

    The INTp is incredibly instinctive.
    -- In many ways..
    He often knows what the out come of any given situation will be.
    -- Perhaps.
    He rarely gets himself into grave trouble for this reason.
    -- Rarely have gotten into grave trouble, so probably yes.
    He is aware of this ability but is often unwilling to share it if he has not been taken seriously in this aspect in the past.
    -- Probably.

  10. #10

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    Default INTj


    detached critical analysis; clear and independent thought and worldviews; appearance of self-control
    -- Kind of.

    "I think therefore I am".
    -- Yes, though not for exactly the intended purpose.
    He is a man of developed logical faculty, a strong capability for analysis.
    -- Yes.
    He knows how to dig to the essence of things, to reveal their internal structure.
    -- Yes.
    A representative of this personality type, Carl Gustav Jung, drew the underlying basics of the functional typology used in Socionics.
    "Providence has created myself for quiet study work, to which it dedicated all the rapture of my soul", – said Thomas Jefferson, during whose presidency the territory of the US has grown nearly double.
    -- Not quite.
    He considers all situations of life from the logical viewpoint.
    -- Yes, though not solely.

    "Justice is my trade".
    -- Not really.
    This is a type of a revolutionary or a political conspirator.
    -- I'd use a different method, if possible.
    In a conflict situation he usually organizes a committee to punish the offender.
    -- Not necessarily.
    He believes that everything in the world must be logical and consequently just.
    -- Just because it is logical, does not mean it is just.
    He is capable of neglecting his own profit and safety when defending the offended.
    -- Capable, yes.
    He sets for himself very high requirements.
    -- Yes.
    Unless somebody else takes care of him, he can easily drive himself to starvation.
    -- I could - I won't, but I could.
    Garibaldi, Robespierre, Dzierzhynski, Jefferson are revolutionaries who devoted themselves to an idea.
    -- Just one?

    -- No.
    He appears extremely uncompromising, often looks down with a piercing look from under his philosopher’s forehead.
    He toughens himself, training for the cold, starvation, losses and disapproval of others.
    -- Kind of.
    The only aspect where he willingly concedes to his partner is the issue of dressing, taste and routine chores.
    -- Not necessarily.
    The necessity to be responsible for these things irritates him.
    -- "routine chores", Yes, the rest not so much.
    Usually he even does not notice the quality of his clothing.
    -- No, but I don't pay too much attention to it either (there are generally other things I'd rather spend money on).
    He does not tolerate orders.
    -- Yes, at least not unless there's good reason for them.
    His dual The Bonvivant, as if being aware of that, involves him into work not by direct orders but begins to fuss about, to make a lot of unnecessary movements – then The Analyst gets involved, and the work goes rapidly, logically and soundly.
    -- No.
    He himself does not show much initiative, is reclusive and silent.
    -- Yes and no.

    Somewhat tender and capricious.
    -- Possibly, and yes.
    His self-sacrifice in defending justice becomes especially mind-boggling, if one knows that he feels irritated by everything that disturbs silence and the measured way of his life.
    -- Partially.
    He is very concerned about living healthy.
    -- Concerned, but not too much.
    Thusly Rene Descartes "considered health as the principal of mortal goods second to the Truth".
    -- Maybe.
    In his youth he often tends to a cheerful lifestyle with many friends, games of chance, booze.
    -- No.
    Later he comes to the conclusion that all those things are something other than what he really needs.
    -- Never payed too much attention to any of them in the first place. Games of chance can be fun, but they're not to me anywhere near addictive, and I've never come across a good reason for me to drink rather than do something else for the same result.
    He is not very ambitious but he does not tolerate when others get ahead of him in their career, out of the same feeling of justice.
    -- No.
    He finds himself in an especially hard situation when having to obey a boss whom he does not respect.
    -- Kind of.

    "He led a happy life who sheltered himself well".
    -- No.
    He is very secretive, dislikes uninvited visitors.
    -- Depends.
    He sharply reacts to reprimands, but sometimes hides his irritation under an artificial smile.
    -- Kind of.

    Idiosyncratic individuals are tuned in to and sustained by their own feelings and belief systems, whether or not others accept or understand their particular worldview or approach to life.
    -- Kind of.
    They are self-directed and independent, requiring few close relationships.
    -- Largely.
    Oblivious to convention, Idiosyncratic individuals create interesting, unusual, often eccentric lifestyles.
    -- Not sure.
    Open to anything, they are interested in the occult, the extrasensory, and the supernatural.
    -- They're interesting, and may be possible, but that doesn't mean they exist.
    They are drawn to abstract and speculative thinking.
    -- Yes.
    Though they are inner-directed and follow their own hearts and minds, Idiosyncratic men and women are keen observers of others, particularly sensitive to how other people react to them.
    -- Mostly yes.

