-I read very slowly. Usually 20-30 pages per hour. Much slower when it's something for school (studying). I don't like to skip sentences or words.
I can a whole book in about 20-30 minutes, that is a 600 page book; (20-30 pages an hour? I think you are sub vocalizing the text in your mind while reading, ehh? )

Knowing the tme is pointless to me; I have a clock in my room, but i only use it to measure intervals of time( and plus I is not even set to the right time)

I do not like change

my sleeping schedule is - every 4-5 hours i sleep about 30 minutes; if i skip a nap then i will become extremly tired, i fall into a deep sleep almost imediently after i fall alseep
i also have great memory of my dreams, and they are very vivid to me