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Thread: Practical application of horizontal blocks Model A

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    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    Default Practical application of horizontal blocks Model A

    Hi! The original article is here: Practical application of horizontal blocks in Model A

    I think this is one of the best and most useful articles I've ever read.

    It's a very down-to-earth, practical guide to how the blocks manifest themselves in people. For example, sometimes the superego is emphasized, this leads to certain behaviour etc. This article is not theoretical, it links socionics to life.

    I wanted to translate it, but it's too much for me alone. Is someone interested in translating this article with me? There are 4 sections, (ego, superego, superid, id). If 4 people could take one section each, the work would be much easier and faster. The problem is that it is difficult to stay motivated if the text is over-whelming. But with shorter texts, at least you can see the end.

    It's a lot of work. You need to start with the machine translation, then use online dictionaries and just generally google your way forward. You will probably need to read the chyrillic alphabet, but it's not hard to learn the basics. It's also good if you have some Russian speaking people you can ask when you get stuck. Or find some Russians online to help with some words, it shouldn't be too hard, though. It doesn't hurt to have some previous experience with translation. But it shouldn't take too long. I think a few weeks or a month should be enough depending on how much time you have.

    I think this article could fill a gap, and help people learning socionics better.

    Please answer if you are interested. Please don't troll, I am trying to be productive for a change Thanks to K0rpsy and Eliza for the idea.

    I even made a summary, look!

    Quote Originally Posted by Summary
    Practical application of horizontal blocks Model A
    Prokofiev TN Devyatkin A., Y. Isayev

    The article deals with the practical application of knowledge of the horizontal blocks in model A. It describes the consequences of neglect or excessive attention to a particular unit. The article includes a discussion of the topic at a scientific seminar Institute of Socionics.

    In this article we will not in detail examine the operation of each function, instead it will focus on horizontal blocks.
    What happens when a person underestimates the value of the block? What happens when it is it overrated? How is he then perceived by others? What are the pitfalls? And what can be achieved by using a horizontal block, what can be done?
    Knowing model A and the specifics of each unit, we can more effectively use them as a tool to achieve goals. Goals are different: personal life, profession, creativity, personal growth ... and knowing the proper tools, it is much simpler and easier to achieve them.
    We start with the structure. The horizontal blocks in Model A are four: the ego, the superego and the id SuperID. They are needed for different tasks.

    Ego. Block of decision-making power of creativity
    Block of strong conscious functions needed in the first place to make decisions. For thinking and reflection, for setting objectives and the choice of means to achieve them. To select a profession.

    Superego. Unit of social adaptation, the unit of conscience
    Block of conscious but weak features. Needs to communicate with society for social adaptation, in order to fit into a particular group, to get feedback, and to not get "carried away" by the strong features.

    Superid. Block of desires, "antisovest" [anti-consciens?]
    Block of desires, motivation, weak unconscious functions. It needs support, pleasant assistance. Here we are trusting and communicate with the world at the level of the child's perception.

    Id. Block of everyday work
    Block of everyday work. Strong unconscious functions. Responsible for the "connection to the earth". If the "head" (EGO) is ideas, thoughts, and even wool-gathering [head in the clouds], the Id works directly on reality. "Online" with the physical world.

    Ego states - a term coined by Eric Berne. Bern identifies three states: Parent, Adult, Child.
    Adult: a state where we do not have a biased approach, but well analyze information, consider the accounts and make a decision. I.e. it is "cool computer."
    Parent : education, care. Teaches you how to act in a particular society. Protects, monitors the state (including moral).
    The child - the very emotional being, which is naughty, mischief, rejoice. The source of energy for spontaneous creativity. Is is also responsible for liaison with the mystical region as the collective unconscious, (KG Jung). I.e. area of speculation, insights, epiphanies.


    Linked to the state of " adult". An "unemotional computer" which believes the situation and takes a decision, regardless of what features it has. Good - bad, unethical - not ethical, moral - immoral, profitable - not profitable, true - false, depending on what features it has, then he thinks.
    The modal verb "to know".
    The level of communication: intellectual. The unit works when we try to understand the fact that people tell us, do we try to convey adequately the thought, the idea. That's it - the intellectual level.
    The functions of this unit are required to achieve success. In order to "break through" to be a mainstay in unexpected situations, difficult situations. Where it is difficult to consider all factors in advance.


    competent decision-making. Cool-headed computer. Through non-judgemental analysis can take a much more accurate solution than the other blocks.

    report important information. To convey information more fully, reasonably, confidently.

    comprehension. Understand what was happening, as it happens, how it will affect me, other people.