    -- Doesn't resonate too well. Also, I'm pretty sure my grandfather is an INTj, and we're not the same type.

    INTjs are intuitive free-thinkers who focus their minds on trends, connections, and explanations; on the why and how things are the way they are, and how and why people behave the way they do.
    -- Yes.
    They use such analyses not only for the sake of theorizing as such – although they do enjoy theorizing for its own sake – but mainly with the aim of deciding what to do next; in other words, to establish their strategy.
    -- Kind of.
    So INTjs are, essentially, analysts and strategists.
    This means that they look for, and usually find, connections and trends where most other people see none.
    -- Yes.
    Therefore they are often seen as visionary, bright, insightful – or, negatively, as paranoid and more concerned with their theories than with facts.
    -- Probably.
    The accusation of paranoia stems from their constant “contingency planning” – but it is only that they try to prepare themselves for what may go wrong, not that they necessarily believe that it will go wrong.
    -- Mostly yes.
    As for facts vs theory, INTjs do tend to base their analyses and plan their strategies with insufficient facts sometimes – but they also constantly update them with new facts, although they may be extremely reluctant to abandon an already-established theory or strategy and may do so only after the case for that becomes too strong to be ignored.
    -- Yes, but it's rare that it'd take me that long to abandon it.

    That applies only to fields and situations where INTjs are confident of their own competence, and they usually are very aware of which areas they are competent in, and which they aren’t.
    -- Yes.
    It is extremely distressing for INTjs to have their competence doubted in a field where they know themselves to be competent – and even more distressing to have their competence proven lacking: few experiences are more humiliating for INTjs.
    -- Kind of.
    They greatly value the same self-awareness in others; for them, the sin is not ignorance or incompetence as such – nobody can be knowledgeable and competent in everything – but the failure to acknowledge one’s own ignorance and incompetence.
    -- Kind of.
    In INTjs’ eyes, people who pretend to know what they are talking about, when they clearly do not, lose all credibility, often forever.
    -- Kind of.

    As a consequence, INTjs are not impressed by position or authority as such – only by knowing what you are talking about.
    -- Mostly.
    This may cause problems in work or family environments since they will not naturally defer to bosses or senior family members; INTjs will not go out of their way to antagonize them, but neither will they be good at disguising their true opinions.
    -- Kind of.
    The same goes for rules, traditions and conventions that make no sense to the INTj.
    -- Kind of.
    This means that INTjs are very often described as arrogant and opinionated.
    -- Well, I've gotten arrogant before..
    As such, that does not greatly disturb the INTjs since they do not really care about what others people think of them emotionally; in this respect INTjs are truly very self-confident.
    -- Yes.
    However, as part of their strategy to achieve their goals, they will recognize the need to conform to conventions and authority.
    -- Yes.

    -- These past two paragraphs are almost right, but seem a bit off the mark.

    For instance, INTjs do not naturally care, nor even particularly notice, how other people dress, and their inclination is to dress to please themselves, not others.
    -- Kind of.
    However, INTjs will also recognize that – however regrettably – to dress for others may be necessary in work environments and social occasions, if they are to reach their professional and social goals.
    -- Yes.
    In that case, INTjs will be happy to follow the advice of people more attuned to such things – because they do not usually regard such skills as important, and secretly have little respect, even contempt, for those who really worry about fitting in conventions of dress and behavior.
    -- Not quite, no, and sometimes.

    Since they are mainly concerned with analyses, ideas, and strategy, INTjs find it extremely difficult to interact in the kind of superficial, easy-flowing casual conversations that most other people find enjoyable.
    -- Yes.
    In fact, small talk tends to baffle INTjs more than anything else and they have no interest in them, in fact, they find small talk stressful.
    -- Yes.
    Added to the fact that INTjs do not need to constantly interact with people to feel good, that means that they tend to have small circles of friends, with whom they can carry deeper and more substantial conversations, than wide circles of casual acquaintances.
    -- Yes.

