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Thread: Any insights into my functions, por favor?

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    Default Any insights into my functions, por favor?

    This is a form from another forum, though I thought it might offer a fairly decent insight into my socionics 'type'. It's a lengthy read but any information would be hugely appreciated... I'm struggling like you wouldn't believe. Cognitive function results are posted at the bottom of the page.

    Many thanks.

    0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex, age, and current state of mind.

    I am currently in somewhat of a rut in life. I have been diagnosed with mild depression, though I have been battling it for a couple of years now; other than a (rarely) debilitating sense of “What’s the point?”, it doesn’t have that much of a hold on me. I’d say that it’s slightly harder for me to get excited about things these days and I most definitely have less energy than I used to. It brings occasional mood swings though I am mainly ‘fair – middling’. Peaks and troughs, etc.

    I am well aware of how this depression came to be and I am trying to fight it off. Due to my often stubborn nature, I have declined the opportunity to start medication / counselling. Mastery of self, and all that. It might take me a little while longer, but I’ll conquer this problem alone. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t see it as weakness and I most certainly accept the validity of its effects on people; it is a real problem. The reason I turn down help offered is simple – I know what’s causing it, and I know it’s well within my power to change. Thus, I see little point in relying on drugs or external input… with all due respect, I doubt a counsellor would be able to get in to my head anyway. Most likely I’d be the one piercing their veil, rather than the other way around.

    Oh, and I drink far too much coffee. On average I’m hitting 8-10 strong black cups per day, which really messes with my attention span. If I don’t meet my quota, I get incredible headaches. I am a slave to the bean.

    Potentially Useful Information:

    Male; 27; currently ‘fair’ of mood erring ever so slightly towards ‘vague optimism about the future’, which is hinting at a welcome return to my default modus operandi.


    1. Click on this link: Flickr: Explore! Look at the random photo for about 30 seconds. Copy and paste it here, and write about your impression of it. (I was provided with a selection, so I went with the fist).

    Initially, I thought ‘Narnia’. I was immediately transported back to childhood; I felt a great (overpowering, even) sense of enchantment as I recalled various tales of myth and magic in a coalesced format, giving the sense of an all-encompassing overtone, or vague abstraction rather than actual specific memories. Perhaps the time of year also encouraged this (Christmas being ‘magical’ and all). I then turned my attention to the road. I noted that it veers off to the left, though much more enticing is the cliff edge (ish) you would meet if you carried on straight ahead. I find myself drawn to that point. From there, I could better see the bigger picture (what lay ahead, what is above and below) and bathe in the golden glow of the sun.

    It all breaks down here, because we’re basically dealing in the currency of wild imaginings – I can’t even begin to get across what I feel. Think along the lines of euphoria sweeping over me as I tilt my head back and close my eyes, outstretching my arms. A sense of being at one with the Universe (and whatever may lie beyond or even alongside) and finally a sense of transcendence as my consciousness detaches from my physical being and soars, leaving this ‘false’ place behind, evolving its awareness to encompass what lies beyond. In that moment, I’d like to think that there is a ‘spark’ which travels around the world, touching people globally. Perhaps for a fleeting moment, they feel a sense of kindness and compassion sweeping over them. Maybe they will act upon it and decide to (for example) help out a stranger in need. Perhaps they will forget about it as it leaves them as quickly as it came.

    Whatever their response, I’d like to think that in spite of how separated we are in our day to day lives, when it comes down to it… we’re all in this together. Life is too short and too fragile to be concerned with petty affairs. We should be working together as a whole, propelling our race towards greater understanding and compassion.

    I’m not sure how I got there, but I did.

    2. You are with a group of people in a car, heading to a different town to see your favourite band/artist/musician. Suddenly, the car breaks down for an unknown reason in the middle of nowhere. What are your initial thoughts? What are your outward reactions?

    This one is easy. Without a question there would be people flipping out, so I’d do what I always do – calm people down, rationalise, get them to see the bigger picture. I’d fire the internet up on my phone and find the number of a pickup service. I would take control of the situation, basically. Mediating peoples’ moods is what I do. You need interpersonal harmony up in this bitch? Give me a call.

    3. You somehow make it to the concert. The driver wants to go to the afterparty that was announced (and assure you they won't drink so they can drive back later). How do you feel about this party? What do you do?

    I’d very likely feel extremely uncomfortable at the thought of having to attend a party. I wouldn’t be too happy about going to a concert in the first place, truth be told. Loud music and loads of people? No thanks. If I couldn’t get a ride home, I’d leave the driver (and whoever else) to enjoy the party. You’d find me hanging around outside in a quieter area, likely making polite conversation with people in similar situations (which seems to happen a lot).

    …. Unless I was drunk, in which case I’d be living it up and most likely the centre of attention for better or worse. Thankfully, I avoid alcohol these days at all costs. It causes me to hug people and declare my undying love.

    Nobody wants to be that person. Nobody.

    4. On the drive back, your friends are talking. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward reaction? What do you outwardly say?