    Selection of goals and means of achieving them. Where we are confident in our knowledge, where we can better understand the limits of our knowledge, there we can adequately set goals. Decide what method we will reach them.

    Realization of the individual. This can be understood in different ways, but in this context it means first of all the implementation of work, achieving creative results. Not just a dreamer, a "Oblomov", who did not realize himself as a creative person: ideas, but they were not implemented. No, here we are talking about productive work that brings results.

    If this unit is at the extremes, there are two options

    Revaluation , the metaphor of "tadpole."

    Man is based on an analytical approach to life and to the world. Believes that all can be understood by the head. That he can live only for money. It helps him somewhere, somewhere way. For example, because of undervalued feelings, relationships, joy his life can be very correct and effective, but painfully boring.

    Underestimation , the metaphor of "no king in my head."

    Man, on the contrary, believes that one must live exclusively on feelings. Not inclined to think about his decisions, is not responsible for his deeds and actions, believes that one must live in obedience to the senses, on impulse. It "just happened". This approach is seen in people with underrated EGO.

    Now, examples of how it can work

    Report important information

    SEI is required to bring his idea to his boss for the forthcoming event. So he builds his message, focusing on comfort and emotional state of the organizers and participants.

    If Dumas says that "it is analyzed, it is advantageous," etc., then he will not feel at ease, and so his words will sound hollow. Even if in fact all is true, as he says. Conclusion: providing important information, say it in his own words, "play at home" to make him feel good about himself.

    Switching state

    ILE is required to make an important decision. To put himself to the status of "adult", he begins to mentally pronounce the EGO and consider the issue from the point of view of options, general rules, sequences and logical connections.

    Implementation of creative, active delivery of results

    The choice of ends and means

    ILI wants to organize a convenient schedule. He looks at his future works, and employees, organizes them by priority and urgency, delegates responsibility, designate time, monitors the results.


    The state of " parent upbringing".
    Social level. The modal verb " should ".
    Problem - avoiding mishaps.
    Where we are easily wounded. Where "a danger foreseen is half avoided". Where to prepare in advance, to create a "plan B", and so on.


    Social adjustment. How to fit into the team, what's accepted. Block of conscience. Conscience, joint management, knowledge. What people agree on. Social norm. The unit is needed to keep track of these social norms.
    Presentation of the results.
    Speech to the audience, self-presentation.
    Image. That is why we will be accepted or rejected. As we are ourselves.
    Survival in unusual conditions. When conditions change, we need to learn.

    Why is this unit a problem? Strong functions process information better. Superego functions have on the one hand the moment of pain, on the other - sensitivity. As soon as you start to do the wrong thing at the Superego you immediately feel - "Yeah, we ought to step back."

    - And as it is, to present the results of superego?
    Well, you've done a creative thing, and then for people to accept it, must take into account the wishes of the people. And how to take them into account? By Superego, because that's where we jointly know how people are tuned.

    - If you go with pure ego, people may not understand.
    Sure. For example, a musician wrote a brilliant song, picked up his guitar and went to the subway to play it. And there the children shout, people going to work, will they hear it? He needs to submit the results of his work in a way that's socially approved. Otherwise he's a mad scientist type.


    If a person overestimates the Superego, ie believes that it is very important and this is most important, he is a slave to public opinion, he gives much attention to this issue. The metaphor of "Man of the crowd." It goes to the detriment of their own thinking, life motto is "necessary", depersonalization. Very important: a man who is forced to indefinitely hold a person - is essentially a man without a face. If we think only of how to keep the person, the face is "general" we're losing him. "I like everything."

    Underestimation - on the contrary. Social face does not matter, "I am an anarchist, a rebel, I do not fit into society." The image of "marginal." Problems with socialization.

    - And if in this aspect to consider sub-cultures?
    Social level is always oriented to the social environment in which the person is located. If he's in his subculture - where he his, where he is acceptable and accepted. As soon as he moved out of his subculture into a common culture, he becomes a stranger. So a person needs to know if it goes in your community.
    Zone rules rather wide, allowing to show individuality, but without going over a certain limit.

    - And what about the music subcultures, whose purpose is to go against social norms?
    That is their norm. Adoption or rejection of social norms - the work is still at the level of the superego. Often "go against the social norms" is an attempt to impose their own rules, rather than the existing ones.

    - And if the situation when a person overestimates Superego and still works for the ego?
    He is afraid to show his creativity.