    So INTjs tend to have small social networks, but these are usually very deep, and they keep their friendhips over a long period of time and across great distances.
    -- Yes.
    INTjs are often perceived as not enjoying other people’s company, but that is not accurate; rather, they only need the company of those they really care about.
    -- Yes.
    The idea of “hanging out” with someone, especially in a romantic relationship, just so as to avoid being alone is unthinkable to an INTj.
    -- Mostly.
    If an INTj chooses to spend much of his/her time with someone, they may be sure that they mean very much to the INTj.
    -- Possibly.
    One of the difficulties that INTjs often face is that other types may not recognize or appreciate that.
    INTjs are not usually in touch with their own feelings, but they do develop deep feelings for those selected few whose company they really enjoy.
    -- Yes.
    Since they also are sensitive to being hurt by those same people, they may be reluctant to express such feelings openly – they tend to think that they are obvious.
    -- Yes.
    Sadly, other types, who more easily and openly express feelings, even of a less deep nature, and expect them to be so expressed, may conclude that the INTj’s reticence reflects lack of feeling.
    If that results in the failure of a relationship, the result is devastating for the INTj, who’s left totally bewildered.

    INTjs’s preference for deeper conversations and dislike for small talk also means that they prefer being direct, even blunt and tactless, to careful, beating-around-the-bush conversation.
    -- Depends.
    Many emotionally sensitive types then regard them as cold, unfeeling, insensitive or even rude, which the INTj would regard as totally unfair.
    -- Don't know.
    INTjs also unconsciously expect directness from others.
    -- It'd be nice.
    Since they also have a deep need to understand what happens, few experiences are more devastating for INTjs than the break-up of a relationship – whether of a romantic, friendly or even professional nature – without receiving a direct and clear explanation of exactly why the break-up happened.
    -- I'm very curious as to the why, but not all that distressed about it.
    On such occasions, the INTj may fall into depression, since the loss of the relationship itself is added to the feeling of failure to understand what happened – of the foremost importance to INTjs.
    -- No.

    INTjs are usually good in professions that require analytical thinking, the solving of problems, and creativity, as long as they are more concerned with the big picture than with details.
    -- Yes.
    Therefore they make good strategy planners, research scientists, analysts in all fields, engineers.
    -- Probably.
    But to be a motivational coach or a salesman would not come naturally to them.
    -- Not at all.
    They prefer jobs that require little direct supervision since they value their independence, but they have no drive to lead others.
    -- Yes.
    As long as things are moving according to what the INTj perceives to be the correct strategy, s/he is happy to let others lead, but will move into leadership if necessary.
    -- Kind of.
    They are often perceived as having an uncanny ability to see where events are leading and the proper strategy to adopt; when that happens their leadership will be accepted.
    -- Maybe.
    On the other hand, more sensing types will tend to see the INTj as jumping to conclusions without knowing all the facts, or as paranoid, if the INTj perceives danger coming from the trends s/he notices.
    In such cases the INTj is usually correct more often than not, but this is not always appreciated.
    The INTj is not an immediately popular figure.
    -- Well, I'm not an immediately UNpopular figure.

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    Default ISTp


    soft blankness; internal independence; hard to impress; not easily excited; (emotionally) cool
    -- Kind of, but not really.

    He is obstinate, reclusive, almost always equally cold and enigmatic.
    -- Not really.
    His movements are quiet, precise, and very economical: other people often get an impression that his results disproportionately exceed the efforts invested.
    -- Possibly.
    He is characterized by non-ostentatious quiet persistence and reliable accomplishment of everything he commenced, internal responsibility for deeds and modesty.
    -- Not reallly.
    Like a typical Briton, he is not ostentatious in his attitude towards work, as well as not demonstrative in revealing his feelings at all.
    -- Kind of.
    At first he may seem to do everything coolly, carelessly.
    -- Don't know.
    But gradually it becomes clear that his unhurriedness reflects his general tempo of life: a combination of relaxation and perfection.
    -- Kind of.

    Talented laziness.
    -- Yes.
    Unlike The Searcher, he will scarcely spend his energy for futile work.
    -- Sometimes.
    He is a born inventor, but he does not hurry with the implementation of his ideas, until conditions for maximum effect will ripen.
    -- Yes, kind of, and no.
    He is proud of his capability of not doing unnecessary things; adores comfort and conveniences.
    -- No. Comfort and conveniences are nice, but not a driving force.
    When performing common tasks together with somebody else, everything very easily and without pressure from his side goes the way he likes.
    -- Not sure.
    All space accessible to him is organized ideally for work and rest.
    -- Sometimes.
    He is an aesthete who completely trusts his taste.
    -- Mostly.
    He dresses very neatly, with taste, but as a rule not challenging convention.
    -- I try, and whether/how much I challenge convention depends.
    His skin is sensible: "a princess on a pea" must have been said about a woman of this type.
    -- Kind of.

