Quote Originally Posted by Agarina View Post
Yeah, well, I'm not saying every Fe/Ti acts like that or that any Fi&Te couldn't. I'm also not saying that sort of behaviour is bad or good per se, it's all a matter of how people feel about it. I can totally understand why someone like Aqua could think having to ask for a permission to borrow something relatively unimportant, for example, would be a waste of time/a sign of mistrust/nitpicking/whatever. This is not meant to be an attack towards non-Fi-valuers. It's merely a personal observation on how people from different quadras seem to often act/feel differently about boundaries and how this can cause misunderstandings and conflicts. I'm not generalizing anyone's behaviour over all Fe/Ti-people, I used Aqua&my mom as examples of something I've seen in a lot of people. This includes folks that aren't ILE or EIE. I'm sorry if I sounded overtly aggressive or something. I clearly need to put more effort into shaping my posts.
Oh, you didn't sound aggressive at all I am always sceptical towards generalizations, weak . I just think peoples behaviour and circumstances maybe vary too much in this case.