    Net, in the new situation

    LII is preparing to go to a meeting in his new company. To feel confident, he learns from mutual friends about what uniforms are adopted in the company, and at what distance people prefer to communicate.

    Armed with this information he can for himself comfortable "fit". In the Superego block we must show that we are OK. We are normal.

    Preparation of an important speech

    ESE will make a presentation of a new product. To simplify his statement, he had already prepared booklets with information about the terms and pricing, that also reflects the information on the slides. This allows him to focus on issues of comfort and motivation of the participants, without losing information content.

    He showed that, "Yes, these are the questions we are also viewed, we are all right, here's the numbers, here are the facts."

    We must prepare for uncomfortable questions. "Yeah, this question is not convenient for me, so I prepared for it". Stock of jokes on the subject, harvested answers. " And then people have no place to complain about, we have covered for our weaknesses, and can continue using strong functions.
    To give the content of the ego. Start presentation on role to establish contact. And at home, prepare yourself for PoLR. And then we have the whole mental block included.

    Image creation

    Using the superego to create an image.

    Adaptation in society, taking requirements into account

    SLI has a new job. He examines the history of the company, preparing resumes, which reflects professional experience. Thinks, what words will appeal to new employees as they are to win (compliments, polite words, "small pleasures").


    Status of the child . Gives joy, emotion, interest in life itself. Source of desires, spontaneous activity, creative impulses. Responsible for closeness and affection.
    At the same time the most intimate and defenseless link. "The child is easily offended."
    Psychological level. Communication at close range, trust and "disclosure of the soul."
    Strategy to avoid failure: It is important not so much take precausions as to set personal barriers. To not come and spit in the soul.
    Imagine advertising "only here and only now you can buy" superhrenorezku "$ 99. 99c!"


    - Rest and recuperation. The functions in SUPERID work to create a good rest.
    - The motivation to work.
    -The ability to love and be loved.
    -Ability to accept support. As a separate task, because the support is not always easy to take. People able and willing to provide it, but the person doesn't accept it.
    -Ability to enjoy life. Without SUPERID it's difficult to enjoy life.

    - There is a concept of "psychological stroking" is probably on the most suggestive it true?
    SuperID on the whole. For both functions.



    "I want, I want, I want!". You can even see a childlike voice, behavior, inflated lips. Or even without inflating the lips, a serious subject speaks in a high voice.

    When underestimated a person does not have enough love in the first place to himself. Therefore, various methods of increasing self-love are welcome. One of them - an exercise "inventory" when we make ourselves compliments on our personal qualities: "I have a talent, I have a look, I have the skills, and so on." Very often these people outwardly show selfishness as if they love themselves very well and they do not care about others.

    Weak functions show us our weaknesses. For if we believe that our possibilities are endless, and that we can all do everything, without rest and without counting the forces, it's just pride. It doesn't do any good. The moment of pride is to prevent support. In contrast to the "Infantile", who only makes that takes the support of its demands, begging.

    Examples of application


    (SLE) , to recuperate, at lunchtime sets itself rhythmic, lively music and goes to the next compartment to listen to a couple of fresh anecdotes.
    This is for Zhukov - literate rest. It is clear that for Balzac it will not be competent rest, it requires a different way.

    Choosing a gift

    (SEE) , preparing a gift for a friend * / (ILI) , finds an old school photograph, which shows their friendly company, it prints on high quality paper and place in a gilded frame.
    There is a moment of beauty, design, real incarnation. And the time of the relationship.

    The motivation to work

    To find love


    The state of "concerned parents" who is committed to feed, drink, provides physical comfort, safety.
    Strategy for success, to which you can rely on, which can be translated into real life in the real world.
    Here the responsibility for themselves, and for that not to do to others what you yourself do not want. Alignment, "turn signal switch" time to let other people know what to expect from you.
    Ie the ability to "not elbow" if for some reason we have to be in the same team, physically located close by.


    Everyday work.

    The embodiment of ideas.


    Solving everyday problems.

    To be "in the same boat," the ability to live side-by-side with others. No elbow. Collaboration. Respect for the rights and duties.
    Quality of life. That physical existence.


    Reassessment . The physical layer is placed at the forefront. Physical wealth, accumulation of material resources. Here remember about your body, of your physical comfort, that I was well. The only other overlooked.

    Underestimation. Man underestimates physical component of life, says that it is not important, it's all the worldly, carnal, etc. Can be illustrated by the situation when a neighbor took all the space, and the poor, thin, "incorporeal" neighbor has nowhere to live, all the space is occupied. And even such a simple action to take and how to buy your furniture and put it in the common kitchen, it's hard to even be hesitant people.

