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Thread: Day Dreaming Makes People Unhappy

  1. #1
    Generator of Irony HandiAce's Avatar
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    Default Day Dreaming Makes People Unhappy

    I believe it. I get frustrated with myself at the end of the day for not doing something when my mind was holding me back.

    Absurd: You Ti dominants sure say things I don't really know where to put.
    labtard: fml
    Absurd: Hah.

  2. #2
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HandiAce View Post

    I believe it. I get frustrated with myself at the end of the day for not doing something when my mind was holding me back.
    Daydreaming is a form of creating and maintaining mental and emotional associations. It is used while putting short term memory into long term memory, it is used for beneficial purposes including soothing a tattered soul, finding hope in otherwise seemingly hopeless situations, Reminders of better times, and even as a way of figuring out which problems one might soon face as a result of current/past events, and ways to overcome them. It is also a primary natural motivating tool. (though if daydreaming of negatives, then obviously may lead to demotivation and depression)

    When humans learn they go through cycles of focused attention, followed by a daydreamy like state where associations to that information present themselves from past experiences, learnings, ideas, etc of the person's mind. This helps create pathways for that info to fit in to the person's current views/understandings related to the information. People who do not make use of this daydreaming state have greater difficulty remembering things.

    As with most things, daydreaming can be used to help...or to hinder.
    Kind of like it,s not guns that kill people, it's people that kill people.'s not spoons/forks that make people fat, yadda yadda.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  3. #3
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Nowhere in the article does it make any causal relationship between daydreaming and unhappiness, simply that they're correlated in some fashion. I figure lots of people retreat into daydreaming most often when the present task at hand is so mindnumbingly dull, so of course they'll say that they're unhappy in those states. Or if there's some more important task that should be taken care of but isn't, then that one will take greater mental precedence over whatever's going on right now. None of this is to say that the act of letting one's mind wander onto other non-present things intrinsically causes unhappiness.


    HEH. HEH.

  4. #4
    Forests Oaky's Avatar
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    My mind is like a transcendental dimensional vortex of unknown nothingness that teleports into universes where newtons laws of motion is replaced by the bitter taste of unsweetened coffee. im happy

  5. #5


    I think the right combination of day dreaming and action is important. Too much day dreaming and usually things start to grow stale and it becomes harder and harder and harder for me to enjoy it as much -- its under these conditions I tend to feel the most at peace simply being mobilized, in action, and working. Overtime this effect diminishes and then day dreaming occurs again. The entire cycle I find is important.

    My problem has never been this but really TIMING... how to align this type of cycle to society -- everything is extremely fast paced.

    To me everything feels shallow and like candy, instead of having a lush pear, you get a pear flavored jelly belly. Instead of a fresh orange, you get orange soda. Instead of some prophetic philosophy, some bullshitty news segment with an interview from a subject expert. Instead of quality art, you get pop music "candy". Instead of actual experiences and adventure, you get video games and amusement parks. Instead of actual challenges and the ability to master something, you get gold stars from teachers for doing some basic addition and pats on the back from coworkers for presenting something on power point. Instead of epic battle, you get to face down the douchebag flicking you off in traffic, or the local douchebag at some bar, or likewise.

    That's candy to me, its powerful and intense but it's artificial and short lived. I find it hard to maintain a long term focus in terms of dreams and reality, not because I personally lack the discipline but because it's still incredibly challenging for me to do so given environmental circumstances. It feels like everyone is vibrating around at a much faster frequency and just spastically running into one thing and then the other without any real long term focus. Much of the time it feels as though I'm watching other people like june bugs flying repetitively into walls -- and I don't mean for that to make me sound superior in the sense that I'm watching other people like inferior insects but I'm pretty much just paralyzed at life.... I sit around like a turtle analyzing stuff then I run out into the fray get my shell bombarded by a bunch of annoying ass june bugs and then return to analyzing. I'm still trying to find something to engage me back into the world of people and society that isn't more fucking candy. That's my problem is timing -- I haven't been able to catch the right train at the right opportunity.

    Anyways that's a little tangent... but my point is that it feels like the majority of "society" is focused on a quicker cycle of day dreaming and acting. People act only so much to accomplish minimal things to keep them surviving and maintain a facade to keep the whole illusion of a play alive. They are performers on a stage and they perform to prevent everyone from loosing morale and having their egos shattered. They intersperse this with day dreaming in a shallow, unrealistic, and overly idealistic way. They constantly have to perform because their candy artificial day dreams can never be manifested, and to accept this would shatter their morale, so they keep their head above water and do the song and dance, sing the same old tune of "tomorrow it's all going to happen for me -- you just wait!". Even in art where there are no boundaries by sensibilities -- I think people confront the same type of gravitation towards "candy" because flash is easier to create and market than substance which may be slow to take effect but intoxicates the soul. So by "unrealistic" I don't mean insensible I mean incapable of real manifestation, creation or action
    Last edited by male; 11-21-2012 at 01:39 AM.

  6. #6
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    daydreaming is fine if you're an artist like me. but it's important to also use a physical setting in art and also rules to stabilize the characters.

    doing things does give somebody self-confidence, however if you're just a human doing like if you just do chores and shit and basically are just a goyim slave for a jew entertainer than your life is bound to be gipped.

    yeah if you just daydream and live in your head that makes you very insecure, im still working on the action part of life but who are we to say that humans should be these practical/systemized things all the time? How crappy! A narcissistic CEO is going to ignore that anyway and daydream Hostress coproration into existance, and then try to blame all the problems on the workers to get off with all the cash so they can live in their own narcissistic paradise.

    God people suck sometimes but yeah.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    daydreaming is fine if you're an artist like me. but it's important to also use a physical setting in art and also rules to stabilize the characters.

    doing things does give somebody self-confidence, however if you're just a human doing like if you just do chores and shit and basically are just a goyim slave for a jew entertainer than your life is bound to be gipped.

    yeah if you just daydream and live in your head that makes you very insecure, im still working on the action part of life but who are we to say that humans should be these practical/systemized things all the time? How crappy! A narcissistic CEO is going to ignore that anyway and daydream Hostress coproration into existance, and then try to blame all the problems on the workers to get off with all the cash so they can live in their own narcissistic paradise.

    God people suck sometimes but yeah.
    I'd say the corporate dynamic is different, it's hard for a CEO to be successful if there isn't a good energy between people in the organization and that can be a hard goal to aim for -- ultimately rules and procedures take a backseat to the more organic human element. Not every company can consist of CEOs that do nothing but give orders and get paid -- every corporation has to be fueled by workers on the bottom and if they are exploited they will only do as much as you can squeeze out of them, and if you squeeze too much the entire thing will collapse. Ideally you don't want them to be exploited but happy -- which is hard considering the division between the top and bottom. Sometimes people have little confidence that people at the top really are the best and that they are at the bottom because they aren't that great. It's hard to keep that kind of productive mentality sustained, its almost impossible in my opinion if companies try to manufacturer this inspiration or mentality as something that is issued to employee. Ultimately people have to define their own goals themselves to be happy I think and this is were the corporate structure falters. Many people feel as though they are processed into their jobs and role in society and feel very little empowerment over their ability to develop in the ways they wish. Many people will even tell people that the own goals they've laid out in front of them aren't realistic and they should abandon them in place of more socially "normal" views. Like working an 8-5 job, being punctual all the time, buying stuff, having children.

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