    It really wouldn’t bother me unless they were being offensively stupid. If they were, I’d ask them to justify their opinion and secretly delight in their ineptitude as they proceeded to spew unintelligent drivel. If it was a close friend I knew very well, I’d be tempted to make fun of them a little, but only in good humour. If I didn’t know the person very well, I’d just sit and smile inwardly.

    Conversely, if they backed their belief(s) up with a well-rounded, insightful argument I’d take their opinion on board and weigh its validity against my own beliefs. That unfortunately doesn’t happen very often, though.

    5. What would you do if you actually saw/experienced something that clashes with your previous beliefs, experiences, and habits?

    A perfect example of this would be science Vs spirituality. Right up until being about 23 / 24 I was a fairly spiritual (not religious – never religious) person. Fortunately, science. Upon discovering that Science isn’t as boring as I’d previously believed, I quickly put aside my spiritual system and delved headfirst into scientific books, magazines, television programs, web clips, etc – anything I could get my hands on. For a while, I was hardcore science. Now however my views have become more balanced. Whilst I still hold rationale in high regard, I do think there is room for the metaphysical. Not the silly ‘new age’ stuff, though.

    So basically, if I hold a belief and something challenges it, I’ll weigh my conclusions against the newly proposed way of looking at things and either adopt it or disregard it dependent upon whether or not I see validity in it. Mainly because I often consider most angles of a subject anyway, so if somebody suggests something that I haven’t yet considered I tend to be highly intrigued and even a little bit excited / grateful.

    6. What are some of your most important values? How did you come about determining them? How can they change?

    Values? Hmm.

    I always try to be as kind to people as I possibly can. I’m not one to impose on anybody; I used to hate the idea of someone going out of their way for me. Even retail assistants doing their jobs were subject to my pity and shame. I always felt somehow guilty that I was putting them out. I have been scalded time and time again for this over the years by my friends and family – they have told me that I am too “Soft” with people. Basically, I never have been (nor will I ever be) somebody who is comfortable marching up to another individual and demanding things. You’ll rarely (if ever) hear me say something along the lines of “Hey, you – do this for me”. If I do need to ask a favour of someone, I do so in an apologetic tone.

    I do my best to ensure I don’t inconvenience anyone either. For example, when out in public I always navigate around people efficiently, minimising risk of hold ups or unnecessary farting about. If I’m driving somewhere and another car gets up my backside, I begin to feel uncomfortable and worry that I’m holding them up, so I increase my speed a little to accommodate their needs.

    However, people who do not extend this courtesy to myself or others can, put simply, burn in hell. There’s nothing worse than a stupid piece of shit blocking the way in to a shop, for example. I once saw a family of dimwits blocking the entrance to a busy shop in a heavily crowded area with a pram. The look they received from me must have made their toes curl. The immediate and intense rage I feel in those moments would see me quite happily set them on fire. Or beat them with a shoe. Whichever is preferable at the time.

    Anger isn’t usually an issue with me though. Honest.

    7. a) What about your personality most distinguishes you from everyone else? b) If you could change one thing about you personality, what would it be? Why?

    A: My apparent disconnectedness from reality. It’s something that only really started bugging me as a young teenager (prior to that I thought it natural) but the older I get, the more noticeable it is. Obviously I don’t talk about this in public, but put simply I am utterly convinced with every fibre of my being that this… ‘place’ isn’t real. There’s something about it that doesn’t add up. I block it out as best I can, but some days it catches me off guard and reality seems to unfurl before me. I can’t even begin to put it into words, so I’ll just say that such events are accompanied by a ‘static’ feeling and a feeling of intimate understanding. It’s as though everything hangs suddenly – time stops and I become conscious on a new level. Sometimes, I feeling of euphoric transcendence also occurs.

    I feel like a fish out of water, basically. I’m waiting for the dream to end. It’s as though I’m trapped in an incredibly persistent illusion with walls that I cannot see or feel, but I can sense them. There is far more to this ‘existence’ than meets the eye; of that I am certain. Obviously I can’t prove any of this… so /apathy.

    Oh, and I seem to be fairly astute at determining thought processes in people, or what leads them to certain actions / conclusions / what have you. For example, just last night my girlfriend started crying for apparently no reason. I asked her what was up and she replied “I don’t know… I just feel upset”.

    At a lightening pace, I said “Well, I think I know what’s up – you’ve just been to visit my grandparents and have seen their ailing health. This has made you think of your own grandparents and how you haven’t been to see them since Summer (her home is thousands of miles away) and you worry for their health as you have realised how quickly people can deteriorate in old age, this in turn snowballed into a feeling of missing home; the current festivities probably add a great deal of weight to these feelings blah blah”.

    Her jaw dropped and she couldn’t believe how hard I’d hit the nail on the head. The best thing is that I just pull this ‘knowing’ out of my backside. It comes from nowhere but it is very, very rarely wrong.