    Examples of application

    Reality Check

    Concentration and mobilization

    (LSI) , feeling that he has difficulty with the focus on to its mission, he made ​​himself some hot tea, settles into a chair back, reminds himself of the losses he had incurred, if the problem is resolved, and that the most effective method for its solution in his hands.

    "In the same boat"

    (ESE) wants to establish a relationship with an old mom. He comes to visit, helping to make the hard work to clean and decorate the apartment, gives gifts, said kind words, talking heart to heart.
    Then the relations are improving, regardless of the type of mother. He can give it easily.

    Quality of life

    (EII) feeling that life is wrong, says compliments your family, planning holidays and trips to the theater, tracks memorials and creates moments of shared joy.
    - But if Don Quixote "in the same boat" at work, how? That's not like him to people at the next table, sloppy, which is also his things he puts on the table.
    Time and action. Useful and appropriate action, and time - fast. Imagine that put the cup on the table - it can quickly whisk.

    This is the physical layer, it does not speak.
    Last edited by Nowisthetime; 11-25-2012 at 05:36 PM.

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    Hi, cool. I've been pondering blocked functions recently, esp. in light of Olga's articles on TPE, so this provides food for thought.

    Also, my idea was simply about bypassing wishful thinking in favor of taking constructive action, which is what you've done. Double guns.

  3. #3
    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    Comment to the Ego section:

    Talking about "cool computer" or "analytical" refers both to ethical and logical types when Ego is emphasized. An ethical type will carefully consider the situation and what feelings to apply etc. On the other hand "living on feeling", "things just happen", is also referring both to ethical and logical types when Ego is "undervalued". (this is mentioned in the original article, but not in my summary). I think this is pretty easy to see in real life.

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    Thank you for this useful post. What I find most useful is in clarifying my own issues with quasi-identical LII and ILI differentiation; that being that an ILI is a natural scheduler whereas LII is a natural at maintaining appropriate interaction in the workplace.

    In fact considering the 8 potential blocks

    TeNi - TeSi - TiNe - TiSe - FeNi - FeSi - FiSe -FiNe

    I wonder if we can agree archetypes which explain these in action depending upon their functional position in the psyche. This was a very popular topic of discussion on PersonalityNation before it exploded.
    Last edited by InvisibleJim; 11-25-2012 at 07:09 PM.

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    I enjoy translating! I'm willing to help out. I like changing scholarly text into natural, readable language.

    If you give me a section of text, I can provide a example of how I'd render the text in English.

  6. #6
    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djriverside View Post
    I enjoy translating! I'm willing to help out. I like changing scholarly text into natural, readable language.

    If you give me a section of text, I can provide a example of how I'd render the text in English.
    Great! Just run the whole thing through google chrome translator or some other machine translator and pic the section you would like to translate. Ego, superego, superid or id. Each section is fairly short so it shouldn't be too overwhelming. Tell me the section you want to translate, I might have some additional information to help you since I've done some working on the whole text.

    I hope you have time to read through the whole article before you start.

    The text uses some Russian expressions occasionally, you have to check them separately online to get the meaning. The machine translation doesn't "get" them.
    Also be critical of the machine translation, sometimes it sounds good, but is not so good. You have to double check with online dictionaries.
    Remember that the copula verb is often left out in Russian (and also in the machine translation), "Socionics - great theory" would be "Socionics is a great theory" and so on.

    (I just assumed that you don't know Russian)

    If you take one section, I will take another one and we'll have half the article translated already.

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    Alright, Nowisthetime. I've already encountered some words in the article that don't cleanly translate, and I've used the Reverso online dictionary to look them up. How about I begin work on the Ego section?

    (Your assumption that I don't know Russian is correct, by the way. Thank you for the tip on copula.)
    A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the luster of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts; they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty. —RALPH WALDO EMERSON

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    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djriverside View Post
    Alright, Nowisthetime. I've already encountered some words in the article that don't cleanly translate, and I've used the Reverso online dictionary to look them up. How about I begin work on the Ego section?

    (Your assumption that I don't know Russian is correct, by the way. Thank you for the tip on copula.)
    There where some odd things in the machine translation of the Ego section:

    Man, on the contrary, believes that one must live exclusively feelings head invented pants.
    Some badly translated expression? I don't know.

    "with podkovyrochkoy".
    I think it was in an expression meaning "asking a tricky question" or something like that.

    There were some other things also. But I don't know what they mean.

    I will take the superego section.

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