    It is his aptitude for hiding emotions under the mask of inapproachability and coldness that makes them finely ‘polished’ and expressive (there are many actors among representatives of this type, e.g. Vladimir Vyssotsky, Adriano Celentano).
    -- Not sure.
    He is calm under any circumstances, but calm in a different manner.
    -- What manner?
    He remains cold and unapproachable when he loves, and does not hurry to trust feelings of his somewhat frivolous dual (The Psychologist).
    -- Kind of, I think.
    He is very jealous and mistrustful: he is horrified that his emotions will be ridiculed.
    -- Jealous, no. Mistrustful, Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Maybe.
    In dangerous situations he stubbornly fears nothing, approaches the source of danger very calmly.
    -- Possibly.
    This is his best move – to go directly towards the opponent, and the stronger one shall prevail.
    -- No.
    This is also the main pose of the actor Jean Gabin - impertinence, non-compliance, internal correctness and courage.
    The more lonely he is, the more unapproachable.
    -- Maybe.

    Sometimes he may be mistaken for a lazybones and a chatterbox, especially when being without his dual for long: he speaks a lot but does nothing, as if waiting for something.
    -- Sometimes.
    In such a situation he is really waiting: for a scream for help.
    -- I don't believe so.
    He will not work without a goal, and is not capable of inventing goals himself.
    -- Yes, but I'm quite capable of inventing my own goals - If I have none, I'll usually create some.
    Only The Psychologist, the ardent enthusiast, has a key, which starts up the precise and flawless mechanism of The Craftsman.
    -- See above.
    As a reward The Craftsman considers the joy he has brought by his labor.
    -- No.
    He judges about sincerity of others by voice inflection, which automatically mobilizes him.
    -- No.
    Both desire and joy are often best expressed by his dual – The Psychologist – who is in addition a great specialist of finding talents and admiring them sincerely.
    And The Craftsman has to be a favorite, for he does not tolerate equal rewarding regardless of contribution.
    -- No, and Yes (for adults, anyway.)
    Only sincere feelings expressed by the eyes and intonations can win him over.
    -- No.

    Men and women who have the Adventurous personality style live by their own internal code of values. They are not strongly influenced by other people or by the norms of society.
    -- Somewhat.
    To live is to dare. Adventurers love the thrill of risk and routinely engage in high-risk activities.
    -- Not really.
    Mutual independence. They do not worry too much about others, for they expect each human being to be responsible for him- or herself.
    -- Yes.
    They are silver-tongued, gifted in the gentle art of winning friends and influencing people.
    -- Not that I've noticed.
    They love to keep moving. They settle down only to have the urge to pick up and go, explore, move out, move on. They do not worry about finding work, and live well by their talents, skills, ingenuity, and wits.
    -- Sometimes, Sometimes, and Yes.
    In their childhood and adolescence, people with the Adventurous personality style were usually high-spirited hell-raisers and mischief makers.
    -- No.
    They are courageous, physically bold, and tough. They will stand up to anyone who dares to take advantage of them.
    -- Maybe.
    No regrets. Adventurers live in the present. They do not feel guilty about the past or anxious about the future. Life is meant to be experienced now.
    -- Kind of.


    ISTps may have a cold or distant look to them when you first met them.
    -- Yes.
    Their eyes look focused and alert, like they are peering outward from inside a shell.
    -- Possibly. Probably more dreamy or detached.
    ISTps don’t have big smiles around new people; rather, they give a half, closed-lipped smile.
    -- Yes
    They try to talk a lot with facial expressions; such as the way they furrow their brow or grimace, believing in non-verbal communication as opposed to words.
    -- More like an addition or complement too (Now I see why I VI'd this way).

    ISTps may seem quite laid back and easy going at first, and they might also lack initiative, because they chose comfort and relaxing over actually “getting things done”.
    -- Kind of.
    In a physical sense, they like to be in harmonious environments.
    -- Doesn't matter all that much.
    They don’t like others interrupting their peace.
    -- Sometimes.
    This applies while either doing work or spending leisure time with friends.
    -- Sometimes.
    They don’t like to be rushed or live by schedules, and they take their time enjoying their surroundings.
    -- Yes.
    ISTps also dislike it when people try and predict what will happen; such as while watching a movie.
    -- Depends.
    They prefer to watch and enjoy what happens.
    -- Not that (mentally) passively.

