Just a few other observations about quadra values:

Alpha -Fe: The SEIs that I know don't heap praise. They just radiate this quiet goodwill. If unpleasant talk breaks out, they will quietly object or withdraw.
Alpha -Ti: They are big on fairness and being reasonable. One of the few times I have heard my SEI sister-in-law complain was about a teacher who was giving out time wasting busywork that was cutting into her daughter's limited free time to relax (which ties in with +Si.)

Delta +Te: Without exception, the EIIs that I know are frugal with money even when they don't have to be. They worry a little about money in a way that the SEIs don't. They SEIs spend what they can to enjoy life within their means and dont fret about it.
Delta -Si: This is where you see the difference between Ignoring Se (SEI) and POLR Se (EII,) if my understanding of this is correct. Despite being unvalued, the SEI has very good use of Se when they need to, and have less trouble in emergencies, and in dealing with the physical world in general. The EIIs seem more at the mercy of the elements and are more easily thrown off by physically difficult situations. (But they feel obligated to cope with them.)