    The example I illustrate above isn’t the best, but you get the idea. I see ‘obvious’ things that aren’t at all obvious to other people. I just ‘get’ it.

    Finally, I can often see things from multiple viewpoints. So much so that I struggle to take a stance on a lot of things; I can see the validity in most approaches, so arguing a point always seems rather ridiculous and fruitless. That said, I do enjoy the occasional debate.

    B: If I could change one thing about my personality, I’d like to be able to find my place in the world. At present I’m struggling to get on the right career path, or even identify what I’m good at. The fact that I have little to no staying power doesn’t help matters. I tend to be immensely interested in something one minute and then drop it like a hot potato the next. A recent example would be my silly attempt at learning databases:

    “Shit, I know! I’ll design and implement a database at work!”

    *runs out to purchase relevant reference materials / consults friends who create and maintain databases as their jobs for advice*

    Fast forward two weeks and I’ve completely forgotten about the whole ordeal. I’ve thrown money at various resources that will get packed away and completely disregarded for the rest of eternity.

    I do this with pretty much everything. I am a dick and my brain hates me.

    8. How do you treat hunches or gut feelings? In what situations are they most often triggered?

    It depends. I’m a bit bull-headed, so I sometimes ignore them and inevitably suffer the consequences. Sometimes I listen and share my insights with people… who only ever pay attention when it’s too late. For example, a few years back we were passed over to a new manager in work. Within seconds of meeting this person I was utterly convinced that something was wrong… there was something I didn’t like about the person. Something dark, menacing. Something that was hidden almost expertly, but not quite well enough. It was like a thorn, a vaguely muted stabbing sensation (as I say, I have trouble putting my perceptions into words).

    Obviously, I warned my workmates of this feeling and they scoffed. I felt foolish for sharing my thoughts and left it at that.

    Weeks later, we all got shafted in a big way (for lack of a better phrase) by said manager. “Oh, you were right!” is what I heard quite a lot of. “Yes”, I replied. “I usually am, but nobody bothers to listen”.

    B: Situations? None, really. If I’m experiencing life they just come and go as they please. If I need insight into a particular subject, I find that clearing my mind of everything helps. Or, better yet, having a quick 15 minute nap. If something is really nagging me and I can’t navigate my way through the fog, a 15 minute sleep often sees me awaken with a strange sense of euphoria sweeping over me and incredible new insights into whatever was I found troubling.

    9. a) What activities energize you most? b) What activities drain you most? Why?

    A: Interesting discussions. I have only come across people of my apparent temperament once or twice in life, but when I do it typically entails incredibly lengthy discussions (often continuing late into the night / early into the morning). We talk about subjects of interest, exchange ideas, speculate, and expand upon our understandings, all of that lovely stuff.

    That aside, staring at a clear night sky in awe (one of the only things that can move me in life, actually); doting on my girlfriend with an uncharacteristic amount of caring and affection; reading (fiction or non-fiction); expanding my knowledge to better understand the bigger picture and what we are a part of. Almost ANYTHING metaphysical.

    B: Dealing with trivial day to day matters bores me the most. As horrible as it sounds, I typically find myself surrounded by people who operate very differently to myself (cognitively speaking). I spent a great deal of time believing myself to be an incredibly boring individual when growing up. It wasn’t too bad as a child – I liked to do all the typical childhood things such as playing with friends, riding bikes, running, climbing, all that sort of stuff. The world was an enchanted place back then, full of possibilities. I was always fascinated by what I couldn’t see. What is lurking in the shadows? Is that strange old tree actually a gateway to a parallel world? Could my dreams come to pass as reality? Could I really soar as high as a bird and escape the mundane? I had a very active imagination.

    As a teenager however, I quickly found that I wasn’t at all interested in typical ‘teenage’ things. I never wanted to go to the park and binge drink, smoke weed, have casual sex, etc. I was far more interested in staying indoors and reading a book or playing on my consoles (no internet back then!) When I did eventually get a PC (and a year later, the internet) that was my social life pretty much over. I did re-emerge between the ages of 16-19 for a few years of parties and the like, but I ended up shutting myself away for the following 4 years because I just couldn’t be arsed with people. It got to the point where I had so many contacts that my phone was constantly ringing and invites to parties were too many to handle. I ended up burning out in a big way.

    These days I typically enjoy a mixture of socialising with friends and alone time. I like to strike a balance if possible, though if push comes to shove I’ll always elect to have more ‘me’ time.

    Wait… I digress. Massively.

    So yes, ‘typical’ things bore me. I have no interest in chatting about fashion, celebrities, gossip, ugh. The mere thought of it makes me want to curl up into a ball and die. Small talk makes me want to kill everyone. I’m not even joking – if someone is chatting trivial bollocks to me, my brain feels like it’s trying to escape my skull.

    I equally detest maintenance type tasks. Cleaning my car? Pft, once every 8 months perhaps. No more than that. Paying bills? Yeah, I usually get to it on time but it’s always last minute. Taking care of finances (budgets etc) HELL NO. I leave that to the girlfriend. Cleaning? Sure! I’ll get to it… sometime.