    The ISTps work habits can be somewhat of a mystery to those around him.
    -- Maybe.
    He might totally ignore or blow off some obligations, but then put a lot of passion into some seemingly meaningless activity.
    -- Maybe.
    It has a purpose to the ISTp, but it still seems irrational to others.
    -- Maybe.
    This is because mandatory work for an ISTp seems pointless, but their area of interest is rewarded with much more time and attention then most others would have the tolerance for.
    -- Not quite.

    ISTps care very much about their appearance and the appearances of the objects around them.
    -- Kind of.
    They might get lazy about what they look like and how they are dressed when no one is around, although when they go out they feel silly and repulsive if they don’t look clean.
    -- Yes.
    ISTps pay close attention to people’s facial expressions, smiles, and mannerisms.
    -- Yes, I think.
    They can easily recall these, and play back memories in their head.
    -- Kind of.
    They make connections to people and experiences they remember from the past.
    -- Not really.
    ISTps are also very sensitive to touch.
    -- Kind of.

    One problem for the ISTps is that they can be emotionally irritated; and sometimes even be unstable.
    -- Not sure.
    They might not take teasing or any form of deprecation well.
    -- Maybe.
    When ISTps feel hurt, or their ethics are judged, they push away and withdraw from others.
    -- Maybe.
    They can show rude or tactless behavior towards people, sometimes flat out ignoring them.
    -- If I do so, it's usually intentional.
    When they either feel harmed or frustrated, their generally placid appearance quickly turns fiery and aggressive.
    -- Maybe, moreso when frustrated and there isn't anyone around.
    In their aggression, they might hit or throw something to let their energy out.
    -- Throwing a pillow or something like that - not breakable.
    ISTps may also become pushy when they run out of patience.
    -- Possibly.

    ISTps might have some odd behavior around friends or family.
    -- Probably.
    Too much emotional drama can be strenuous to an ISTp.
    -- Yes.
    Their unsociability may arise from people not being trustworthy and polite to them, and it increases when others start to question them about their poor social skills.
    -- Don't know.
    When an ISTp does feel welcome in a group of people, they might even be talkative and friendly.
    -- Yes.
    Only the fear of not being accepted will restrain them.
    -- Yes, though it's only a restraint on my, er, extrovertedness, not something I care too much about otherwise.
    When an ISTp feels like he is out of the loop, or that others are verbally hurting him in some way, he might say some insensitive, blunt, things, often without thinking about it.
    -- Unlikely. I'm more likely to just try to figure out what's going on or just not care.
    This is because it is a programmed defense mechanism they have, and cannot control it.
    -- No.
    Unexpectedly, the ISTp’s mood will shoot up when they realize that the other people around them weren’t either offended or left the ISTp behind.
    -- No.
    It may look cruel to people around them, but this is how an ISTp lets people get closer to them.
    After the initial contact, the ISTp will try to keep you as a friend as long as they can, secretly valuing deep relationships with people.
    -- Yes.

    In romantic relationships, ISTps care about small, physical communication.
    -- Don't know.
    Because they are already paying attention to body language and facial expressions when they are interested in someone, they expect that the other person is in tune with these as well.
    -- Yes, and maybe.
    They also enjoy it when emotions are just understood.
    -- Don't know.
    They feel relieved when people can understand them without invading their personal space.
    -- Maybe.
    They may also have a hard time letting their feelings out, so even if you declare that you like the ISTp several times they may not return the favor, sometimes leaving their partner feeling less appreciated than they really are.
    -- Yes.
    It may look like it is hard to please an ISTp on the outside, but that’s only because they don’t show it when you do please them.
    -- Probably.
    Some ISTps may stop caring for love altogether if they were hurt enough in the past.
    They may even forget about the possibility of caring for someone again, trying to sooth their mind.
    IN these extreme cases, the ISTp may only show affection towards pets, because pets never judge you.

    ISTps are also a poor judge of time.
    -- Not really.
    They can lose track of how much time has past when they are doing something they are interested in.
    -- Only kind of.
    They might also ignore necessary obligations, because they are too busy taking care of themselves and their comforts and conveniences instead of thinking about the problems of the future.
    -- No.
    These can eventually catch up with the ISTp, and either his workload piles up or he lets deadlines pass.
    -- No, No, and occasionally but not accidentally.
    ISTps can become overly-anxious about being late while going somewhere, so sometimes they will be early just so they don’t have to worry about it.
    -- Not too much.

