Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
If this is a "weird little things we do" type thread then I:

- always wipe the my knife on the mayonaise jar to make sure the excess stuff is preserved

--> Heh, I do that too. Actually I do that with just about any spread.

- calibrate the equalizer settings on my speakers based on the cd I am playing in order to bring out the tone in each song.

--> I don't mess with the settings (I'm pretty low tech). But I will have a tendency to listed to the same CD over and over again if I really like it. There are some CDs and songs I simply never get tired of.

- like ice cold milk

--> Same here

- always wash my dishes several hours after I eat.

--> This depends. Sometimes I wash them immediately, sometimes I wait a few hours. I hate having the dishes piled up too much or waiting several days to do them- then they're just gross. Also I wash all of my dishes by hand. I don't trust the dishwasher to do a good enough job. I also let the dishes, for the most part, air dry. This saves me some time.

- like the ambient peacefulness provided by light from lamps (I HATE Flourescent bulbs).

--> I don't really care one way or another.

- wiggle my toes inside my shoes

--> I'm sure I do this now and then but I don't really pay attention to it.

- can't stand the sound of cars driving by my house all night.

--> This doesn't really bother me unless I'm trying to sleep then it will. I don't usually hear the cars- I live in an apartment, not a house. But I can hear trains coming by (I live about five blocks from the railroad tracks) and this will bother me.

- like tomatos a lot

--> Me too. Plump, juicy, ripe ones are like heaven. But if they're not ripe enough or if they're too wrinkled, then they're gross.

I think that is enuff.