    10. What do you repress about your outward behaviour or internal thought process when around others? Why?

    I repress how much of a dick I am. Also, I took the liberty of correcting the spelling of ‘behaviour’ in that last question.

    People who don’t know me very well assume I am a nice person. I am told this. ALL the time. People who know me well (good friends) call me a likeable dick. They appreciate my often over the line humour. I can get away with saying pretty much anything owing to the fact that I can be fairly charming, so I push the boundaries. Family often tell me I’m too distant or cold. I’m not, of course – I do care. I just don’t show it because… meh, emotions. There are bigger things in this life than people. That may sound harsh, but it’s also the truth. People are important of course. Cough.

    So yes, I typically repress the inner dick.

    I don’t really repress anything outwardly. Oh, apart from when I’m around my girlfriend. I never, EVER fart around her. It really kills me at times, but she’s worth it.

    If you made it to the end of this, bravo.

    Any questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask.

    Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
    extraverted Sensing (Se) **************************** (28.5)
    average use
    introverted Sensing (Si) ******************* (19.6)
    limited use
    extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ******************************** (32.7)
    good use
    introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************** (38.9)
    excellent use
    extraverted Thinking (Te) ******************************* (31.5)
    good use
    introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************ (24.6)
    average use
    extraverted Feeling (Fe) ***************************************** (41)
    excellent use
    introverted Feeling (Fi) ********************** (22.6)
    limited use

  2. #2
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    IEI? That would be (Ni) (Fe)

  3. #3
    ■■■■■■ Radio's Avatar
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    based our small interaction on the shoutbox, i think you could be INFj. </2c>
    Last edited by Radio; 01-03-2013 at 02:44 PM.

  4. #4
    Arete GuavaDrunk's Avatar
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    No questions or typings atm, but I like your answers.
    Reason is a whore.

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    Thanks for the input so far.

    One of the biggest hurdles has been trying to ascertain whether my dominant function is extraverted or introverted... I seem to straddle the line. For example, if I go a couple of days without seeing anybody I start to go up the wall. Conversely, if I spend more than 2-3 consecutive days actively socialising in my free time, I quickly become ratty and begin to seek solitude. My fiancé is and I struggle like all hell keeping up with her. Thankfully, she's extremely understanding (and patient) so I'm allowed to say "Leave me the hell alone!" once or twice a week, at which point she backs off and gives me space.

    In spite of her leading with Te however, I find myself to be vastly more decisive in day to day situations. Also, I seem to be quicker at implementing a system to get something done. Quite often she'll say "Ok, we'll do A, then B and move on to C", at which point I'll say "Yes, I know - I've already figured it out. Stop farting about and let's do this". That said, she is incredible at planning long-term and then executing her plans. I'm far too 'go with the flow' in that respect, somewhat directionless and fanciful.

    Ni is certainly a possibility within me I suppose. I've always felt like an alien in this world, yet I'd say that I lack the depth (and focus) of a dominant Ni user. Or any introvert, for that matter.

    It has been suggested that I'm , but my 'feeling' function seems to drain me.

    Ach. Damned if I know.

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    One thing is for sure, that's a lot of text.

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    Yeah, sorry about that. I went on a bit of a ramble didn't I?

    Oh, and I assume that I do use Fe, not Fi - I seldom know how I feel about anything. I tend to not feel. At all.

    It's worrying.

  8. #8
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Ok, nothing you said is type related.

    Good news right.

    As for the bad news, well, there's very little really; just hand me a crystal ball and we'll be good.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    You may sound anyway you want or may actually be that way; you're just "self reporting" which means very little in my book; I need to know very specific things to type you. Some of these may involve a bit of probing...Galen will help me in that department, as I usually stay away from the actual actions of things. I just psychoanalyze.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  10. #10
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    ISTp is my first guess.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Of course I'm "Self reporting" - wasn't that the whole point of the exercise?

    The original questionnaire presented me with some hypothetical scenarios. I responded to them as I would (and have previously) in Real Life™. I also offered my interpretation of the picture I was provided with, which should (surely) offer some insight into how my brain absorbs and understands the world around me?

    If you feel that more probing is required, please feel free to probe away. Oh, and TiSe? Not a chance, sorry.

  12. #12
    Robot Assassin Pa3s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pmj View Post
    Oh, and TiSe? Not a chance, sorry.
    If you're referring to Maritsa's suggestion, that would be SiTe.
    „Man can do what he wants but he cannot want what he wants.“
    – Arthur Schopenhauer

  13. #13
    Killer of DJA's Fun fen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pmj View Post
    Oh, and I assume that I do use Fe, not Fi - I seldom know how I feel about anything. I tend to not feel. At all.

    It's worrying.
    This sounds E9 more than anything regarding Fe or Fi valuing.
    I feel the same but know I do not care for being expected to feign emotion that I do not feel -- therefore, I am not Fe valuing. Pretty short and terrible reason why though. Potentially wrong as well.

