That's interesting. I do tend to confuse EII for SEI from a distance. The only one of your observations I don't necessarily agree with is that EIIs easily shaking off hurt feelings and easily criticizing others. Take this with a grain of salt because there's only one EII I'm very close with and I'm not 100% positive he is even EII of course. All I know is he tests as INFP in MBTI and I don't think he is Beta at all. But assuming he is EII, he gets upset fairly easily and holds onto feelings for a long time. And has a hard time criticizing people to their face, though he will angrily rant to me about them. I think he'd get too flustered for any sort of real confrontation though.

Maybe this is Enneagram related? Do you do Enneagram? You seem like maybe a 1 or 2, but most EIIs are 9, 4 or 6 and probably not as critical or confident. The fact that EIIs and SEIs are both almost always 9s (probably more 9w1 for EII and 9w8 for SEI) might also explain why they seem so similar.

Or maybe I'm just wrong.