    ISTps can get lost in and enjoy both craft and sport.
    -- Maybe. Don't spend too much time on either.
    They love to practice a particular sport, over and over again, until they feel they have perfected it.
    -- Maybe.
    They get energized by it and can even work themselves into fatigue, but the fatigue is generally satisfying.
    -- Maybe.

    ISTps usually develop a growing skepticism over time.
    -- Kind of.
    This comes from the mistakes they made in the past.
    Sometimes, the whole idea of “believing” in something becomes so shaky in the mind of an ISTp that they stop believing everything.
    -- Not really.
    After this, they become nervous inside, wondering whether or not what they ever believed in was true.
    -- No.

    ISTps always attempt to be fair and objective.
    -- Yes.
    They try to see what is actually there, and see things in terms of facts and evidence.
    -- Yes.
    They don’t like to accept something just because it is a commonly held belief.
    -- Yes.
    ISTps are good at accumulating several sources of knowledge, and they use it.
    -- Yes.
    Once they have gathered enough evidence and knowledge on a subject, they feel justified in defending their principles.
    -- Probably.

    --I'm pretty sure that N is stronger than S, and the ISTp seems waaaay to focused on comfort and conveniences.

  12. #12
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    From your picture, I also thought ISTp. From the bits you highlighted, I thought ENTp at first but so much doesn't fit.

    I guess INTp.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  13. #13
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    I think ISTp. There seem to be many INTp'ish traits, but it might just be the - role function.
    IMO, ISTp 70%, INTp 25%, any other type 5%.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

    Old blog:
    New blog:

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    i am struck simply by the amount which you indicated applies to you of the ENTp description in comparison to the others.

    i would tend to say INTp, basing this on a lot of the choices you made on Dmitri's test, including the following brief sample.

    [list][*]Often, without even interrupting a conversation with somebody, I begin to simultaneously think about some irrelevant matters. 2 [*]The way I look is very important to me. I have good aesthetic taste and watch my weight and appearance closely. I always notice a moment when I need to start dieting. 0 (demonstrates lack of Si)[*]I enjoy having long telephone conversations with my friends. 0 [*]I often daydream when I am alone. 2 [*]Sometimes I consider overly emotional people to be hysterical or jokers and prefer not to deal with them. 2 [*]Often, without any specific goal, just for fun, my imagination travels through time and space. 2

    very few of the questions which seem to be directed towards Ni (of those that i had time to look over; i discounted approximately 40% of the questions) did you answer 0.

    ENTp, however, also seems possible. my best evidence for this is the accuracy of the ENTp description, so i think this merits further consideration.

    could you describe, in your mind, exactly what it is you dislike about emotion, i.e. why is it irrational or mystifying, etc.

    also, out of curiosity, if you didn't submit this test to Dmitri, submit it, and if you did, what were the results?

  15. #15
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    you really don't seem like an istp to me.

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    Default Well

    Yep - seemed a bit of a waste to go through the thing and not e-mail it, but unfortunately: "Sorry, Dmitri Lytov is not available by e-mail between July 14 and August 14, except for his open projects."

    As for emotions, I have difficulty discerning them well in others beyond the obvious, and my understanding of them is more intellectual than experiential 'mystifying' is a good way to put it. I consider them irrational, but am not overly concerned about my own in that I'm fairly confident I won't (often) let them control me. Judging emotional distance is rather difficult for me.[/code]

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    he looks entj to me but from the choices istp or entp.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    he looks entj to me
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Default More info..

    Some observations:

    1. Feeling/Ethic is NOT strong.

    2. Thinking/Logic is a definite

    3. I very much prefer to work/do stuff on my own.

    4. Well, see the last two parts of this post..

    5. When I draw, I tend not to plan out the particular details ahead of time (unless it's a technical drawing or schematic, which I necessarily consider in more detail), just the general idea, if I have one - I also just draw with nothing in mind and let it develop.

    6. Likewise, I tend to come up with an idea and then flesh it out with logic (eg, "hm, I wonder... Well, if <...> and <...> ...")

    7. When I use logic, I tend to use it to reach a particular goal, as opposed to seeing where it leads me.

    8. I tend to correct (at least in my head) most if not all grammatical/spelling slips I hear/see automatically. However, I also consider rules like not putting a preposition at the end of a sentence to be ridiculous - for one, language changes, and two, that's like trying to say you shouldn't eat lettuce raw because you shouldn't eat meat raw (English is not Latin).