    You sound a lot like me when I was really depressed, back when i joined the forum.

    By the way, the bit about the car breaking down and you calming people down doesn't really indicate Fe or anything really. Just indicates you find you can think clearly in times of chaos, which is could be Ep temperament. Or something. But that's not Fe at all.
    And I would hide my face in you and you would hide your face in me, and nobody would ever see us any more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pa3s View Post
    If you're referring to Maritsa's suggestion, that would be SiTe.
    Apologies - I'm still adapting / getting used to Socionics. TiSe relates to that 'other' personality system

    Si is something I struggle greatly with. In fact, I can relate to descriptions of 'inferior Si' a great deal (sudden yet inaccurate focus on body; imagined sensations; hypochondria, etc). Also, I can't work with details. The database I mention in my OP failed to take off largely because I cannot handle even small amounts data. It is a great flaw of mine. If you present me with a spreadsheet which is populated with several columns of information, my brain locks up and farts. It's like I can't 'see' what's in front of me.

    Quote Originally Posted by fen View Post
    This sounds E9 more than anything regarding Fe or Fi valuing.
    I feel the same but know I do not care for being expected to feign emotion that I do not feel -- therefore, I am not Fe valuing. Pretty short and terrible reason why though. Potentially wrong as well.

    You sound a lot like me when I was really depressed, back when i joined the forum.

    By the way, the bit about the car breaking down and you calming people down doesn't really indicate Fe or anything really. Just indicates you find you can think clearly in times of chaos, which is could be Ep temperament. Or something. But that's not Fe at all.
    Enneagram type isn't something I've touched upon. I'll have a look now and see what results I get.

    The proposition that I'm an Fe user (people have even suggested dominant) doesn't sit well with me. My mother and one of my best friends are both Fe users.... and I am absolutely opposite to them. One of the very first (perhaps even the first) description of Fi I read noted that if a Fi child was asked to "Smile" or "Look pleased", they would respond with "Why? I don't want to." or something along those lines. That, right there, is me all over. Even as an adult. I am not comfortable with emotions or the displaying of them. The one exception to this rule is my fiancé, who I dote upon with uncharacteristic 'gushy-ness'. Thankfully, she's the same with me.

    Apart, we're both emotionally hard (but otherwise expressive) people.

    Again, thanks for the input - it is very much appreciated

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    If we were to travel cross-country in a car I would eventually throw your ass out onto a desolate stretch of highway. I look forward to determining the why of this in the course of examining your future posts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsy View Post

    If we were to travel cross-country in a car I would eventually throw your ass out onto a desolate stretch of highway. I look forward to determining the why of this in the course of examining your future posts.
    I've already analysed your posts, Captain Angry. You like to argue for the sake of it - you have erected a pedestal of intellectual prowess for yourself and you sit atop it, dispensing heated comments to those you see as 'lesser'. You ain't shit, boy.

    Enneagram Test Results

    The Enneagram is a personality system which divides the entire human personality into nine behavioral tendencies, this is your score on each...

    Type 1 Perfectionism |||||| 30%
    Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||| 46%
    Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||| 42%
    Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||| 42%
    Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||||| 58%
    Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||| 34%
    Type 7 Adventurousness |||| 18%
    Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||| 30%
    Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||| 62%

    type score type behavior motivation
    9 15 I must maintain peace/calm to survive.
    5 14 I must be knowledgeable to survive.
    2 11 I must be helpful and caring to survive.
    3 10 I must be impressive and attractive to survive.
    4 10 I must be unique/different to survive.
    6 8 I must be secure and safe to survive.
    1 7 I must be perfect and good to survive.
    8 7 I must be strong and in control to survive.
    7 4 I must be fun and entertained to survive.

    Your main type is Type 9
    Your variant stacking is spsosx
    Your level of health is below average, i.e. unhealthy
    Based on your health score you would benefit from working on your...
    physical health/fitness
    psychological health
    Your main type is which ever behavior you utilize most and/or prefer. Yourvariant reflects your scoring profile on all nine types: so = social variant (compliant, friendly), sx = sexual variant (assertive, intense), sp = self preservation variant (withdrawn, security seeking). For info on the flaws of the Enneagram system click here.

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    Socionics deathmatch continues.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by pmj View Post
    I've already analysed your posts, Captain Angry. You like to argue for the sake of it - you have erected a pedestal of intellectual prowess for yourself and you sit atop it, dispensing heated comments to those you see as 'lesser'. You ain't shit, boy.
    At ease, princess, that was just a hypothetical, not commentary on whether you're a "good" or "bad" person. We've got plenty of time to vivisect that later.

    As with other recent arrivals, I suggest you take a run past It deals mostly with theoretical fundamentals and is written by a bilingual chap who has read original texts, so it is a good ground-floor resource. It will also speed the time until you stop irritating people with Myers-Briggs garbage.

