Also cannot think when I'm hot. I just recently bought a home, and the only thing I really cared whether they fixed based on the inspection was that the AC was working properly.

Actually, there's a lot of things that interfere with being able to hear myself think that drive me nuts.
- being hungry
- buzzy or high pitched sounds, loud music
- my children arguing

I spend a lot of time making sure my environment is frictionless - engineering and reengineering smooth workflow in the kitchen, for example. Making sure I don't have to go around or step over things in commonly used pathways.

I find games (especially multi-user ones) annoying as well.

Despise TV. Rarely watch movies, even. They make me feel claustrophobic. Hate stuff on for "background noise", even a low radio. What is wrong with silence? It's beautiful!

Weird with the outdoors. I can enjoy it for a while, but after a while all the *sensations* get to me, especially wind. I just feel exhausted after an extended period outside. When I do exercise, though, my favorite is walking. I like to touch the trees as I pass them. I'm like a little kid with that too - I'm always running my hands on fences, etc. as I pass.

Love Sunday morning coffee and the paper. Total info junkie. Have 80 million magazines in the bathrooms.

Surprisingly superstitious. Not with traditional ones like black cats or ladders, but I get this weird feeling sometimes that the route I take to my destination will somehow change what will happen when I get there - like I can affect the outcome of my future.

Truly, truly, truly mortified if I incorrectly use [your, you're], [their, there, they're], and [it, it's].

Resist (procrastinate) getting into the shower, but always love it when I do.

Buy waaaaay too many books.