    9. As you might guess, I have an interest in linguistics and languages, and also in math and science...and art and music and history (to an extent) and technology and...

    10. I have a tendency to read every word of something, and may occasionally just not 'get' what it is that I'm reading, no matter how easily I may do so at another time (though sometimes this is just a result of 'spacing out' and having to keep focusing on what I'm reading).

    11. When using logic to attempt to, say, understand something, I may pace and speak to myself. (As I understand, the speaking to myself is used to facilate communication between hemispheres of the brain)

    12. I like to understand WHY something works, not just what to do (for one, it's normally easier to remember it that way)

    13. Go, Su Doku, and those logic problems where you have to fill in the grids with just a few clues (not crosswords) are fun.

    14. I'm generally quite good at noticing patterns.

    15. I tend to say things in probabilistic terms (not percentages, but likelihoods, not complete sureties; "I think it's probably ..." "I'm pretty sure that ...").

    16. Probably more later.. (see?)

    ..And just because...

    <Crackpot Theory>
    I'm ambidextrous, which I assume means I can use my left and right brain fairly equally. I've also seen some evidence that these functions might be primarily based in particular areas of the brain. What if a person were able to be two types (not necessarily simultaneously)? I would assume that the weak functions will remain weak, and the strong functions remain strong, but the orders of the functions within the strong (ego, id) and weak (super-ego, super-id) blocks may be able to alternate in a particular way (or few).

    and a question: Might it occur that some mental diseases are the result of having two p or two j functions in the ego block?

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    Several of these indicate ENTp very strongly.

    particularly these two.

    As you might guess, I have an interest in linguistics and languages, and also in math and science...and art and music and history (to an extent) and technology and...

    I like to understand WHY something works, not just what to do (for one, it's normally easier to remember it that way)

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    he looks entj to me
    yeah yeah

    I guess youre right, i just meant the physical features more than the mannerisms.

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    Default The End?

    Part II. (This should be it unless something weird happens)

    16. I get REALLY annoyed at anything that even RESEMBLES nagging (excluding bosses at work)

    17. If I spend too much time around other people/in a social situation, I get into a detached state, kind of like I stop putting energy into interaction and just observe/do my own thing.

    18. Lock the door. "Did I close the door?" Go back and check. "uh did I ... ?" Goes back to check. "Did I .?" "::sigh:: nevermind.."

    19. Also, I tend to a) get slightly worried about the freshness of food ("how long does bacon last? a few days or a few weeks? Better not touch it.."), and b) be rather, um, 'diligent' about keeping myself clean (unless it's impractical at the moment [eg, yardwork]). Occasionally this has lead to hands with rather thin skin.

    20. Aleesha, 24 Sept 2005 "I am not the only INxp that thinks psychosis sounds like fun..." - can definitely understand that

    21. I want to live forever. Seriously. Past the Big Crunch or the Heat Death of the Universe.

    22. I retain just about everything I think I might have a use for in the future (Boxes and boxes of magazines and papers)

    23. I can usually remember the concept better than the details.

    24. Sensing is quite probably stronger than feeling

    25. [limited scope?] Generally buy new music in a combination of planned and unplanned modes. I usually have a list of stuff I want or think may be interesting, and I'll choose from that list out of what's available where I am, and out of those, just whichever seems like the one I most want at the moment. Also, I may choose something simply because it looks interesting, even without hearing it (with a startlingly large amount of successes). Mind, it usually takes me awhile to make the final decision.

    26. Cone, 02 Mar 2005: "If, perhaps, both an Ni and Ne are watching a duck, the Ni would focus more on the actions of the duck, and thus become mesmerized by the way it moves in the lake and how it affects its environment. The Ne, on the other hand, would see the duck as an integral part of its environment, and thus attempt to extrapolate possibilities, or reactions, from the duck. He might call to the duck, throw a rock at the duck, or do something else in order to get a reaction out of it. Eventually, he would bore with it and chase after some other object in the environment, such as a group of pigeons pecking at the ground, often running through them just to see them scatter. The Ni would continue to watch the duck, thinking of the Ne as too flighty or carefree, although the Ni suffers from the same lack of concentration as the Ne, only it is of a more introverted form. After a minute or so, the Ni will become distracted by some thought or image, and thus fall into a blank stare, continuing to look at the duck, yet his thoughts are elsewhere. An Ni can seemingly look mesmerized by an object, as in the duck, and stand there staring at it for quite a long time. The Ne becomes confused by this mesmerization and leaves the Ni to continue with his wonder and amazement of the duck. Yet, the irony is that the Ni's thoughts in no way, shape, or form resemble that of a duck." Ni sounds much more me than Ne, here.