    GENERAL NOTICE: I've been nice for approximately one month now. You're all free to thank me for taking the trouble.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post

    Socionics deathmatch continues.
    Well, k0rpsy will make absolute statements without understanding the limitations of his dataset. It's the first crux of bad decision making. Not that we aren't all (including me) guilt of the same capital offense.

    In socionics future there will be war:

    Last edited by InvisibleJim; 01-04-2013 at 01:38 PM.

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    Jim, korpsey - you two make a wonderful couple.

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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pmj View Post
    The proposition that I'm an Fe user (people have even suggested dominant) doesn't sit well with me. My mother and one of my best friends are both Fe users.... and I am absolutely opposite to them. One of the very first (perhaps even the first) description of Fi I read noted that if a Fi child was asked to "Smile" or "Look pleased", they would respond with "Why? I don't want to." or something along those lines. That, right there, is me all over. Even as an adult. I am not comfortable with emotions or the displaying of them. The one exception to this rule is my fiancé, who I dote upon with uncharacteristic 'gushy-ness'. Thankfully, she's the same with me.
    This isn't a thing. I'm not saying some users don't do the elicit emotions thing but often this has nothing to do with or and more to do with mimicry of what they've experienced.
    I'm not sure which description you read but it might be a bad one written by one of the users in ages long past. This is one of those oft repeated things which I think really isn't qualified in most socionics descriptions.

    The forum has a good deal of descriptions that you can review.

    doms use emotionally pressure to get what they want, many of them don't really require other types to be expressive like they are. Their duals LXI:all have as a 5th function which means they're cold and stoic individuals who have a unconscious function as one of the weakest functions. This function is also accepting vs producing making LXI's a very stoic types.

    isn't necessarily the most overt displayer of emotions either, especially in 2nd function types, it is more subtle and controlled. Asking a individual to fake their super-id is pretty hard as this is a weak and unconscious region of the psyche.

    polrs are not necessarily as emotionless, just as say a polr SLE or ILE may have a great deal of casual relationships or engage a lot of sex seeking, people can engage in their weakest conscious function in a aggressive manner. Of course this is done generally in a neurotic manner.

  22. #22
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Sounds IJ overall IMO, perhaps LII? I know plenty of LIIs who are averse to smiling on command, etc, things that are stereotypically associated with Fe but not really a part of the information metabolism equation.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsy View Post
    At ease, princess, that was just a hypothetical, not commentary on whether you're a "good" or "bad" person. We've got plenty of time to vivisect that later.

    As with other recent arrivals, I suggest you take a run past It deals mostly with theoretical fundamentals and is written by a bilingual chap who has read original texts, so it is a good ground-floor resource. It will also speed the time until you stop irritating people with Myers-Briggs garbage.

    GENERAL NOTICE: I've been nice for approximately one month now. You're all free to thank me for taking the trouble.
    Thanks, cupcake. I'll be sure to peruse it at my earliest convenience.

    You have been of great assistance in spite of the fact that you are, quite obviously, a terrible person.

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    Going by this:

    I am obviously an irrational type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pmj View Post
    Going by this:

    I am obviously an irrational type.
    Imo IEE is a possibility

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    Quote Originally Posted by pmj View Post
    You have been of great assistance in spite of the fact that you are, quite obviously, a terrible person.
    Pleased to meat you.

    Quote Originally Posted by pmj View Post
    Going by this:

    I am obviously an irrational type.
    OK, so it's your present contention that you're an irrational type, i.e. temperamentally either IP or EP.

    With that in mind, the next page to read is this one:

    Once you've got the upshot of that, use a process of introspection to identify which of the IEs (information elements) are most prominent in your day-to-day cogitations and the ways in which they manifest. Also note which ones are most alien to your general thoughts and what makes them so. Try to look past momentary moods and behaviors to focus on identifying the salient and recurring cognitive patterns within your experience of the world.

    After that, review your findings on temperament and IEs as they're reflected in you, and consider their implications in light of the following:

    For broader background:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Sounds IJ overall IMO, perhaps LII? I know plenty of LIIs who are averse to smiling on command, etc, things that are stereotypically associated with Fe but not really a part of the information metabolism equation.
    it's probably best if you consider LIIs to be like that by default.


    the problem with people making associations like these is probably that it is insufficiently taken in account that people universally dislike being coerced into being a certain way, especially when it comes to qualitative matters. pretty braindead that such basic things fly under people's radars, when you think about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsy View Post
    *Loud rasp of exasperation*

    Damned if I know. I've had a pretty shitty weekend and I can't think straight. At a guess, I'd say EIE is getting close, sans the Extraverted Ethics. Don't get me wrong - I'm a decent guy and people seem to like me wherever I go (damned if I know why) but I certainly don't go out of my way for the assholes. Allow me to elaborate:

    EIEs are naturally animate and passionate and are skilled at generating liveliness and excitement.
    Nope. Too much like hard work - I'm far more reserved and relaxed.

    They believe that people need to be emotionally involved in life, not distant or indifferent to the important things that are happening.
    I'm distant and indifferent to most things in life. "None of the fucks were given this day" is one of my favourite sayings.

