I am surpriesd to find that there's no sticky questionnaire that you use? For the record, I am fairly certain about my type but it's always fun with some additional input, eh? Anyway, I found some questions:

1. What kind of lifestyle do you have?
A non-existent one No but seriously, I guess I would consider it fairly passive. I don't really do much with my life and it's definitely one of those things I feel is one of my personal weaknesses. I tend to spend most of my time at home wasting my life away on the internet, video games and be with my cats. I know only one person IRL whom I consider a friend that I regularly interact with.

I would say I'm a very artistic person though. I love music above all else and music has been a very important part of my life since I was a teenager. I'm mostly into metal music but anything goes as long as it pleases my ears. Some of my favorite bands include Insomnium, Scar Symmetry, Machinae Supremacy, early In Flames (yes, I like melodic death metal) and I've recently been a lot into music composed for the video games Devil May Cry and Silent Hill. I also write prose and poetry although I have issues finishing the former... Poetry is easier since it's shorter. However, I tend to put most of my creative efforts into my GFX and I recently bought a wacom tablet to further my efforts. I also like manga and anime and Bleach is my favorite manga of all time.

2. Do you enjoy debating and what kind of topics do you prefer to discuss?
I don't mind debating but the topics I discuss have no specific theme in common but it's more tied to what personally interests me at the moment. If I have to choose a subject on my own though, I am mostly interested in subjects pertaining the human nature and society (I have a degree in social anthropology and global studies) though, especially gender but also religion. I also like discussing the arts.

3. How would you describe your overall behavior around others?
Most people describe me as aloof and I guess I am. It's hard to have an outsider view of how others perceive you. I also prefer small groups of people over large ones, and I prefer being around people I know than people I don't know. A friend of mine said that she values quality over quantity. I sorely agree. I would say I'm probably fairly witty and sarcastic but also very serious. I've had people tell me to try to cheer up and not so gloomy. I tend to give them the evil eye when they do as I think that no one has the right to tell me what I think and feel. It's outside of my control either way and I can't summon specific feelings at will. Either I feel them or I don't. Not to your liking? Deal with it.

4. What do you like about the people you like and dislike about the people you dislike?
I like insightful and intelligent people who know when to drop the bs and just get the stuff done already. I appreciate people who are honest and tell me what they think and feel and those who can give me their honest opinions. Either say what you think or feel or don't say anything at all. I rather have you tell me something I won't like but done in an honest manner than giving me a white lie or the sort. If I find out I'll just be more pissed off unless it's something I can understand. I also like people who don't force their opinions on me like telling me what I should think or feel. I can decide that fine on my own and if you tell me this, I feel disrespected. I also like people who don't encroach on my privacy but respect the distance I keep between myself and others. If I say no I really mean no. I find that one of the biggest turn-offs someone can do when I am getting to know a person I don't know is a sudden act that I feel encroaches on my privacy. I rather get to know people slowly but not everyone understands this and want to rush and this makes me feel very uncomfortable.

So what I don't like about people I don't like are those who kind of the the above but also tend to not really seem to take life seriously or things seriously enough but just seem to joke around. I don't mind jokes but there's certainly a level when enough is enough. I rather discuss the finer points of Western politics than hearing about that funny story again that you've already told us a million times.