    Question: I suspect the 'conservative' used in some INTp descriptions is not the US political conservative - anyone care to give me a better idea of what is meant?

    <Crackpot Theory>
    Pertaining to the alternation of the dominance of functions: It would seem to me that intuition is what may be called right-brained (parallel, simultaneous), while thinking would be left-brained (linear). I'm not quite sure how feeling and sensing would fit in, but it would seem likely to me that sensing would be right-brained, as Se would involve multiple simultaneous inputs. Feeling, on the other hand, seems (in my limited experience) to be a one or few predominant, leading me to believe it may be left-brained. This would lead to a prediction that brain injuries to just one hemisphere would lead, at least for a short time, either one function group (T F S P) dominant and one sub-dominant. Combined with the assumption that a hemisphere can only give max power to one function (group?) at a time, this leads to a prediction of a dominant N or S in the right-brain, and a dominant T or F in the left-brain.

    Another possibility may be that the two functions within a block are linked, giving rise to a switch of blocks (only two possible combinations per super-block (ego + id, super-ego + super-id) as easier than a switching of individual functions. Furthermore, if the blocks only switch order (ie, ego -> id, id -> ego) and not sequence (NiTe -> TeNi), this would leave all blocks with the same accepting/producing orientation. If the functions are divided between hemispheres as stated, then Model A would also lead to the conclusion that of the two function groups within a hemisphere, one is always accepting and the other always producing.

    Thus, the predominant change would be a switch of extratrim/intratrim orientation per function. This leads to a prediction that it would be easier to simulate a person of differing I/E (ie, the contrary) than any other combination.

    Note that, if the only assumptions are that strong functions move most easily to other strong positions, and likewise for weak, and that they move most easily in blocks, the other greatest likelihoods are accepting/receiving inversion (mirror) and complete inversion (quasi-identical).
    so, besides general commentary on that last bit, easy read for INTj's? ENTj's? (Going on the theory that quasi-identicals have difficulty understanding each other)

    And back to the mental diseases: considering such a division between the two hemispheres and functions types, might it be that some are the result of having both hemispheres develop in the same way?


    Well, just got this result too.

  24. #24
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    I would NOT place too much stake in that result. That test is highly controversial.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  25. #25

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    Default Test results

    Well, Dmitri seems to be back early, so the test results were:

    according to the test, you balance between two types, Seeker
    (intuitive-logical extravert) and Critic (intuitive-logical
    introvert), see attachment. However, probability difference between
    them is so small that we recommend you to read descriptions of both
    these types.
    The pretty graphs in the attached spreadsheet indicated high probability for both, with ENTp very slightly ahead.

    So, I'm pretty sure I'm either ENTp or INTp, but choosing is a bit difficult.

    Edited Spreadsheet post to just display above result
    Edited type/highlight posts to:
    *Add descriptions
    *Change from highlighting to comments after each part.[/list]

  26. #26
    Joy's Avatar
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    read this:

    it should definitely clear up any confusion if your options are ENTp or INTp.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  27. #27
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Your pictures remind me STRONLY of an IEI friend of mine. Based on this, your description of yourself, and your test results, I'm going with ILI.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  28. #28

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    I see what you're getting at. Unfortunately, I didn't react too much one way or the other to that article. However, moving on to the moods page ( for the same purpose was a bit more productive:

    IEI ++ NiFe Fe ("wacky, goofy, dreamy, zany" + "mix of joy and melancholy" - Sounds like someone I once had a crush on, and partially self-descriptive)
    SEE ++ SeFi Fi ("flair, playfulness; socialites; physical center of attention; hands-on involvement in world around them" - Sounds like another one)

    IEE +~ NeFi Fi ("playfulness; tinge of irony; acceptance; frivolous;" - This also sounds kind of like me)
    SEI +~ SiFe Fe

    EII ~ FiNe Fi
    EIE ~ FeNi Fe

    ESE - FeSi Fe ("enthusiastic and forceful about likes and dislikes" + "reflect values of community")
    ESI - FiSe Fi ("concerned about proper behavior; stand their ground; hard to convince; conservative views and methods")

    So, to back up the p preference, only p's got in the +/+~ list, and only j's on the ~/- list.

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