    EIEs are one of the most insightful types about the minds and inner workings of people, and as a result are likely to be skilled persuaders.
    That's true, actually. People are often dazzled, even deeply unsettled by how accurately I can read them. My LIE (ENTj, right?) fiancé is constantly "What the fuck"-ing at how I can read her. This ability is somewhat brutal. I feel as though I'm breaking through a person's psychic barrier and reading whatever lies within. I startle myself with how I 'know' what I know, but it has been an inherent part of me for a very long time. Basically, you can't pull the wool over my eyes. Not a chance; it doesn't matter how skilled you are at hiding your thoughts, feelings or emotions... I will uncover and expose them with a deadly efficiency and ruthless zeal. People are transparent to me.

    Time spent alone for the EIE is often spent thinking about how to better interact with close relationships, even when time spent in those relationships is not particularly pleasing. Even when the other individual is hostile, if the EIE judges them to be a friend they will act in a caring fashion and show affection to the other.
    Kinda true.

    Yeah, fuck it - a depressed, burnt out EIE.

    Job done

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    My inferior Ti will keep me searching.

    Believe me.

    I must know!

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    I need to get to the bottom of you, person!

    Ok let's deal with this thread because it's full of unnecessary clutter and it's making my head hurt.

    Nom, nom, nom....

    Choose one from each category...

    1. Do you tend to think as you're talking or think as you're quiet?
    2. Do you tend to share information about yourself while talking then later regret or look back and say you said too much, or do you hold back what you tell people, during an actual conversation, about you and what you've done, are, etc?
    3. How often do you explore the past and the future happenings of things? What are these things in regards to? Please give a scenario.
    4. When an action needs to be taken do you often pursue it with the thought of what effect it may have on others? Give an example of an action you took, last time.
    5. When does house work need to be done for you? When is the impetus to act?
    6. If a friend raises an issue and says something awkward and not typical of their behavior and just leaves to do something else..what do you do?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa Darmandzhyan View Post
    I need to get to the bottom of you, person!

    Ok let's deal with this thread because it's full of unnecessary clutter and it's making my head hurt.

    Nom, nom, nom....

    Choose one from each category...
    What categories?! I see only a bunch of questions with no inherent connection to one another. Thus, I shall answer them individually and as accurately as I can.

    1. Do you tend to think as you're talking or think as you're quiet?
    Both. Probably in almost equal measure.

    I have (embarrassingly) held a monologue with myself numerous times whilst driving somewhere, though. I find that talking through my problems, even if no other person is present, helps me to clear my head. I certainly solve problems and find solutions by talking to other people, though I also appreciate solitude and the chance to reflect. Some problems I solve simply by sleeping on them; when I awaken, it isn't uncommon for a sudden sense of euphoria to sweep over me. As that passes, I am left with often crystal-clear insights into whatever is bothering me. Apparently that's a Ni thing, though I'm not entirely sold on that.

    2. Do you tend to share information about yourself while talking then later regret or look back and say you said too much, or do you hold back what you tell people, during an actual conversation, about you and what you've done, are, etc?
    Oh, I am very much an open book. I've learned to reel it in a little (having been burnt several times in the past) but my general approach to life / people is "This is me. If you don't like what you see, get bent". I wear my heart on my sleeve.

    3. How often do you explore the past and the future happenings of things? What are these things in regards to? Please give a scenario.
    Sorry, I'm finding this question a little vague. In my defence, I've had an incredibly shit day.

    I'm not sure that I ever do explore the past, looking up articles pertaining to history aside... but that doesn't happen regularly. I experience the past as an abstract; vague overtones of emotions, feelings of warmth and happiness, nostalgia and the like. I have a romantic notion of my youth - I had a great childhood. The world seemed like a magical place back then.

    Re: the future, *shrug*.

    I can't plan my life for shit, so in that respect I'm incredibly short sighted. That said, I tend to see future trends long before my peers do. I get 'hunches' about things that will come to pass... whilst I'm not always correct, I'm rarely far from the truth. This understanding (if you will), this 'perception' of what will come to fruition... eh. It isn't something I can put into words. It's almost like an intricate web of ideas, yet I can experience it as a whole in a brief, powerful moment. I can't put it in to words. It's frustrating.

    Moving on...

    4. When an action needs to be taken do you often pursue it with the thought of what effect it may have on others? Give an example of an action you took, last time.
    I'm a person that prefers inaction. I only spring in to action when a crisis rears its head - I'm extremely good at keeping my cool and nailing things down during a situation that has everyone else losing their marbles. I tend to act when somebody (a friend, a colleague, whatever) becomes so stressed out that they lose sight of themselves or what they're doing. I'm the sort of person that will make them a cup of coffee and say "Look, chill out - I got this", then do whatever needs doing. I am especially good at mediating people and their moods. "Spinning plates", as I call it.

    5. When does house work need to be done for you? When is the impetus to act?
    Your words are foreign and strange to me.

