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Thread: What IS my type?

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    Join Date
    Jan 2013
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    Default What IS my type?

    Brunettes, obviously.

    But I'm not quite sure what my socionics type is.

    Here are some pictures:

    My neutral mood/computer face
    Normal face, but in a decent mood
    Smug mode
    In dire need of a tan
    On the town, under the bright lights
    Uncharacteristic big grin
    Contemplating how much better everyone looks in black and white

    Here are some songs I'm really into at the moment:

    Venetian Snares - The Hopeless Pursuit of Remission
    Hour of Penance - The Woeful Eucharisty
    Guthrie Govan - Hangover
    Cocteau Twins - Cherry-Coloured Funk
    Deltron 3030 - 3030

    Some traits for your scrutiny:

    • I am mercurial in the sense that I can get quite irritated and angry about things but tend to get over them quickly.
    • I rant a bit like Becker, despite never really watching the show in my life. He seems more conservative, however.
    • I am almost always in a hurry, even if I'm not. If a slow walking person is walking in front of me, I'll want to walk faster and overtake them.
    • Clearing my mind for things like meditation is an extreme exercise in patience and mental discipline because my brain is basically filled to the brim with thoughts and white noise.
    • I'm almost always reading something, but usually not books, unless I'm in a novel reading phase, or I don't have a busy job. Forums, articles, googling things and so on.
    • I hate when a job doesn't keep me busy enough.
    • I am an unskilled office politician.
    • I am generally polite to people whenever possible, but I can be callous or dismissive when I'm particularly preoccupied with something.
    • When I'm really busy or focused on something, I want as little disturbance as possible. When that isn't the case, I'm happy to have a chat with you.
    • At home, I really don't like talking to anyone, but I feel that may be a matter of circumstance. I really don't like when guests that aren't my own come over. It's my sanctuary.
    • People that talk slowly can drive me insane.
    • I'm a people watcher.
    • I consider myself a reserved extrovert. A day of privacy here or there is great, but I'm usually still talking to people on Facebook. When I work an office job, I'd rather have lunch with someone than nobody.
    • I'm more action-introspect-action than introspect-action-introspect.
    • I have an almost voyeur-like attraction to the shows Jersey Shore and Geordie Shore based almost solely on the fact that I will basically never live my life like that.
    • I hate when people resist my suggestions, especially when I've taken into account an understanding of their likes, dislikes and nuances of their character, and they refuse for the sake of it.
    • My mind is never in the present unless I'm a dark room or somewhere that it's possible that I'm going to stub a toe, or possibly get mugged or what have you. Always planning ahead.
    • After knowing one or two songs you like, I can recommend you something I'm quite sure you will like.
    • A very large portion of my friends score as Myers Briggs perceivers. Some of them drive me mad with their flakiness, but I like them because I don't have to ask them a week in advance if they'd like to hang out.
    • My sense of humour is more sarcastic and biting than goofy and random, however, I do love when people do something ridiculous in an otherwise completely normal situation.
    • I'm studying law, and when I tell people that, they nod knowingly, which should offend me to a small extent, but doesn't.
    • I don't have huge qualms about who I talk to. A few jobs ago, I was on good terms with cleaners, some homeless people, almost every person in my building, including old lecherous office women and so on. As long as I didn't perceive them as assholes or dangerous.
    • I really place no stock in someone's societal rank and in any situation where I can (so essentially not talking to a police officer or a judge), I will talk to people and treat them like they're my drinking buddies.
    • Some really obvious ESTPs put me instantly into a bad mood as soon as I see them. No other type seems to do this.

    If any more information is needed, feel free to probe me using a series of tricks and intrusive questions. I'll answer whatever I can.
    Last edited by Narc; 01-07-2013 at 03:37 AM.

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