    Sometimes I'll clean up I'm expecting guests. More often than not, I'll think about cleaning up and then completely fail to do so. So long as I personally am squeaky clean (and I am - I have nigh on OCD levels of hygiene) I don't care too much about my environment. So long as it isn't a complete shit tip, I'll get by.

    I'm bad with all maintenance tasks, though. I regularly pay bills at the last minute, I forget to renew tax on my car, I forget to service my car... hell, I bought my last car in about July. I've cleaned it once since then (the week I bought it). I just can't be arsed.

    6. If a friend raises an issue and says something awkward and not typical of their behavior and just leaves to do something else..what do you do?

    Broad question.

    Firstly, I'd ascertain the source of their behaviour. Are they stressed? Are they being instructed to raise the issue by someone else? Tired? Is their issue even valid? Etc.

    If it's a valid issue and they're straight up stressed with me, I'd apologise and make sure I didn't cause that stress again. I'm typically a very accommodating person though, so it's a very unlikely scenario in the first place.

    Those answers probably aren't too helpful. My apologies - I'm so tired my brain is burning.

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    I just got linked to an 'in depth' test, so I did it (bored):

    Test Results

    Your Sociotype: EIE-2Ni (ENFj)

    Brief Description of the EIE

    Using extroverted feeling as his base function and introverted intuition as his creative, the EIE excels at understanding people's strengths and potential. By intstinctively picking up on people's emotional states, the EIE can often accurately judge the psychological distance between a group of people. When socializing, the EIE uses this ability to determine ways in which he can encourage outsiders to participate in the group. The EIE has a propensity for edgy or direct commentary that is effective at breaking the ice. At his best, the EIE's understanding of people's strengths and interaction makes him a good leader and he can effectively put each person to their highest valued use. At his worst, the EIE's openness can lead him to easily get hurt by others and the EIE is not likely to forget these transgressions quickly or easily. Furthermore, remarks that were neither meant to be personal or insulting are often mistaken by the EIE as such. Overall, the EIE will often be a driving force of change in his world, and the EIE naturally seeks and accepts leadership roles that help him accomplish this. Learn more about the EIE here!Other Possible Types

    1. IEI (INFp): 92% as likely as EIE.
    2. LIE (ENTj): 92% as likely as EIE.
    3. EII (INFj): 80% as likely as EIE.

    Sociotype Characteristics

    Small Groups First Tier Dichotomies Second Tier Dichotomies Third Tier Dichotomies Fourth Tier Dichotomies
    • Quadra: Beta
    • Club: Humanitarians
    • Temperament: EJ
    • Romance Styles:
      1. Primary: Victim
      2. Secondary: Caregiver

    Model A Function Strengths and Values

    You Ideal Dual
    Function Information Element Relative Strength Relative Value Information Element Relative Strength Relative Value
    1. Leading








  34. #34
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa Darmandzhyan View Post
    You may sound anyway you want or may actually be that way; you're just "self reporting" which means very little in my book; I need to know very specific things to type you. Some of these may involve a bit of probing...Galen will help me in that department, as I usually stay away from the actual actions of things. I just psychoanalyze.
    The hell? I'm not doing shit for you, piss off.

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    I lolled.

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    Maritsa psychoanalyses? That's news to me. After the round head = SEE and Looks like Jadae = LSE (when clearly not LSE) incidents I think not. Physiognamy of the most vulgar and banal calibre.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pmj View Post
    That's true, actually. People are often dazzled, even deeply unsettled by how accurately I can read them. My LIE (ENTj, right?) fiancé is constantly "What the fuck"-ing at how I can read her. This ability is somewhat brutal. I feel as though I'm breaking through a person's psychic barrier and reading whatever lies within. I startle myself with how I 'know' what I know, but it has been an inherent part of me for a very long time. Basically, you can't pull the wool over my eyes. Not a chance; it doesn't matter how skilled you are at hiding your thoughts, feelings or emotions... I will uncover and expose them with a deadly efficiency and ruthless zeal. People are transparent to me.
    I relate to a fair amount of what you have written so far but in particular to the above. Some people think that I am reading their soul or can see all of their hidden secrets, the truth is more that I am just very clued on to all of the possible meanings, connections, thoughts, behaviours & consequences of most things in the realm of people.

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    The part about your euphoric reaction to the image reminded me of the part of Jung's Ni description where he states that Ni doesn't feel the sensation of pain, but instead sees an image of what could be causing the pain, like a stake driving into one's stomach. something like that anyways. You visualize extensively beyond what's actually perceived.
    Fe because you just sound Fe. *shrugs*

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    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleJim View Post
    Maritsa psychoanalyses? That's news to me. After the round head = SEE and Looks like Jadae = LSE (when clearly not LSE) incidents I think not. Physiognamy of the most vulgar and banal calibre.
    Why do you think he's not LSE?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    The hell? I'm not doing shit for you, piss off.
    Galen, you found me
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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